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Everything posted by swinburneguy200

  1. hi guys, sorry to hastle everyone. I have a big assignment due tomorrow, and have had no luck at all with 2 of the questions. I really need solutions ASAP, and hate to ask, but im stuck and i am desperate for the solutions in order to pass the subject. If anybody can help me out, I will happily donate to this site quite generously!! (i must apologise if i am breaking any rules) here they are: 1. Verify the Gauss Divergence Theorem: ∫∫∫∇ ⋅F dxdydz= ∫∫ F .nˆ dA , where the closed surface S is the sphere x^2 + y^2 + z^2 = 9 and the vector field F = xz^2i + x^2 y j + y^2 z k . 2. Consider a surface S which is that portion of the plane 2x + 2y + z = 6 included in the first octant. Evaluate the flux integral ∫∫ F nˆdA , where the vector field F = [xy,−x^2 , x + z] and nˆ is a unit outer normal vector to S. thanks in advance! i'm really desperate here...
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