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zapatos last won the day on September 20

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About zapatos

  • Birthday October 11

Profile Information

  • Location
    St. Louis
  • College Major/Degree
    BS, MBA
  • Favorite Area of Science
  • Occupation
    Scientific and Medical Publishing


  • Lepton

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Genius (11/13)



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  1. Stan Musial died in St. Louis tonight. He was a great ball player, a great man, and will be sorely missed.

    1. rigney


      One of yhe greatest baseball players bar none. "Stan the Man" What else needs to be said?

    2. Mr Rayon

      Mr Rayon

      zapatos, very funny signature about the Holy Pin.

      Here is a little doco about Ayah Pin I found:


      I hope you'll watch it. I'd be interested to hear your opinions/views about it.

      Also, do you think the world is becoming more or less religious?

      What is the root cause of religion?

      Do you believe there was a strong need for Christianity/Islam/Hinduism/Buddhism etc to be created? What hidden motive could drive a bunch...

    3. Mr Rayon

      Mr Rayon

      ...of people to create such religions if they were really man-made?

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