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Quark (2/13)
With all we’ve covered and with all the research material we’ve engaged, I feel we’ve been distracted and we’re still missing the point. It’s all my fault. I allowed myself to be drawn into a discussion on how the concept I’ve introduced is somehow inconsistent with already modeled and already proven experimental theories. That is not true. In fact, what is presently being pursued in physics research is the basis for my theory which is directly consistent with all substantiated discovery. The sad thing is, some of my terminology has been inconsistent because of my limited understanding of some of the interrelated research pursuits. So if anything I have stated or suggested appears to be inconsistent it’s because my terminology has been imprecise, but the basic concept is still fully consistent. Please invest just a littlr time to review the material I have posted in this thread and I believe you will see this is true, Even though experiments are being done which could indicate the presence of such a field because electric and magnetic fields should affect certain types of observed interactions, all presently observed experimental interactions are actually attributable to the functional properties of the Ismer as defined, but are not recognized as such because the substance and presence of the actual EM energy field I have defined as an all pervading, massless, non-elastic, not having a static energy level and not universally at rest, Ismer, is not being looked for. I suggest that when pursued with the correct properties in the experimental model, the Ismer energy field will be discovered, and argue all you want, all its functional properties I have suggested will be confirmed. As I originally stated, as defined in my theory the Ismer is not measurable because it can have no propagation velocity of its own and no instrument has been invented that can directly measure the energy level of a field that is stationary relative to the sensing instrumentation. As suggested, the actual compositional configuration of the EM wave matrix in the Ismer field is virtually infinitely complex and yet to be modeled, but the fact is the radiated/propagated EM energy at all light frequencies is still there and as a function of EM wave interference that energy interacts creating a vector summed field as resultant of the superposition of all input EM energy while retaining fully incorpoated electric and magnetic components of that energy. So let us get back on track. In my next post I will begin a descriptive analysis of the electromagnetic mechanics of gravitational potential as enabled through the functional properties of the Ismer as defined. I will then go on to suggest the design of an experimental test platform for confirmation.
None of this is true. Please give me a chance to put together an appropriate reply. Number 1. The quantized ISMER energy field is not detectable with instruments that detect propagated EM energy, because the ISMER field as defined has no propagation velocity of its own, but as you pointed out in a previous post, (Quote) "experiments have already been done which would indicate the presence of such a field." So as a field, it has been seen. Number 2. Maxwell's equations are a set of four partial differential equations that relate the electric and magnetic fields to their sources, charge density and current density. As a function of EM wave interference the quantized ISMER field is resultant of the algebraic and vectoral summation of electromagnetic waves which are comprised of electric and magnetic fields, and will therefore follow Maxwell's equations. Number 3. As relating to Beer's law I have pointed out that moving out within the proximity boundary of prime source radiators the total energy level of the ISMER will decrease as a function of the 1/r^2 law which is what determines it's decreasing propagation impedence. Number 4. As being all pervading, I specifically stated that its the quantized ISMER field that's all pervasive, not the contributing propagated EM energy, and that's because the ISMER field is the wave interference summation of EM energy at every point in the total universal dimension, both external and internal to all material bodies.
Again, I fully agree. I did not mean to imply that a thousand word “legislative” document was what was needed. There may be more accurate jargon to compose my argument, but it does need to be mathematically defined and I not having a master’s degree in mathematics am not capable of that. This is why, even though I do understand the structure of models, I have not personally composed a definitive stand alone model, relying on the existing models I suggest are applicable. With appropriate models, I suggest a medium for the propagation of light has been discovered in the form of what has been described by those investigating quantum mechanics as a quantized EM field, that I have labeled an ISMER energy field, which is all pervading, massless, non-elastic, not universally at rest and not having a static energy level; and they didn’t know it because they weren’t even looking for it since they’ve all but dismissed even the existence of such a substance due to Einstein’s claim that an aether wasn’t necessary if you dismiss the necessity for absolute time in order to construct a model in his theory of special relativity without the incorrectly hypothesized infinitely elastic, static energy level and universally at rest aether, as a frame of reference. As I said earlier, I don’t believe there is any need to start from scratch to compose a model because current models can be incorporated to form an experimental model if properly assembled. No one has suggested tying the applicable models together as I have by incorporating a revised set of properties for the aether/ISMER as I have suggested. I suggest that when that is done it will all fit. With my patience in pursuing this train of speculative thought, and appreciation for your learned replies from a position of mathematical expertise, I am inviting you to join me in developing a calculable model. I will be more than thankful for your cooperation and you can share any recognition with me, because this will eventually be discovered to essentially be all I am suggesting, even though perhaps not perfectly worded at this time, and even more. I do not say that in a self aggrandizing or boastful manner in any way or to limit recognition, because there are many others too numerous to mention who are also eligible for recognition, all the way from Scottish theoretical physicist and mathematician James Clerk Maxwell to Dutch physicists Hendrik B. G. Casimir and Dirk Polder, and many others even before and after them. Whatever your response, thank you. Either way I will still go on to submit my analytical hypothesis on how the functional properties of the quantized ISMER field are what actually determine the mechanics of gravitational potential with a suggested design for an experimental test platform for theory verification.
