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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. I find this thread disturbing, herme3, considering that you have led us to believe that you do IT work professionally for paying business clients. Why would you pay for a script that does not meet your needs and which you do not fully understand before asking for help? The only way you should be learning PHP and MySQL is by directly referencing the original documentation, and by using worked examples from places like codingforums.com, where everything you can think of has already been asked and answered. The manuals for PHP and MySQL are unfriendly at first, but if you use them properly you will quickly reap the rewards, I guarantee it. I haven't had "PHP programming classes" either but it's like a second language to me.
  2. Kind of. In Star Wars the holograms appear to be a "free standing" light projection, with only the outer surface of the object/s rendered in a semi-translucent state. Given that the projector is usually mounted on a droid or what have you, that the light beam from the projector is visibly coming from one direction only, and that there is no apparent display medium or means of controlling where the hologram appears (even though the light beam is divergent), it is quite a fanciful setup. We do have the capacity to make volumetric hologramatic projections, but afaik only within a specific medium and not in the air. There are also two-dimensional laser displays that allow the projection of a touch-reactive interface using nothing more sophisticated than a spray of mist as the "screen" - it won't be long before that technology is adapted for 3D displays.
  3. I don't think "staged" and "edited" mean the same thing.
  4. In that case, I am in YOUR bathroom wall too.
  5. What gave the game away? Was it the constant looping for the first 20 seconds, or the bit where she keeps holding the camera up while being throttled?
  6. He thinks it's just a bathroom mirror, but it's actually the observation window from which I stare at him and catalogue any deviation from his daily ablutions.
  7. Holograms do exist. This thread is about projected volumetric holograms, which are more sophisticated.
  8. I suspect that if the technology to produce such holograms exists, it is considerably much bulkier than the device in that video. Although that is not intended to detract from the quality of his effects.
  9. That's nothing. You should have seen what Nemo was doing with the swordfish.
  10. Because it is on YouTube, as opposed to the Journal of Applied Physics.
  11. Yes, but all I got was Captain Nemo. Perhaps I had the wrong kind of candles?
  12. I think this is an interesting speculation, so I hope it doesn't go too off-topic.
  13. Dodging the bullet, bowing out, abdicating, abstention... Call it whatever you like - it's just a basic failure to respond, which is not really a logical failing.
  14. This point has been shown to be irrelevant several times already. Talking about religion and philosophy in a suitable context has not been prohibited, and if you think that it has, then you are wrong.
  15. The structure is the same as every other default installation of Vb ever. Where is the problem? You have the "home" link in the top navigation bar, which gives you a list of all the forums, and an additional drop-down navigator at the bottom of thread/post pages. Possibly you are attempting to post in the P&R forum, which is now entirely closed and has no "new thread" buttons. The new thread buttons in open forums are usually located above and below the list of threads, on the left hand side. What do you mean by "ignored"?
  16. For the last time, P&R is not dead. Religious discussions are simply going elsewhere, and Philosophical discussions will most likely be given a new home here once we figure out the posting guidelines. Just wait, goddammit. Don't make me fetch the stick.
  17. "Religion and Politics" on the new web site ought to fix pretty much all of that.
  18. I am off to bed because I am almost literally almost dead from almost fatigue. Send me a PM to remind me to look for such wonderous plugins and I will do it tomorrow when I come online!
  19. Martin, this is an excellent idea and I am amazed nobody has thought of it before. I will see if there are any modules for VB that we can use to assist in such a scheme if you like.
  20. Creationists and IDers rarely post in the P&R forum. They usually go straight for the jugular (in their heads, anyway) and post in the evolution forum, creating new threads. I see no reason why this should not continue to be the trend, and we will continue to debate such matters into the dust in precisely the same manner that we always have. Maybe it should not be true, but it largely is. Well, now you're replacing scientific discussion with science again. We don't "do" science here, we talk about it, and we are not stopping the discussion of the implications of science on religion or vice versa in the appropriate context.
  21. Just to add to what Dave said... 1) We did consider having the P&R forum in a moderated state, like debates or announcements. However that would mean that the staff have to read every single post that goes in there and make a decision about what to do with it. From experience, I can tell you now that no matter the guidelines or what have you that you lay down, that invariably leads to people checking the post queue, realising that they can't be arsed making value judgements about complex issues, and slinking off to leave it for someone else. Someone who likely does the same thing. 2) When Dave says "if there is overwhelming support for a reopening, then it might happen", you can be sure that we will not accept "small number of vocal members in indignant backlash" as a substitute. Just so you all know. A lot of effort is being put into providing a new home for P&R, which is something that a small number of you either don't fully appreciate or are totally ignoring.
  22. Religion and politics may intersect at any time, this is a given. For those of you who wish to discuss a religious matter in the politics forum, and for whatever reason can't possibly wait a few days for the launch of our new religion sister site, here is an attempt to clarify the position. We are not interested in jumping at the throat of each and every post that mentions religion. What we don't want are discussions that revolve around religious matters. Clarification: religious discussion per se is no longer considered appropiate or desirable content for Science Forums dot Net. Debating theistic impacts on non-theistic topics is fine. If you are starting a thread, pay attention to the aspect of the topic that you emphasise when you make your points or ask your questions. Do you want to start a discussion about the politics of the scenario, or the religious implications? If the former, carry on. If the latter, rethink it. While any given matter of religion may be politically involved, this does not mean that the discussion of that subject will centre around such politics. You need to think about how the structure and angle of your post will influence the anticipated responses. If you are replying to a thread, consider the basis of your response. Does it provide commentary on a political function, or a religious one? There is nothing wrong with examining religious roles in a political scenario. That probably seems about as clear as mud. This is a difficult situation and it is not easy to define what is what, but lines need to be drawn somewhere. On the other hand, soon there will be a much more suitable home for all such discussions, and there won't be a problem any more. The bottom line is that if you are not careful about what you type (and this goes for all threads, in all forums), then you are creating additional work for the mods and admins, and forcing them to make value judgements that are unlikely to be either fully objective, or universally popular. That is easily avoided with a modicum of common sense. So be patient, and if in doubt... just ask.
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