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Everything posted by GreenNeo1

  1. I see what your talking about. But I'm thinking that all the matter, by the "Big Bang" theory, was all pushed out from a single point, and there is some gravitational pull from the very center. Like a sphere, there is a center point, where there are and infinite amount of radii and diameters. Assuming that the center has a pull on all the radii that is making the expansion slow, there must be a stop, and all the matter has to come back together.
  2. First off, I will say that I believe in the Big Crunch theory, and I hope others are persuaded to think differently until reading my thoughts on it. I know that all of the universe is expanding outward, along with the Milky Way Galaxy. I also know that the Galaxy is moving at high rates of speed, and then the earth is also revolving at and high rate of speed, and rotating even at an higher rate of speed. But, it is believed by some scientists that all of the universe was created from a single point, the "Big Bang" theory, and that the universe is expanding from that explosion. It has also been proven that we are slowing down in our expansion. My question to the community is this: Will we at one point in time, stop moving completely, and then head back towards each other, or will we just keep gradually get slower, but not to a full stop.
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