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Everything posted by abskebabs

  1. Sorry about, that. I can't say I can take everything on this website seriously but if you scroll down past the opening statement and "the dancing israelis" subsection, you'll find historical information about zionism which is what interested me. It offers a lot of historical information about zionist lobbies and the movement for the creation of israel etc, and how this has for a long time played a part in determining political decision making in Europe and America. They do end up alleging that the zionist movement had something to do 9/11. I'm not going to comment on that, but I do think political lobbies like the zionist ones are powerful and dangerous, as well as being detrimental to the world's political stabillity as a whole.
  2. I strongly urge anyone interested in this thread to have a good look at this. It not only covers the subject of this thread, but also reveals a lot of information about Zionism and its influence on America. http://www.apfn.org/apfn/WTC_STF.htm
  3. Thanks a lot for the help Dave, I found the website especially useful:D . Big thanks to Atheist too. I think I've got to grips with Texnic center now. I have a few more questions however: How can I add graphs or tables, or other images to my work using Texnic center? Also, how do I create a bibliography, and what is the .aux file for?
  4. You may find this interesting.
  5. I've just had a weird thought! If the US govt really attacked it's own building, wouldn't they have at least bothered; with the largest military budget in the world by far, to make a missile that looked, to all intents and purposes like a plane? I don't really have an opinion on this, I guess I just wouldn't bank money on it being a conspiracy. Having said that I'm not certain[you never can be], and also; what's worse, thinking you're paranoid or thinking you should be?
  6. I'm Neon too:rolleyes:
  7. Hi again everybody, I followed your advice and have now installed the small version of Mikitex on my computer and Texnic center. However, to be frank I'm a little confused as to how I use them. I've had a brief read of the basic commands on Texnic center and think I would be able to use it for math formulae. However I am unsure as to how I use both these programs together[O r what Mikitex is for] , to create documents I can view just like I could on word in the format they would be printed. Also when I installed the program and for the 1st time opened it; it asked me what Postcript viewer I assign etc, and I didn't have a clue what it mean't so I skipped that bit. Was that a big mistake? In a sentence I'm very confused and worried, and even considering just using Microsoft Equation 3 and Ms word to do my work. I would therefore be very grateful if someone could help me out and tell me where I've gone wrong.
  8. Hi everybody, my question is; has anyone heard of thermal depolymerization and if you have, do you think it is a viable alternative method for producing fuel? Personally I think it is definitely that should be looked into and developed, and to be frank better than having to produce a hydrogen economy. I do know that one disadvantage of thermal depolymerization was that it costs too much[about 60 dollars last time I checked] to produce a barrel of oil[the equivalent of crude basically], as opposed to buying a barrel of oil at the market price.
  9. Hi everybody, I've got a physics essay[or thesis] on Quantum theory and since there will be a lot of equations in my work, I am considering whether I should use Latex to do it. I've never used this program before though, so I was wondering whether; I should just use Microsoft word and the Microsoft equation interface on it, or download Latex and start learning how to use it? I have a timeframe of a 2 week holiday to do this work in, while revising for my A level exams, so I was wondering what you think would be my best option? thanx in advance:-) .
  10. Sorry I'm replying so late to this but, the same could pretty much be said about Newtonian and classical physics up until the 20th century.
  11. Hi again dude, I'll try my best to answer your questions, but I'll just warn you in advance so you can take it into acount that my answers may be a little opinionated. Also I would prefer to use the term development rather than industrialisation, as I feel the latter, although inevitable is not what needs to be concentrated on in the immediate sense to improve living standards in many African countries. This is because I believe growth has to be encouraged in the agriculture sector which is still the major employer in the region. Ok; 1) I think it's quite hard to pin it down to one thing, I guess the most important thing that change that would need to happen in Africa, especially Sub Saharan Africa as you mentioned; is the formation of transparent governments that are truly accountable, above all to their people, as well the outside world. I don't think there can be any true hope for progress without this. 2) I'm not sure where or how this has happened in a country ruled by a despot or oligarchy, but I suppose I could give you 1 fairly recent examples[slightly contentious perhaps] of when a political party in a democracy was thrown out because of its corruption. For example, one of the main reason that Fatah lost in the recent Palestinian elections was due to its bad reputation among the population for its corruption and lack of transparency. 3)I think this happening in many of these countries, would be the first vital step towards making the rest of the necessary changes to allow development of these countries. 4) 1: Democracy 2:Coupled vitally with Accountabillity and transparency 3:Political stabillity 4:Major investment in education and health 5:Free trade agreements with neighbouring African countries in agriculture, perhaps even the formation of an African free trade agreement[not necessarily developed nations, unless they cut subsidies and tariffs]. 5) Sorry, I'm not quite sure how I should answer this. 6)Industrialisation or development of these economies would cause the expansion or creation of a middle class, and this in turn wopuld have a positive effect on the local economy, creatind demand for goods, allowing a more diverse economy to develop. 7)I think these changes, slowly but surely could be realised throughout Africa, and many countries have already taken a few of the actions I already mentioned. 8)One more thing, when I mentioned free trade, I think these countries should have relatively open markets for other goods, not related to agriculture and not vital to the country's national interests . This is because competition in the marketplace spurs efficiency and quality of service. This is the value of capitialism. I hope that helped.
