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Everything posted by annaz

  1. I have a little question about a 'time synapse' theory I'm working on. Working on the principle that time is a sort of 'dark' energy, in that we can't see it but we can see the effects of it in everyday life and that without time there can be nothing, because it would take time for any action to occur. Also that time and space were one in the same thing (Space = time) I was wondering if it would be possible for a black hole to replace what matter it consumes with time, and therefore space. So if a star collapsed into a singularity it would mean that either it's cubic area was replaced by an equal amount of space, or that its eqivalent mass was replaced by space. This would in itself cause expansion, as there would be more room in which celestial bodies could move. A bit like partially de-cluttering a room with a vacuum cleaner, so to speak, then re-arranging the furniture to make more space. Obviously the theory is a whole lot more complex than just this one element but it does seem to unify the the theories of reletivity and quantum mechanics and has a beautiful asthetic, in that it means that space would be neither finite or infinite in size, as the size measurement would be redundant in the usual sense. But the possiblities would be finite and ending in a decay process where everything becomes a giant inert lump. With no time left everything would cease to exist, as long as nothing could observe it externally. I would really appreciate your thoughts on this.
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