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  • Lepton

ntdna's Achievements


Lepton (1/13)



  1. hi ,i am high school student it's my final year and i am intrested in science . i am wondering about a book that i want to buy "cell and molecular biology by gerald karp" is it usefull for me .
  2. Why are some plasmids able to enter cells (ex: EcoRI)? What unique properties do they possess? thank you
  3. i was wondering about plasmid cloning and why some plasmids enter to the cell (EcoRI for exemple) and others don't !!
  4. i was wondering about the mechanisme of chemical synapses if there anyone to explain it with details .
  5. i was wondering about atp how could this molecule be the key of bioenergetics and how the atp is builded by the sphere pedenculate (in the cell membrane)
  6. ntdna


    what's is the relation between pancreas and speccially diabetes and thyroid gland:confused:
  7. ntdna


    thanks alot for your answer you can't image how much it's helpfull.
  8. ntdna


    i was wondering about the relation between the tyroid gland and diabetes
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