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Everything posted by abskebabs

  1. Hi again everybody, I just heard about an idea that Nikolai Tesla had back in 1891 for a wireles powerplant. I have also heard that work related to this was also done by a mathematician called Schumann in the forties, hence the name Schumann cavity. I was just wondering if anybody knows about this idea and whether you would consider it at all feasible? Also I am not sure how such a device could actually work so I would be very grateful if anybody could offer an explanation. Thanks a lot:-) .
  2. I can't say I fully understand, but I do have an appreciation for why the current, magnetic field and force are all at right angles to each other now, and I thank you all, and I am very grateful for your comments:-) .
  3. I thought that there was about a 50 year for cycle for hurricanes in the gulf of mexico and we are now into the more dangerous part of the cycle. However it is without a shadow of a doubt in my mind that the current warming of sea temperatures will have helped make these hurricanes more pwerful and frequent than even the worst from earlier cycles.
  4. I seriously doubt that it would take just one mutation or anywhere in that region to cause bacteria; without the gene to produce lactase,to obtain it.
  5. I don't think I know enough aboput the Physics involved here to make justifyably relevant comment on it, but I have to say the idea is an intriguing one. I definitely think some physics experts should have a look at it. I know that current string theories do build on the extra dimensions and concepts 1st introduced in the kaluza kelin theory, after briefly looking this up.
  6. Ah..... Are you suggesting therefore; that some bacteria not in a lactose enviroment' date=' could have acquired the mutation[probably quite a few actually'] to produce lactase, but wouldn't have multiplied rapidly as having the gene would have no survival benefit? From my line of thinking, there should therefore be at least be a small amount of bacteria in the hypothetical petri dish remaining with the mutation as I cannot see it having any particular disadvantage either. Therefore following this line of logic, some digestion of lactose should occur when the bacteria from the petri dish without lactose are placed in a solution containing lactose. I guess work probably has been done in this field, I just haven't bothered to look for all the results and their implications. I do know that a lot of bacteria and pathogens do show this abillity to hyper mutate in order to adapt when put under stressful conditions. A lot of researchers think it is likely that this too is an evolved phenomenon. I guess to find out if hypermutation is occuring in so called "hotspots" we have to map the genome of the bacteria before, and after, finding where the mutations are occuring and observe if we start observing regular patterns. I've been enjoying talking about subjects like this and related to this for so long I think I shuld someday get off my lazy backside and have a look at these in detail! It would save me going on and on about on this forum at least I suppose..... Anyway in my opinion, evolution is definitely not wrong, just that the theory can be built on so we can find out in more detail how the subtle mechanisms like mutations work to a much greater level of detail and then further intricacies in nature in this way can be found. It is just like at the beginning of the 20th century, saying that Newton was wrong, which he wasn't even though We ended up with the 2 theories[relativity and quantum mechanics] which helped describe 2 different scales of the Universe much better than Newton's laws could, and by whose principles; his laws could therefore be predicted. Phew! P.S. I acknoledge what I wrote may be full of innaccuracies, but I'm sure you get my drift.
  7. As one of the main flaws your pointing out in this evolution theory is that the probablillity of random processes determing this evolution to result in something producing complex things like cells; What if this process is not entirely random and is, you could say causal depending on an organisms surroundings in order that; it mutates adaptively depending on them, hence suggesting it can know about them. This proably reads like nonsense but the reason I bring it up is due to the results of some research done by John Cairns at Harvard the Harvard school of Health in Boston. Basically he placed bacteria lacking the gene to synthesize the lactase enzyme and placed these bacteria in an enviroment where lactose was their only food source. These bacteria initially starved and became dormant for many weeks. However after a lag period of a day or two, several of his bacterial cells managed to grow and replicate; as they had managed to mutate to produce the required enzyme. What is potentially startling about this though is that it was only the bacteria that were left in the lactose solution that acquired these mutations. After thinking about this recently however, I realised that the Cairns' resjults could be explained due to the random chance mutation logic however, depending on how he found out whether these bacteria mutated or not[presumably by taking out bacteria left in solution not containing lactose, and placing them in lactose solution]. The reason I started doubting the causal explanation is that these bacteria could mutate randomly in either solution to produce the lactose enzyme, but; It would only be noticed in the solution containing the lactose solution as having the mutation would be critical and bacteria with it would thrive in the enviroment. It would pose no survival advantage for a cell not in lactose solution, and so the No of bacteria with the mutation would have no reason to greatly increase, and may even decrease therefore. This may presumably cause the mutation not to be detected either. I hope I got everyone thinking:D and didn't bore you if you've read this far.
  8. Hi everybody, I was just curious to know why is it that an electric current; the magnetic field it produces, as well as the direction of the force it produces are each at right angles to each other? So far I have just learned this as a fact with things like Fleming's left hand rule but I was curious to know why such a relationship exists.
  9. It's a bit of an odd question I suppose, unless I consciously pay attention to it, I don't generally even notice a voice in my head while I'm reading though I know there is one[or many depending on what I'm reading].
  10. I'll probably sound optimistic saying this but I don't think this is necessary at all. As the world economy grows and living standards across the world do improve gradually[often frustatingly slowly due to poor governance, rampant corruption and political instabillity], population growth will start to slow. It is already doing so in developed countries and we are ending up with ageing populations.
  11. Hi, I saw a graph in our Physics department displaying the average temperature of the Universe against the progression of time since the Big Bang. Not sure how accurate it was but the average temperature is currently 4k according to it.
  12. taking antioxidants will stop you aging
  13. The BCS is the qualifying body for IT professionals in over 100 countries and was set up by the royal charter in 1984. Also the Cybernetic machine specialist group is one of 50 of its[surprise, surprise] specialist groups. I don't think therefore you can just write off these organisations as "New age" groups that want to sell you a supposed machine to prevent you from needing hospital treatment[for example].
  14. I would be shocked if you were to tell me that all this work was faked or made up to back up some new age mumbo jumbo. I've found some more work by one of the researchers; Peter Gariaev and he's forumulated his own theory of wave genetics. I've placed links below to this, but I do regret the fact that babel fish isn't translating it. It's probably unlikely but does anybody know any russian by chance? http://rusnauka.narod.ru/lib/author/garyaev_p_p/1/index.html http://rusnauka.narod.ru/lib/author/garyaev_p_p/2/index.html http://rusnauka.narod.ru/lib/author/garyaev_p_p/3/index.html
  15. Peter J. Marcer is the chairman of the Cybernetic Machine Specialist Group that is part of the British computer society. Most of the rest of the peope seem to have been inviolved with this group; giving presentations at conferences etc. Is this a New age organisation then?
  16. Sorry about that, I should have just given the titles of the 2 articles.
  17. I'm wondering whether I should email this guy to find out if there is a shred of truth to any of this.
  18. I think its a fair point you're making, but do you think that these guys from the Institute of Control Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow are actually New age devotees. Or is it work done by them has been taken advantage of and exploited by promoters of the New age belief system. Is the work that has been carried out in Toronto and Dresden just some new age joke too? If you haven't seen them already I'll display the people and addresses of the places below. Peter P. Gariaev*, Boris I. Birshtein*, Alexander M. Iarochenko*, Peter J. Marcer**, George G. Tertishny*, Katherine A. Leonova*, Uwe Kaempf ***. * Institute Control of Sciences Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia gariaev@aha.ru, http://www.aha.ru/~gariaev, and Wave Genetics Inc. 87 Scollard Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5R 1G4, gariaev@wavegenetics.com, **53 Old Vicarage Green, Keynsham, Bristol, BS31 2DH, UK, petermarcer@aikido.freeserve.co.uk, http://www.bcs.org.uk/cybergroup.htm. . *** Institut f. Klinische, Diagnostische und Differentielle Psychologie- Am Falkenbrunnen - D-01062 Dresden TU, Dresden, Germany, uwe@psy1.psych.tu-dresden.de You could even email Peter Gariaev if you want to find out more about his new age scam!
  19. abskebabs