Please read my remark again. All I was saying was that I was agreeing with you, because I had not claimed that this was limited to the visible spectrum either, and from the way you worded your comment I thought you were indicating that I had. You left the “as outlined above and further facilitated by an “over distance” redshift” tag off of that quote. One must review the “as outlined above” analytical terminology to understand that my suggestion is that the increasing light velocity is facilitated by the exponential decreasing of the ISMER propagation impedance due to a loss of energy within the quantized ISMER field as light traverses outward within the proximity boundary, and not just the loss of raw radiated energy. And you omitted my later remark "my suggestion is that the ISMER field does not directly depend on the proximity of source radiators, but is the product of all radiated EM energy from all sources, no matter what the proximity." I fully agree. Evidently the way I referred to the composition of the ISMER I wasn’t clear. The SMER field is not emitted radiation directly; it’s the result of emitted radiation from all sources converging at every point in the entire universal dimension that is algebraically and vectorally summated as a function of EM interference to form a quantized field. So the ISMER is that resultant field and it doesn’t depend on emitted radiation from any single source in the raw emitted state. And it’s that field that’s all pervading, because it’s not just emitted radiation from external sources directly, but the photon propagation within the mass as exited that comprises the ISMER field internal to the mass. And yes, the ISMER field will have an elevated energy level in close proximity to a prime source radiator because of the input from that source, but only as a function of the algebraic and vectoral summation of that energy with all other converging radiated energy. So again, it’s not just radiated energy from any particular body. To summarize this reply, this is why some legislative documents and some scientific papers require many pages with thousands of words to hopefully prevent any ambiguity for all who read to correctly ascertain. There are so many subtopics involved with this comprehensive hypothesis, it’s very difficult to make sure that every detail is perfectly stated with no ambiguity. So with that in mind, another way of analytically defining the substance and resultant energy level of the all pervading quantized ISMER field would be to say that as a function of wave interference, all contributing source radiation comprising the Ismer, both internal and external to all source radiators, will interweave and reflect within itself within any particular region of the universal domain to form the composite structure and average energy level of the ISMER throughout that domain, having no radiated energy of its own. From a quantum hydrodynamics superfluidity analysis, the quantized all pervading field is analogous to a fluidal sea and all bodies are as energy radiating sponges with the quantized fluid of the ISMER engulfing and saturating all the sponges.
I really appreciate your replies because with my limited experience, my analytical terminology is not always the most up to date, and by your remarks I am directed to the appropriate research material for review. I did not suggest that the ISMER field depends on the proximity to radiators, or that radiation is all-pervasive, or that the speed of light is affected by emitted radiation, and I did not anywhere say that the variation in EM energy density between day and night was limited to the visible portion of the spectrum. None of those remarks were indicative of what I actually said, so as indicated by those remarks, there must be a breakdown in communication. In reality there is no variance in our respective remarks, so let’s start over. What you said, in the way you said it, is fundamentally true, but what you said is not what I had suggested. If we don’t get our message straight, a lot of viewers are going to be greatly disappointed. We were on a good track but all of a sudden everything I had previously suggested was turned around and most of what had been gained was lost. If all you wrote in your last reply was actually what I had previously suggested, you’re right, my hypothesis would be wrong, but none of that is true. First of all, I did not suggest that radiation is all-pervasive, but that the quantized ISMER field is all pervasive. Second, I did not suggest that the speed of light is affected by emitted radiation directly, but that the speed of light is determined by the propagation impedance of the quantized ISMER field as inversely proportional to its energy level. Third, my suggestion is that the ISMER field does not directly depend on the proximity of source radiators, but is the product of all radiated EM energy from all sources, no matter what the proximity. As for the 1/r^2 law, the energy level of the ISMER field is affected by the intensity of the radiation which I indicated when I specifically suggested that traversing outward from the source within the proximity boundary, the energy level and thereby the propagation impedance of the ISMER will be decreasing at a rate proportional to the inverse square function of the distance from the source. Of prime consideration at this juncture is; what are the contributing factors that determine the energy level of the quantized ISMER field, because that is what I suggest determines the speed of light? As for the variation of EM energy density between day and night, from what you say you seem to think that the visible portion from our Sun should be considered a prime factor in determining the energy level of the ISMER. At every point in the universal dimension, including within material bodies, I suggest that level is determined by the algebraic and vectoral summation of all intersecting wavefronts arriving at that point from all sources over the entire array of directional coordinates as a function of EM wave interference. In our frame of reference external to material bodies, the prime sources of radiation are the earth and the Sun. In close proximity to the earth the earth is primary. The total summated apparent and bolometric luminosity from all external universal sources including our Sun is virtually constant day or night, and since as suggested the ISMER is all pervading, the energy level of its quantized field remains constant in the entire earth domain, day or night and in the darkest cave or in broad daylight. To say it most succinctly, the energy level of the all pervading quantized ISMER field is totally independent of any single source radiator including our Sun.
