Thanks Greppi. As I expected, the hypotheses discussed, seem to overlook the factor I have envisaged to account for the increased size.
They note that no filtration or selection method is employed, that could differentially retain larger cells, but don´t larger cells, automatically retain differential representation of phenotypic biomass to genotypic ´info-mass´? Itś like the fat guy on the buss who takes up two seats but only pays for one fare. If I am correct, then the size itself is a spontaneous selection factor, owing to the limited space in the pipette during inoculation. The competition for fitness, is not favoring large cells in the culture as it multiplies in each generation, but the larger an individual cell is, the more biomass of itś counterparts it can displace in transition and therefore the more ´relative representation´ it confers to itś genes.
Please tell me Iḿ wrong, because I cant wait for an excuse to use that cute little ´doh!´ smiley. On second thoughts I guess I just did use it, so tell me I am right instead.