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Everything posted by Charlatan

  1. OK smarty pants, look at it this way, salt is a spice. It absorbs liquids. Inside the liquids lie the diseases. The body makes more clean blood then to the amount of the blood capacity, so drink lots of liquids.
  2. Ok daddio, do bees ever get diseases? Do botanists or the people that work with flowers get sick? Take a look at a restaurant. Take a poll. See how often people that work with spices in the kitchen get sick? Very few, and that is because they work with meats that carry rotting smells as soon as the blood stops circulating. So, you can reason this out as being that burning cells burns diseases too. The cells grow back, so you will feel sick for a while. And? Do you agree? I would like you to. You have a lot fo influence being such a prolific poster! Poster... erm... yeah!
  3. My next post - fifity one - wil be in there!
  4. How about a sexual favour to get in?
  5. Yes, I think it rox!
  6. You should send him references from the people that gradede your project. If you were to impress them with the references, being that you 'free styled' the project, then you would be in good stead with the boss as they will vouch for you. Or, you could contact them yourself. If you took a trip down to the office then you could nose in on everyone else's role there and make it clear that you are compatible with the business.
  7. You can make a lab in your home by taking shot glasses or very small glases that nobody drinks out of for containers. To get all the ingredients, well, experiment with the spices, oils and left over foods that lie around. They all react, imagine the medicines you could make with spices? Spices make the best medicine because they burn things like cells. If you were to experiment with a blood sample and take some tupperware containers - not as good but good enough - you could treat the infected blood, that nobody has anything better to do with, and add things to it. If you were to go to class and experiment there, you would be able to see if things work or not, and how adding spices from your kitchen affects the diseases. Chicken soup for a cold? Think harder... um...
  8. Oil spills can be cleaned up by taking a sieve through the waters where the oils are and then collecting the oil rather quickly. Or, we could produce acids en masse and throw that into the water. Or, we could wait for the oil to go to the bottom of the oceans. Won't take long. Or we could start a chemical fire in those areas and watch it eveporate!
  9. Yes the earth will 'die' when the sun sux us in - burns out. We are on our way in already, slowly though.
  10. Well, if they use up all the wood in a camp fire they will not be able to burn it again will they? If you were to reuse nuclear waste, wait... what makes it nucleur waste? If you could use it again it wouldn't be waste, yes?
  11. Charlatan

