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Thanks its really helpful... Now due to different given production methods u have both + & - types...but there will be a % stereospecificity resulting out of this. NOw all this specificity is induced by the stereospecificity of proteins...But in proteins stability of its structure induces almost 100% stereospecificity for AAs in them...which i think i'll call self-induced stereospecificity for proteins...isn't anysuch thing there for carbohydrates...lipids etc.? Waiting for ur help... hrushikesh
Thanks, now it's clear abt proteins...but i's reffering to stereoselectivity in case of groups other than proteins...So the q was is this stereospecificity specific for class proteins or its everywhere. For carbohydrates as a class there may or may not be just D or just L sugars as 'natural' ones... for some reactions D wd be natural & for others the Ls...m i correct? hrushikesh
Sorry for late reply, here i've furthered some of my brain-kinks! See for a given enzyme, if it acts on n substrates & carrying out a given process in a given specific way, if all of substrates except one & the enzymes are both chemo- & stereofixed, then the remaining molecule will also be fixed. We can just say that it is fixed, eg. if an enzyme catalyses degradation of a sugar, then for that enzyme & that process etc etc. the sugar will be stereofixed. Say its a D-carbohydrate. But for enzyme-process set of some other kind , L-carbohydrates may be being stereofixed. In brief, i mean, for a given enzyme & process D or L is fixed, but we may not have the 'same' [ i.e. either D or L] stereofixation even if the molecule is of carbohydrate class. Hope u get what i'm asking... hrushikesh
Thanks, Now, i meant how much is the specificity [ i.e. strictly D or 70% D etc etc] for other molecules... For given molecule , its very likely that the system accepts a single stereo as all enzymezes receptors have L-AAs only, but for another molecule of same class[ eg. carbohydrates] it may accept another stereo! So, the stereospecificity is for the given molecule definitely, but don't know if is it for all of the same class as in proteins... help... & Yes,it answers something... nice style by the way! hrushikesh
WERE U Using 'really' DISTILLED WATER??? If not, then any reactions are possible...
sorry, i didn't meant to hurt u, sorry again. ONe more thing- writing 'he/she' kind of sounds bad...do u get?
Penis is just like other body parts tells that each part is much equally specialized...but she is asking abt how that specialization is regulated, right augment in humans?
First of all thanks for ur reply & the info, no body helped me abt it otherplaces. We observe conformational specificity for Amino Acids, My question was is such kind of stereo specificity observed for carbohydrate/ lipid/ DNA/RNA subunits i.e. is that specificity is specific for proteins or is it present in other molecules of life too? & if yes was it by chance & if yes how do we disprove the presence of any selective pressure in earlier environments..? Also , what is the degree of specificity? I mean , what is the percentage of D-AA proteins & L-AA proteins, & how much is it for other biomolecules...Are there diff. enzymes/ pumps for them? See , this required a biochem geek, which i'm not yet...i don't get these %s from anywhere, the option was to screen data bases on http://WWW...if i do that these days, i'm sure that i'll fail in my regular class exams, if anybody knows then its too nice...& if not i'll go for it but i'll not overdo it, right sir? Thanks again, hrushikesh
First of all thanks for ur reply & the info, no body helped me abt it otherplaces. We observe conformational specificity for Amino Acids, My question was is such kind of stereo specificity observed for carbohydrate/ lipid/ DNA/RNA subunits i.e. is that specificity is specific for proteins or is it present in other molecules of life too? & if yes was it by chance & if yes how do we disprove the presence of any selective pressure in earlier environments..? Also , what is the degree of specificity? I mean , what is the percentage of D-AA proteins & L-AA proteins, & how much is it for other biomolecules...Are there diff. enzymes/ pumps for them? See , this required a biochem geek, which i'm not yet...i don't get these %s from anywhere, the option was to screen data bases on http://WWW...if i do that these days, i'm sure that i'll fail in my regular class exams, if anybody knows then its too nice...& if not i'll go for it but i'll not overdo it, right sir? hrushikesh
INtelligent point by Yggdrasil abt temp... another pt may be diff conc.s of diff. salts etc. in both , then when they are mixed some temp. changes may occur to change the volume...bad instru u've got to use:embarass: After all science is approximately true, where the approximation is approximately allowable!
Here in Bharat, people called aryan have blackish skin, blackish eyes, but many have light colour of skin & blue eyes too. No one is pure today so obvious. This is like creating curiosity & then just leaving the topic! Just one blonde... i mean individual is very unscientific & unsatiesfactory... please send more clearer photos...