Most drug deals involve a lot more than a baby sitting fee. And even if that was done often enough, authorities would have a just reason to call for taxes on wages.
With modern technology to safeguard privacy and protect against identity theft, there is no reason why we couldn’t put an end to illegal drug trafficking, whether it be international, interstate, or on school campuses. Why we haven’t seen this proposed before is beyond me. All we have to do is institute a worldwide cashless society by eliminating cash flow facilitated by paper bills or coin as the means for monetary transactions. Again, with modern technology it should be a snap! Secure servers are already available, and if all commerce was only facilitated by means of monetary transference through electronic personal debit or deposit transactions, there would be no way to exchange drugs for monetary gain without it being accessible by authorities or account administrators. You couldn’t “sell” a drug on school campuses for a cash gain! Any exchange of goods for monetary gain could only be transacted by means of making an entry on a secure electronic server of goods sold with an electronic transfer of purchasing funds. This would not only put an end to illegal drug trafficking, it would virtually put and end to all theft, whether stealing personal property, embezzlement, or robbery. There would be no reason to steal personal property, or anything else, because there could be no monetary gain. There would be no way to exchange what was stolen for monetary gain without making an entry that would be accessible by authorities. You could steal a few TV’s, but you can only have a few in your home, so what would be the gain? The same for purse snatching or pickpockets, there would be no cash to acquire!
When I speak of luminosity, I’m referring to the full spectrum of electromagnetic energy all bodies (all mass) in the universe, near or distant, radiate per unit of time; both apparent (visible light) and bolometric (total radiant energy). It is that energy which I suggest is being algebraically and vectorally summated through the function of EM wave interference, to comprise the quantized ISMER energy field. By quantum definition, both light energy and photon quantum are appropriately referenced. The visible light spectrum is a small fraction of the overall spectrum of radiant energy and by itself does not comprise the full dynamic of the ISMER. One of the prime properties of the ISMER is that it’s all pervading. No matter whether on the surface of the sun, in a dark cave, or within material bodies (masses), the composite structure of the ISMER energy field is there, formed of all interfering electromagnetic waves at every point in that domain. By this analogy, the ISMER energy level, and thereby its propagation impedance, is independent of and does not vary simply as a result of being in the domain of visible radiant light energy, that is only one source of the overall composite for the all pervading ISMER energy field in the Sun’s domain.
Yes, different masses would not necessarily have proportional effects, but the effects are still correlated. Maybe I missed making the point clear. My suggestion is not based on this relationship, it’s simply that all radiating bodies contribute to the total summated energy level of the quantized ISMER field, and that level determines its propagation impedance which determines an increase in the speed of light as it traverses from its source, and that is what affects the observed redshift. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged I apologize. I got ahead of myself by referring to the effect the quantized ISMER field would have on the gravitational potential. I added the reference remark in connection with how the speed of light, as determined by the propagation impedance of the ISMER, is what affects the redshift in light as it traverses outward from its source in lieu of it hypothetically being due to gravity. I had not yet submitted my analytical hypothesis on how the functional properties of the quantized ISMER field are what actually determine the gravitational potential in the first place. That is coming.
No disagreement. I'm saying the same thing, only in a different manner. Radiated energy and temperature are correlational and directly proportional, more radiated energy from one mass elevates the temperature of a receptor mass, more temperature of the receptor mass increases its radiated energy, and vice versa.
Thank you swansont for your reply. I respectfully acknowledge that my skills at quantifying are limited, but please know that it's not that I refuse to do so. I am not dismissing the relationship of luminosity, it's only that the quantum of any particular photon of specific frequency does not directly affect luminosity, luminosity is associated with the overall amount of electromagnetic energy a body radiates per unit of time, or the spatial density of radiated photons. This is where I am suggesting that mass is also proportional to the amount of electromagnetic energy a body radiates per unit of time which determines the level of energy in the quantized ISMER field in the sun's or the earth's domain, and it is the energy level of that field which determines the gravitational potential of the mass.
