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Everything posted by Snake_Arts

  1. "Current indications from the cosmic microwave background are that the universe is spatially flat. That implies that the sum of all of the energy (density) in the universe equals the critical density, i.e. the total Omega is 1. This is quite interesting because as the Universe expands the value of Omega changes. In fact the value 1 is unstable, and the Universe would prefer to evolve towards one of the two natural values: 0, if the expands forever further apart until the Universe is almost totally empty ; and infinity, if the matter recollapses to a state of higher and higher density. Then the observation that Omega is fairly close to 1 today, means that it must have been even closer to 1 in the past. It is unsatisfying to believe that we just happen to live at the time when Omega is just starting to depart from 1 by a small factor. It is much more appealing to consider that we do not live at a special epoch, so that Omega is still close to 1 today. But then we need to explain why Omega started out very close to 1 in the early universe. The theory of inflation provides just such a justification - most versions of inflation predict that the early Universe was driven extremely close to flat, and that it is still very close to flat today. If this is so, then at least 90% the energy of the Universe is dark! Note that although the universe may be flat, that does not mean that matter makes up the crtical density. In addition to dark matter there is dark energy, e.g. a cosmological constant, that needs to be included in the accounting." if you would have read all postings you would have seen i touched upon this subject
  2. There is no edge to the universe because as we know space curves due to gravity. Therefore two cases are present, if the universe keeps on expanding forever then this means the universe is infinite in size and does not have an end. Secondly, the big crunch theory, well if this is so then the universe is also infinite in size and also does not have an end due also to gravity. think of the earth for instance, it is round therfore does not have an edge. You cannot 'fall off' the earth as there is no edge. Think of the universe in the same way, either theories introduce the idea that this is also the case, due to the bending of space there cannot possilbly be an edge. Thanks to einstein we know the effect of gravity upon space, we must assume the universe holds the same effect therefore how could we say where the 'edge' was. There is no edge in the universe as there is no edge upon the earth. The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources. - Albert Einstein
  3. Current indications from the cosmic microwave background are that the universe is spatially flat. That implies that the sum of all of the energy (density) in the universe equals the critical density, i.e. the total Omega is 1. This is quite interesting because as the Universe expands the value of Omega changes. In fact the value 1 is unstable, and the Universe would prefer to evolve towards one of the two natural values: 0, if the expands forever further apart until the Universe is almost totally empty ; and infinity, if the matter recollapses to a state of higher and higher density. Then the observation that Omega is fairly close to 1 today, means that it must have been even closer to 1 in the past. It is unsatisfying to believe that we just happen to live at the time when Omega is just starting to depart from 1 by a small factor. It is much more appealing to consider that we do not live at a special epoch, so that Omega is still close to 1 today. But then we need to explain why Omega started out very close to 1 in the early universe. The theory of inflation provides just such a justification - most versions of inflation predict that the early Universe was driven extremely close to flat, and that it is still very close to flat today. If this is so, then at least 90% the energy of the Universe is dark! Note that although the universe may be flat, that does not mean that matter makes up the crtical density. In addition to dark matter there is dark energy, e.g. a cosmological constant, that needs to be included in the accounting.
  4. dm = dark matter m = matter t = time of velocity tt = time taken l = distance from beginning v = velocity dm = m * v / t * = dmv ^ 24 = // dark matter velocity -Dmv ^ 24 * l = Dmp ^ 24 / tt = // Dark matter pos
  5. dark matter is a complex negative energy. It lies at a parallel opposite of the actual matter we know i.e earth for instance. earth has a tiny mass in comparison to the universe, as does its counterpart dark matter, its opposite. So using my equasion one can work out its exact location and speed, energy, time taken to anti gravitise against the earth. Anti gravitation is a theory of mine which includes anti pressures of the field it is within. Therefore the position of the earth is the negative position of its dark matter counter part, dark matter is invisible as it has no weight and therefore no visibility for detection. But using my equasions one can see that it is there, if we were to send a probe to this location we could be sure that it was there. We can see the effects of its gravitational (anti) flux against celestrial objects in our solar system. Once i have established the exact location to the metre i am going to send this data to astrologers all over the worls. They can then watch this location and see waht type of efect it has with it's surroundings. I am confident that they will be in for a pleasant suprise, my equasions can be found on my site including there descriptions on how to use them. I look forward in hearing scientists feedback on these theories. .
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