For proteins, living systems are specific for L-AAs but for carbohydrates that degree of specificity is not observed...how do we explain it in the context of evolution..? Also please tell me what is the degree of specificity for D-sugars & L-AAs...i mean when the specificity can be violated naturally, i'm interested in knowing that... I got that D-Alanine is a bacterial marker [ i guess due to its role in murein formation of bacterial cell wall] but i don't know if any 'polypeps' contain D-AAs , & if yes ...upto what extent & all... Similar querries for L glucose...& alph & beta sugars... Please help me... i'm searching the web...suggest any good links too... Thanking you in advance, hrushikesh
What does tell it to stop grow...is it reduced testosterone...or nervous stimuli??? BTW, a slap received is a nervous stimulous too!!! Just kidding once more!
Tesosterone activating the 'let grow' gene..? hope this is th ehormone to gene connection ur looking for! Fingersize? lets compare!!! Any expts I can Do...augment? Just kidding!
If you get wesay that NOah is the root genome then we should calculate howmany point mutations are there genome & then the time required to them can be predicted when we know the rate of % mutations ... & if DNAsfrom differnt organisms give different '--years ago' figure then we should conclude Noah thing is not yet proved. & WE DON"T HAVE NOAHhian genometo compare it with anything!!! What I meant by my scentense was we can't sit calm as science people ' date='by saying God did it... God(s) is/r to be proved & how they did it and God's origin and evolution should also be studied!!! Logos is all about this just queswtioning everything! If God is not found tobe there, we would just see how life did evolve by itself...the no. of qs is reduced! & should u have any more questions on what i said, I'llanswer them with chaw! hrushikesh
If god created life on earth science will still go to seek 'origin' of God [ life]! because that's what we call science... Edtharan : And knowing about genetic drift and such we should be able to put a date on Noah's Flood. This could also give a confomeation to Noah's Flood as all these bottlenecks would have occured at the same time. Therefore if we end up with vastly different dates of these bottlenecks (or that they are non existant), then we have faily solid evidence that there was no flood. To predict it , we can compare the initial and final proteins [ & ofcourse , we need Noha's tongue for it!] & use Kimura's equation to predict the most probable time period between these two. The DIce example is correct. Existance of given form of life u need many things at a time - right place, right time, right [maaaany]structures, right [ maaaany] mechanisms, right [maaany] events Even if one of them can be done in less no. of ways,total no. of ways this can be done is virtually infinity!!! And practically lesser, ofcourse! And out of those all permutations & combinations just a small set sustains life! so its just samilar to getting three or four when you use 1000000 dice & that too in every case!!! hrushikesh
Any experiments I could do?
2810712 replied to augment's topic in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
compound microscope...but i don't know any cost Vs goodness of microscope [ in terms of resolution and magnification ]... is there somebody to tell that... hrushikesh -
Any experiments I could do?
2810712 replied to augment's topic in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
U can...see how are microbes distributed in different types of media... try to guess the type of microbe from how it appears and where it has been found [ get good biobooks for it] Now u can prepare ur own media and get the microbe resistant media for you...resistant to all [ eg. high salt soln] or resistant to some...[ prepare 5-6 media wich ONLY diff. salt conc. ( atleast try ur best) and see some types would be still surviving in high salt thing! mark their morphology and in this way u can get the range of salt conc. for which some types are adapted to] U can have natural selection in ur cups... keep them in low temp or LITTLE higher salt conc. and those surviving there...let them grow for some days...then again increase salt-conc. a little and do the same again...and in such a way salt-grow-salt- manner you can select salt-living microbes! U may also possibly use plant and animal cells ocassionally. Here I've taken high salt thing. U can use low temp./ diff. salts or chemicals u may get/ combinations of these/ light intensity / time of light-exposure/ effect of music on them! etc. U can use Neem extracts, Haldi powder, soap, detergents, and combos of all of above!!! CAn observe INSECTS, one of my friends did it...they are HORRIblesome sometimes!!! Reveal the new HORRIzons of monster worlds for u and ur frendz! Yeah, somebody really said oberving crystals!!! nice too...it also needs analytical mind!!! Best Wishes!!! hrushikesh -
Its about having just what is minimally required for survival and not having extra facilities in own body... eg. just having one nose in humans... why not more? so... is having extra things in organism harmful from natural selection pt. of view? Let's see- A species at a time has some set of chara. all are changing w.r.t. time...then which [ 1 or more] would change depends upon availability and the envoronment and deadline before which it is to be changed... Now gvn that a chara is to change ... how would it change... eg. [ chara. hearing ability] no ability - to - getting able to , for defined range... With the gvn set of not-much-changing other characters u have minimum defined range... and if u get more its okay! THEN WHY MAXIMUM NATURAL SYSTEMS SHOW JUST THE MIN. range or degree of some chara. or get that chara.s destroyed after they become 'extra' to the organism? [ i.e. why do we see maximal minima? ] I think to have the extraa abiliTs u need to spend energy for three possible things- production of accessories [ eg. ear] - keeping it alive {'K'nergy]PHYSIology [ daily functioning and maintainance of it ] -The energy is metabolism...u need ATPs , even if ur accessories are non-living and don't need Accessorial energy [ 'A'nergy] and have no cells...it may need the ORGANISM TO SPEND some energy to function... If ur chara. needs no NEW 'A'nergy [ no new energy expenditure... ] as it uses some already accesorries already present in the body or in the environment...and thus needs no NEW 'K'nergy........ afterall its final functioning maybe requiring the energy... ANd if the extraaa chara. is taking some energy ammount then at times it will cause less energy availability and IF some mutant choises with just the sufficient chara. and negligible other energy-requirement diff. , it will be at advantage and get naturally selected!!! ANd presence of such 'just sufficient' chara. implies the availability of such a mutants... How is it possible to have such a mutants in case of MOST chara... is mutation frequency thaaat high[ because may need many protein sequence changes for just a small range difference evolution for example] ... IS MY HYPOTHESIS OK? ADDItions ARE WELCOME ALOT!!! hrushikesh
When we use phages as vectors in biotech. most being lytic cycled , they'll kill the bacteria which have been induced with the character before it divides...!!! then what remains the use of inducing that gene in it? Yes, before the lysis of bacterial cell, it may participate in conjugation provided to transfer this gene from itself to the other participant provived you insert f-factor also... and after its death it will lead to transformation of the other bacteria... if the major inducer of these 2 possibilities[ conju and transformashn] is transformation...then why spend time in inducing that gene in the bacterial cell? directly keep bacteria to be transformed in gene soln. Is there any difference between the efficiency of the two kinds of transformations? AND if the conjugation is major one then its ok... and if both are equally major then also its ok... but we have to find the maxima of the net induction amount of the process [ net induction= induction due to conju+ that due to transformatrion] And then use the most useful combination possible out of them. hrushikesh
Turn to the PAG-E-SDS now!!!
2810712 replied to 2810712's topic in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
that helped frndz, informative... thanks alot. hrushikesh -
thanks that just cleared it off! Thanks, i didn't check the web neatly & still you helped. hrushikesh
Valentine-Special: Philodynmics! Extract from- “The Practical Theory of Love” by Hs. Gore et.al., published in The International journal of Advanced Statistical PsychoPhysics,2004. Love-Dynamics {G. Philos-love , } This is specially simplified extract of the original article for distribution among common people and advisors and consultants. Consider two human individuals P1 and P2 with philodynamic charges p1 and p2, and located at the philodynamic distance d, from each other. Magnitude of the force vector: Then the Philodyanamic Force magnitude is given by, Fph = K p1p2[1/d6] Fph = K p1p2[1/1/ e6] This relation sixth power of e to the Philodynamic force is attributed to the fact that six is the number of love in numerology. K= constant of proportionality, , p1 and p2 = philodynamic charges on the individual. 1/e= philodynamic distance. ,e= encounter probability. Philodynamic Charge: It depends upon 1. ψ [psi - psychological factor] -depends upon expressed inheritance , development. ψ varies with time till the development of reflexes and beliefs continues. the factor of mood . & 2. Φ [phi - physical factor] -depends on inheritance & development. Φ varies with time till the forced and natural development continues. “d & e” - The philodynamic distance: d=1/e= philodynamic distance. - ,e= encounter probability - [ physical(vocal, visual etc.), mental ecounter ( thoughts , dreams etc.)] e is a function of physical location of P1 and P2 and the psychological location of P1 and P2 [ the mood in which one is located] As these locations may vary with time, e may also vary with time. Interpretations: Thus , e, ψ, Φ, may vary with time with considerable degree of independence. - Thus Fph magnitude may vary with time. Direction of the force vector: The magnitude of p [philodynamic charge] can be any non-zero number +ve or –ve. “Like repels like while opposite charges attract.” The philodynamic interactions obey this law with considerable statistical accuracy. The chances direction inversion for the philodynamic force for a given couple philodynamic charges are found to be very less. A note on nomenclature: Unlike the gravitational interactions, the philodynamic may result in attraction as well as repulsion. Still the nomenclature just implies attraction [ philos=love] . This choice has no scientific importance and is attributed to the biasness of the philosopher. Note that we can express philodynamic force as –ve phobiodynamic force. Applications:The theory proposed has its most profound applications in the fields of psychophysiology & adolescent-consultancy. The Opinions and corrections welcome:D hrushikesh sunil gore.
Thabks for that 100000 times thing, i didn't have any concrete info before... And about Thymine Vs Uracil - i think methylation would help me explain it...i'm thinking... hrushikesh
Turn to the PAG-E-SDS now!!!
2810712 replied to 2810712's topic in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Thanks for those formulae...today its fairly hard to understand and estimate the errors so as to get correct forumula... and as the errors are variable with gels it seems fairly useless. hrushikesh