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Everything posted by Soulwraith56

  1. So, I was given an unknown chemical that I was to identify. Along with that chemical, I was given an NMR and a series of 7 tests to complete to identify this unknown chemical. I have all the results now, but I have been trying to figure out what this chemical is, but I can't. I know that it is either a ketone, aldehyde, alkene, or an alcohol due to a series of solubility tests. 1) My IR that I took showed a strong O-H and a strong C=O stretch. 2) The 2,4-DNP test produced a yellow precipitate (no conjugation 3) It reacted with CrO3 to produce a brown product (either a primary or secondary alcohol) 4) When mixed with Bromine, there was a color change to orange (double bonds present) 5) when burned on a copper wire, it produced a yellow flame (no halogens) 6) My NMR data showed 4 peaks: a) singlet at about 2.0 with an integration of 1 b) doublet at about 4.2 with an integration of 2 c) triplet at about 5.2 with an integration of 2 d) multiplet at about 5.9 with an integration of 1 I have searched through everything... including going through my list of possible unknowns and could not find out what it was. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!
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