  12. My real name is Abhinandan, and I guess since most people can't pronounce it properly I've grown used to not using it and using nicknames. Most people I know call me Abhi[usually pronounced Abby]. On most places online I use Abskebabs or something quite similiar as a nickname. I guess its a play on words on something I remeber a friend of mine saying a while back as a bit of a joke, "Abs! Abs! Show us your babs!" [it's weird I can remeber something as obscure as that]. As for my avatar, I woudn't read too much into it, it's just I liked the movie taxi driver and the main character played by Robert de Niro; a moral crusader once you can see past your initial impressions. Actually, I think you could guess something about my personality after reading that!
  13. Sorry I didnt notice your post before, I don't have any "hands on" experience with industrialisation if thats what you meant; though I do know a little bit about it? I dont want to drone on and on about it so if you have any specific questions I'll do my best to answer them. Please mind I havent done a degree or anything in economics, it's just that subjects like this do interest me.
  14. Hi again everybody, I did email Peter about his work, and I've got some links you may find interesting: http://www.self-managing.net/genetica/ http://self-managing.net/genetica/Forum.htm http://www.self-managing.net/genetica/zip.htm http://genoterra.ru/news/view/8/941 http://www.trinitas.ru/rus/doc/0231/004a/02310025.htm http://www.trinitas.ru/rus/doc/0231/004a/garijaev-prospects-of-wave-genetics.files/frame.htm It's a shame that a lot of this is in russian though:-(
  15. Dude I'm not saying that, and I guess I should have pointed out that we should not make so many assertions about evolution and genetics nowadays, and should be more cautious in its application, as we still lack a good understanding of how basic molecular biological processes work. Also; here's another link that might interest you. http://genoterra.ru/news/view/8/941
  16. I think everyone should have a look at this. http://www.psrast.org/defknthe.htm Just to point out that our current knowledge of the workings of genetics, evolution and biology in general is nowhere near complete or definite yet. what do ya think?
  17. Thanks dude, I was wondering actually, if my uni didn't have an elective course in Physics could I still study it privately, if I wished, with textbooks and some assistance, presumably from the Physics department at that Uni? That is assuming I have the freetime tho, I know chem eng is heavy course[that aspect I like weirdly! Maybe I relish a challenge] and I will be doing a lot of other things too.
  18. Sounds good! I've already applied for chem eng through UCAS. I am wondering tho whether physics could hav been an option though as that does interest me a lot too....
  19. Ermm.. sorry if this sounds stupid but what do you mean by magnetic mass? I don't think I've ever come across this term before.
  20. Yeah I guess this could be a load of bullplop...[sigh] I think I'll have a read through it though before I make a judgement on it.
  21. Is the unemployment rate in China really that high? That is higher than India I think, and India hasn't even reformed its economy and improved its infrasture nearly as much or as fast as China has. I'm sure China was generating jobs far more jobs than India especially in the key labour absorbing area of manufacturing. On another note I don't think population by itself, however big is a problem in itself. It is our neglectful and unsustainable approach to our enviroment that is destroying the natural world around us and is contributing to the problems we face[such as global warming]. I also don't think the world population will ever get much larger than 8 billion[if it reaches that anyway] as overall percentage growth has already been dropping for the last 50 years. Also eventually the vast majority of the world will be what most ppl call industrialized, and so we will be faced with ageing populations; not quadrupling ones. Also, I think we could easily hold more than 10 billion, as the problem is not lack of food, but lack of distribution and unfair trade, infrastrucure and political instabillity. Obviously global warming is going to make things harder however for many poor countries, as deserts expand weather systems get more chaotic. Phew! Sorry for the rant lol:D !
  22. The energy would be transferred, I think by coupling through the ionosphere[more specifically the Schumann cavity] using electrified gases[at least thats what it says on the following website about Project Tesla, which is ongoing today I think]. http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Shadowlands/9654/tesla/projecttesla.html Another website that gives a lot of information about this: http://www.skepticfiles.org/mys4/prjtesla.htm I don't know if the methods they are talking about would work or whether this could become feasible; which is precisely why I am asking you now to tell me what you think.
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