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Everything posted by Arctic

  1. Hi I have just conducted a test for fats using gresase spot test at biology class. But I don't quite understand why will the translucent spot (cooking oil) disapear after immersing into organic solvent. The test procedure: 1. Transfer a drop of cooking oil to a filter paper and let it dry in the air for 5 minutes. 2.Hold up the filter paper to light and observe any translucent spot. 3.Immerse the filter paper into an organic solvent. Take it out and let it dry. 4.Examine the filter paper against light again. Note any change in the filterpaper. Use egg white solution and distilled water as controls. thanks in advance.
  2. hi , I'm having trouble in describing the difference between being overweight and obese after doing researches. And could you tell me the bad effects of being obese? thanks
  3. Hi, I am new guy and I have a question that came across in my homework. Can you answer it? 1. In the productioin of beer, the raw material used is barley grains, which contain alarge amount of starch. When barley grains germinate, amylase is produced. The grains are then crushed and mixed with warm water. After several hours, yeast is added to the mixture for fermentation. a) After the crushed grains are mixed with warm water, why is it neccesary to wait for several hours before adding the yeast? Thanks
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