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About infinite_gir

  • Birthday 07/05/1982

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  • Location
    Vancouver Island
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Quark (2/13)



  1. I thought it was great! Natalie Portman's attempt at an accent sucked though
  2. Is it possible to take 2 female eggs and reproduce? Stupid question maybe but I heard something about it .....anyone else hear this information?
  3. What chemical in Nutmeg causes a 'high'? I also know that in large quantities, nutmeg can kill you....
  4. I've never heard of someone 'literally' dying because of a lack of sleep. There was actually a documented case of one woman who didn't sleep for I think it was about 2 years. I'm going to find that link.
  5. How are the following parts of the cell related? Flagella and centrioles ? Lysosomes and vacuoles?
  6. Here's a question. Name 2 type of molecules that are found within the cell membrane ?
  7. Smoking cigarette's should be banned in all public places. It's funny ironic how the government allows the sale of tobacco, yet marijuana is illegal. Tobacco is far more lethal.
  8. I advise against Nutmeg. Just smoke pot!
  9. I'm a First Year Nursing student from Vancouver Island. Just came across this site when I typed in 'Chloroplasts and Mitrochondria' in google Looks interesting, I'm going to check it out. Later
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