    Irony in Islam

    I don't mean to offend ppl by saying this but I see there are a lot of ppl with extreme opinions about Islam here, which I can understand with all that has happened in the last 5 years. But I would say that there are no ppl in the world predisposed towards a certain kind of behaviour that is harmful to others just by their religion, race or whatever else alone. One way of thinking of it is that the only devils in this world are the ones circling in our hearts. It is how hatred manifests itself. We try to justify our conflicts by pointing out our differences and become ignorant of each other, while we ignore how mutually similiar we are in our ignorance and hatred for each other when conflict arises. I do wonder though, how many people who have generalised muslims as all being bad, unreasonable, and utterly intolerant of others, actually know any muslims in their everyday lives. I do agree that many trends across the world in Islamic societies are getting pretty scary, as they get more isolationist, defensive of their religion and see the western world[especially the US] as applying double standards to them[for example, don't insist on india keep its civilian nuclear program military nuclear program separate and make a deal with it but stop iran outright]. Another example would be criticising other countries for human rights abuses, when America now would seem highly hypocritical, as it keeps prisoners in guantanamo bay[and several secret bases worldwide] without trial or evidence, and has done so for the last 4 years or so. The CIA is then given a free hand to conduct torure without any external supervision. I know that we must combat terrorism, but surely these abuses are just helping Al Quaeda and other affiliated groups gain recruits aren't they? Even in the UK though, where I live; thought the islamic community was pretty well integrated into the society I think it may be getting increasingly isolated. For example I was shocked to find in a poll of 500 muslims taken by a newspaper here; that 40% of muslims would favour sharia law being enforced in certain communities in this country.
  20. abskebabs


  21. Hi everybody I'm posting 2 links on articles written by a russian team doing research in genetics. The articles are quite opinionated but I'd just like to know what ppl think of what they are saying. Are they just talking jargon to cover up the fact they are wrong; if they are criticising mainstream views in biology, or is there some substance to their argument? The links are shown below, I would be very grateful for replies, as I placed a simliar post in the Physics section named Quantum evolution and haven't got many. http://www.emergentmind.org/gariaevI2.htm http://www.emergentmind.org/gariaevI3.htm Thanks in advance:-)
  22. I was gonna say that but it doesn't really show that air has weight, it just shows that helium is a lighter gas with faster moving molecules. Also it shows that that the Helium molecules are moving too fast to be accelerated[initially decellerated if you consider their motion away from the centre of the Earth] back towards the Earth before they exit its atmosphere.
  23. abskebabs


    Forgive me if this seems slightly pedantic but do you know the mechanisms involved in how, this occurs? If you do, I would be very grateful if you could tell me how this happens. Thanks.
  24. Do some laws and constants of the Universe vary depending on the scenario or perspective in which you view them? The reason I ask is I heard that some physicists now believe that the speed of light had a different value in the past.
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