All I was indicating by that comment was that the quantum energy of any particular photon is proportional to its frequency as described by Planck’s constant, which is not directly associated with its luminosity. I had also specifically noted that there would still be a percentage of redshift attributable to galaxies moving in their respective rotational galactic trajectories, while at the same time suggesting that most of the observed redshift was resultant of my hypothesized over distance analogy in opposition to the hypothesized expanding universe theory. As for the gravitation redshift, I am suggesting that both the hypothesized gravitational redshift and even the strength of the gravitational field itself are attributable to the non-static energy level of the ISMER. How have they been able to observe light travel that is not local? If not actually observed it can only be assumed, and if you assume the velocity of light is unequivocally constant, the experimental result would naturally confirm. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged I have not said that there is any evidence of my speculation, the only evidence of what I’m suggesting will come as the result of investigative research based on a new model formulated with the functional properties of the ISMER energy field as I am suggesting, in lieu of the properties of the non-existent luminiferous aether as previously proposed. I have also been very open in my comments on my limited mathematical skills to assemble that model. I’m hoping to inspire some with masterful skills to work with me to consider formulating a model incorporating my suggestions as plausible, since they are totally consistent with all substantiated investigative research. If there is any seeming variance with said research, it’s only because I may have not worded my suggestion with total up to date terminology.
The redshift of a photon’s frequency is proportional to a loss of energy and is called the Planck relation or the Planck–Einstein equation: v = E/h where h is the Planck constant and v is the associated EM wave. This is the loss of energy I’m referring to which is not directly associated with the amount of electromagnetic energy a body radiates per unit of time, it only has to do with the requirement for more energy to drive a higher frequency wave. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged All measurements of light speed to date have been made in the same frame of reference which as I suggest, have been determined by the propagation impedance of the ISMER in the Earth’s near proximity boundary, so in those measurements there could be no evidence of change in light speed.
Thank you for your comment. In my last post, the only quote was at the very beginning - two lines. I believe I have been very consistent to start quotes with (Quote) at the opening line of the quote. I tried the quote button a couple of times and for some reason it didn't turn out right. I must be doing something wrong. I will try it again, in fact I'm doing that for this reply. (I just did the preview post and it worked this time. I'll try doing it the same way every time. Thank you again.) Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged3. The propagation of light, Part C Since the measured redshift of the light spectrum reaching us from distant galaxies is a frequency slide where the whole light spectrum has been lowered, scientific investigation has only substantiated one means of producing the observed redshift and that is with the Doppler Effect as theorized in a rapidly expanding universe model. I acknowledge the Doppler Effect as being causative for the redshift of the light from those galaxies that have rapidly receding trajectories in their respective paths of galactic motion, but I suggest that most of the observed redshift is attributable to an increasing velocity of the propagation of light within the proximity boundary of source radiators as outlined above, and further facilitated by an “over distance” redshift postulated as follows. As light energy traverses the ISMER as outlined in the speed of light analogy it will also be subject to phase or velocity modulation in the following manner. As photons of light energy are input to the ISMER there will be an energy transfer from the photons that activates the ESWM of the ISMER, and thus driven, the standing wave node/antinode dyads impart phase shift energy to the photon wavefronts comparable to the way input microwave energy modulates the velocity of electrons in the electron beam of a klystron to phase modulate its driven output EM energy. (The standing wave node/antinode dyads of the Ismer equate to an infinite series of capacitive varactors which act as phasors.) The phase of the wavefronts is thereby incrementally shifted through the continuing series of node/antinode dyad phasors in the ESWM of the ISMER, with each antinode absorbing input photon energy to retard the phase of each wavefront in an ongoing series of sequential quantum increments over their entire path of propagation. This equates to the proportionality constant between the energy of a photon and the frequency of its associated electromagnetic wave as defined by the Planck constant. Each propagated wavefront is thereby expanded through the node/antinode capacitive varactors in the ESWM of the ISMER, which are driven by an absorbed portion of the input photon energy and a dissipated portion of ISMER energy. The photons are thereby further propagated with expanded wavefronts as lower frequency photons. The energy of the ISMER is thereby dissipated to both maintain photon quantum and to phase modulate the EM wavefronts traversing its domain similar to the way line amplifiers in lengthy coaxial cable runs overcome the inherent loss of the cable. The overall process is analogous to a complex form of phase modulation driven by the energy of source photons and the ISMER energy field. As outlined, each leading photon of propagated radiation will be observed as having a quantum increment of wavefront expansion, or redshift, as light traverses over distance through the quantized ISMER energy field. This is why the observed redshift would appear the same when viewed from any point in the universe, and not just from Earth alone. The Earth is not the center of the universe!