    Making gel

    You can make gel for shoes and bicycle seat covers by taking a trip to the garage. If you were to use some glue and mix it with petroleum you would have a great solution when the petrol and glue settle down. Simply apply it to your shoe or whatever. Oh yes!
  12. The chemicals are being dissolved by the cholrine in the test tubes, but, they are not becoming gasses, becuase theyare remaining liquids. The cholrine turns them into purer substnances, and makes them change colour to become more like a colourless liquid because they dissolve the pigment too. What you will have left is acid who's strength depends on the amount of chlorine in it; acids and akalines.
  13. There is no magnet. Magnets would be metals charged with electrons, but, lo! Here unto is is delivered no charges. Yes yes!
  14. Both computers slow down. It is called communication. There is a server and a networking point. The server cannt process information not on it, it does not guess, it relays stuff around. You both are like held up like.
  15. I don't understand. You understand. "Come let us reason together." Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged Yeah!
  16. Oh you really pushing buttons now! Before we see if we can, we should think if we should, yes? To make a dragon you need crocodile dna. When you have that, after you take 'em out of action and drain his belly a bit, you will have your strand. Now the strand is making the crocodile small, so, you would need to take the blood and heat them up in a tube so that it will grow bigger, then the whole crocodile grows bigger, yes? Next you would need to take the bigger cells and keep them that big. You can do this by freezing the size by exposure to Oxygen, as then you will, as magma is exposed to Oxygen, see that it will cool down and then become more firm in 'structure'. Then repeat process until you super sized the substance, and, well, it can get bigger and bigger. Now you want to shape it before you make it bigger. To do this you need to take the crocodile dna and apply a feline or canine strand to it. This will result in a monsterou thing, so, keep all the reptilian cells but add the marrow of the canine or feline so that it has the more desirable bone structure. Now you want to give it wings, and I suggest a bat because it has the same bone marrow as the mamalian type of creature, so they will gel. This could take a bit of stress release later, but, it will be worth it for the dragon, if that is what you want... So we have our dragon, the pinnacle of human nightmares. But wait, let's make it breath fire too! What will make it breath fire? Well, if you were to take some glands that produce spasms in the muscles, then you will have propulsion for the fire, that it will travel as 'phlemn' through the air, forwards. To make fire you need to tap the nervous system's energy and direct it outwards through the air. This will require a organ at the back of the throat to push it out, and the lungs will keep it going forwards quickly and with force. To ignite it you will need to make a 'super burp' sort of thing where there is the right gasses mixing with the right compounds, non metals of course. Things like poop are flammable, but you knew that! There we have our dragon. Heaven help us.
  17. Why are you making this stuff? Idle hands are the devil's playthings! Lucky for you I got the answers you need. If you take this mixture, and want it to become solid, just throw some liquid Nitrogen into it. The nitrogen will evaporate inside it and you will be left with a solid you will. No need for a formula, all you need to do is throw the stuffies together and then 'cool it off'. Even more accessible is ice blox!
  18. Well, funny you should ask, let me suck my thumb some more to make mo answers without using old answers... There is no substituion of the ligand thing, because then the cell would change into a ligand stuffs. Insertion doesn't help because if you insert some stuffies into it then it will change to be a compound that is not what it is, catch my drift? reductive elimination occurs because living things go dead like! Beounos nachos, assif, awaad wa bikheyr lui', min faDlik...
  19. {Making copper sulfate with the blood of the saints! Oh yes!] Well, riddle me this then; what would happen if there was salt mixed with metal? You would make a organic and a metal 'mixture'. Salt relays energy and fluids and will settle on the dense metal, but, will not penetrate it unles the salt is boiled or melted, but, that would be the surface or outer layers of the salt that bond with the metal, affecting only the outer layer of the metal. If you do this I will give you a thousand dollars! Unless you do do it, then I will say something else about riddles and concubines and that sort of thing!
  20. Protiens are formed by [hydrogen cells], [electric cells] and [water resisting cells]. That makes [water] + [energy] + [dense cells] making a protien. The surrounding cell will absorb the [water], absorb the [energy] and have no reactions with the [water resisting] cells doing nothing to the dipeptide as they do not 'gel' at all. Now, my diagram... [Hydrogen cells] [dense cells]--->stabilising peptide form \ / activity-->\ /<--------------no activity, physical bond \ / [energy cells] v Interacts with peptide outer layer Great success! We done it and finnish!
  21. You could teach kids rocket thrust by telling them that fuel gets used up to create force. This force is also called thrust. The fuel makes the materials create an explosion that continues, usually a wood fire would make smoke, yes? If there is [combustion] you would have pressure forming and then carbon, physical or atomic [displacement] and you would have [propulsion]. Riddle me this then, why can't you say that the [displacement] where the rocket moves as much as it's [combustion] rate equalling a progressive [propulsion] rate? If there is ten [combustion], and that makes five [propulsion], then should be a rate of two [displacement] for that fuel, if you are working with round numbers, and I can't see people working with little numbers for a sexy time... So, I hope that clears that mess up! And that must be as good as it gets. Now repeat with me chilren; x [combustion] makes y [propulsion] makes z [displacement]...
  22. Recipe for making hydrocloric acid: Take some water, mix it with chlorine and add some bile.
  23. A enzyme is carbon based and therefore has electrons and neutrons. The electrons move around the neutrons carrying electrical energy. They together make up an atom. From there you get atomic bonding. Now, to see whatt he base is, you need to say it is a nucleus, and I believe the nuclaic thingy will be your answer. Tada!
  24. Ok, so the spice is actually mineral based and absorbs water at least, and, will dissolve cells because it is organic. Your body goes into pain because it is sucking up all the water and buring the cells, and, they reduce. Water cleans out your system, so herbs will too. Um... The 'extractionisms' will give off toxins - the stuff you smell - and toxins reduce fat and cell density because they are bacteria that needs to feed on organic stuffies, especially excesses. The toxins in the condiments will circulate in your blood and will keep eating stuff until they get flushed out, but salt, for example, makes you thirty, meaning there is direct physical interaction between the physical throat and the salt.
  25. The power required by the fan is equal to the applied energy for it to lift at a progressive rate. This means you need to wiegh the actual blade of the fan and then calculate the required energy to make it spin by applying kinetic energy caused by the engine, supplying you with horse power or something like that. But, the equation will be [horse power] divided into [mass] equals [rpm] required. [Power] needed is equal to [rpm] per volt, or, you need to get practical with it if information is lacking.
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