simply the pottasium nitrate acts as an oxidizer to help the sugar burn....... as you know, sugar(c6h12o6) cannot burn by itself and niether can pottasium nitrate(kno3).... kno3 is an oxidizer, meaning it attracts oxygen, when its mixed with sugar, there is alot of fuel, nitrogen, pottassium and hydrogen are both the main fuels because they are reactive.... everything needs oxygen present when burning, the oxygen in the sugar plus the oxygen coming from the kno3 makes a great combination with the fuels
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Consecutive posts mergedkno2 and kno3 are used currentlt for pickeling meat, also, they were mixed in food during WWII at military camps, camps consisting of only men... when there testostorome levels rose they became aggressive, kno3 lowered testosterome levels... (testosterome is a hormone that builds up from lack of sex)
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Consecutive posts mergedTo MrBannerman: so what would you suggest for getting the most amount of smoke possible?