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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. Aren't you going to give him any sort of warnings? That kind of advice gets people blinded
  2. How DARE you Sir. I, er, read it in a magazine. Wait until you are over there, then you can blame it on the seventeen caipirinahs you had when you landed, and the bewildering and massively unfair level of shaggableness among the Brazilians. That is the paradox of Brazil. I am missing it, but life is less bleak because I know it is there. One day I shall return. Soon I hope!
  3. Yes they are lovely, even the ones who aren't really ladies. Strangely though they don't seem to go in for waitressing, and most staff in the eateries are male. Go figure. Or go gay. Either will do. That's the best bit. British Citizens are exempt from standard visit visas.
  4. I would never use a false avatar, mine is quite definitely me.
  5. It seems like smug disdain rather than good old-fashioned dislike.
  6. Best. Restaurants. EVER. No, they are allowed guns on the understanding that they live in the favellas and only shoot each other.
  7. I don't know where to begin. It's... just... completely upside-down. The madness. The MADNESS! Winter gets as chillingly cold as the height of July in England. The moon is at 90 degrees. All-you-can-eat restaurants charge about £8 a head. Pizza comes without the tomato layer (much nicer) and may involve smarties or strawberries. The beach has its own laws. Poor people are better armed than the police.
  8. Ahhh, good old Jeremy... who won? What's your professional record?
  9. New Zealand or Brazil for me. Yeah baby. New Zealand seems like western civilisation as it should be, with a stonking great garden bolted onto it. Brazil is just a whole other world.
  10. The fastest developing area is Mixed Martial Arts (MMA). Ju Jitsu, Muay Thai, and wrestling are normally enough to ensure you can handle yourself in virtually any fight. Most fights end up being a big mess on the ground, so if you can speed that process up (ie flying knee to head, Muay Thai stylee) and then gain control of your opponent (ju jitsu & wrestling), you'll be the daddy. Failure of heart alert! Fetch the stick of incentive!
  11. Sayonara


    This thread is on 24hr suicide watch.
  12. New Zealand. Have my exit strategy all worked out
  13. This has been going on for a while. What the papers were saying today is that members of the Labour Party are trying to force Blair to publically confirm the date when he will step down.
  14. You clearly did not spend enough time on that site. More worryingly, you seem to be unable or unwilling to acknowledge the difference between "content" and "concept".
  15. It's possible, however unlikely, that a competitor has succesfully petitioned google and yahoo to de-index the site. I can't imagine how they would make a convincing argument though.
  16. In the context of the section I quoted, not the thread as a whole.
  17. I would have thought you'd see the relevance, seeing as it backs you up.
  18. I'll bet Trinity College are over the moon about this one.
  19. http://www.blackpeopleloveus.com/
  20. It seems to me, having reviewed the thread, that SkepticLance is making an argument from incredulity. There is no "certainty" here just because of the large figures involved. We can reasonably predict a large number of heads or tails during any series of billions of coin tosses, but that is because we understand the nature of coins and the factors involved that control the probabilities. We lack that understanding where galactic ecology is concerned.
  21. No. XHTML is delivered in three "flavours", and any one document can have only one flavour. The flavours are frameset, transitional, and strict. Strict XHTML is the most demanding in terms of having accurate and well-formed code. It is easiest to learn strict from the start, so that you quickly become familiar with the full requirements of XHTML. This will result in valid pages, simpler search engine optimisation, and easier adoption of XML when it takes over the planet. XHTML1 is basically HTML4, but with a couple of specific rules added, and several tags deprecated out of the specification. Don't buy a book. Use the specs on the w3's web site, or any of the totally free resources on the web. Why throw money away on something that is available for free? Photoshop is all very well' date=' but most designers like to know things like how to correct or manipulate the image maps and rollovers etc that ImageReady generates. You can't build a career in web design on the basis of the ability to use one proprietary package. What happens when the client asks you to design a Flash version of the site, that can interact with the back-end developer's PHP scripts? Or if they use an XML-XSLT pagemill? You should also consider that more than half the visual structure and decoration on any credible modern web document is done via CSS, which means the designer MUST understand the requisite concepts. I think when you hear "web design" you are probably thinking of a graphical designer, who happens to be working for a web project. Does that sound about right? It's a blurry line, because most designers have and use plenty of development skills, and probably vice versa. I would categorise a developer as someone whose role involves building web and server applications. That means that HTML and CSS (static or generated) are pretty much shared between developers and designers. I think it is important to remember here that "design" does not merely mean "arty farty drawing 'n' shit." A well designed site is one that has been structured and planned properly, uses intuitive workflows, and so on... there's a lot more to it than putting rounded corners on boxes and creating translucent buttons, and a good understanding of the applicable technologies is essential for anyone who wants to actually do it as a career. It's not like there is no competition.
  22. The resident experts do play a role other than just helping members. I have my eye on a particular member at the moment who I believe needs to be elevated to the heady levels of expertydom. Dave, bring forth the giant beer can!
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