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zapatos last won the day on February 3

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About zapatos

  • Birthday October 11

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    St. Louis
  • College Major/Degree
    BS, MBA
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    Scientific and Medical Publishing


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  1. zapatos


    I suggest a basic law class at your local community college.
  2. zapatos


    You are making a fundamental mistake in your thinking. Rights have to do with the law. That's it. When a judge makes a ruling, they don't ask 'is this fair', 'is the person being a jerk', or any other such question. They simply ask "what does the law have to say about it?" That is how they make their decisions. If you sign a contract with someone and in the negotiations and you agreed to pay $100 per part, if the person who wrote the contract accidentally changed the $100 per part to $10 per part, then the price will be $10 per part. Even though everyone knows the agreement was supposed to say $100 per part, the law says you have to abide by the lawful contract. You need to quit thinking about people's feelings and what you feel is right and wrong. Those thoughts are irrelevant. All that matters is what the law says.
  3. Including you. Why is yours so special? At least I tried. From you we only have assertions.
  4. So then by all means, you should continue to ignore my posting about complying with national and international law.
  5. https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/israel-law-review/article/abs/operation-neptunes-spear-the-lawful-killing-of-osama-bin-laden/EB8023A47D4B6E0D8DEC2E9AAEA316C8 https://www.defense.gov/News/Speeches/Speech/Article/606662/the-legal-framework-for-the-united-states-use-of-military-force-since-911/ Google is your friend. And being the true Scotsman you are I suppose you can tell us which democracies are "real".
  6. If we don't recycle it into things like mud control tracks what will happen to it? I remember when disposable diapers were the worst thing since unsliced bread, until we looked at the harm done by using cloth diapers. No question plastics are bad but I'm guessing the answer of what to do with old milk jugs is not as simple as 'don't recycle them'.
  7. Sounds like a great solution to me. You are finding a use for recycled materials which only makes the demand for recycling greater. I suspect using recycled milk jugs will be much better for the environment than all the fuel that would go into quarrying and transporting stone. And if you no longer want to use it you should be able to recycle the product once again.
  8. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/james-webb-space-telescope-reveals-that-most-galaxies-rotate-clockwise-180986224/?utm_source=smithsoniandaily&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=editorial&lctg=92132029
  9. I believe that is called Begging the Question. You are saying we could be living in a Matrix, and the proof that a Matrix is possible is based upon the fact that while we were in the Matrix we were able to have great technological innovations over the centuries that could lead us to create a Matrix, in which we would develop technology over the centuries that could allow us to create a Matrix... If we are in a Matrix those centuries of exponential technology growth never really happened.
  10. In 1943 there were not enough white women to fill all the jobs so they opened up the positions to black women.
  11. It would have been easier to just say "No, I am not going to provide a citation." I really don't need a lecture about my nefarious motivations or the lack of quality in my questions. I simply asked a question about a claim you made that seemed like it could benefit from some supporting documentation. Very simple. This is a science site after all. If you won't deign to answer my question until I pass a worthiness test from you, I'll just move on. i'm not in the mood to take any crap from you.
  12. zapatos


    In the US you don't need any 'right' to buy a house.
  13. Okay. So can you please provide a citation that states E coli and similar species have feelings or desires (seems a better word than 'wants')? I don't think it is reasonable to say a magnet 'wants' to attract a paper clip. That seems a personification of magnets.
  14. Can you please provide a citation that states E coli and similar species have emotions?
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