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Everything posted by zapatos

  1. I'm unsure how your unsubstantiated claim of schools as charities is any better than Firebirdy's claim of schools as concentration camps.
  2. I've never seen so many unsubstantiated claims in one post since I've been here. Biden is a "terrorist"? Public schools are "concentration camps"? Give me a break.
  3. Ok, I'll be honest with you. You come across as someone who is pissed at the world and uninterested in having a serious conversation. Perhaps you need to start a blog.
  4. I forget. Did you say you quit your social media accounts and other forums, or were you kicked out?
  5. I don't have any skin in the game on this one which is why I'm a bit apathetic. I would like to know too, although people like to present data so that it shows them in the best light.
  6. No, but I'd bet a shiny new dime that when governments were talking to drug companies they weren't dealing with one of the field sales reps who was scheming so that he could afford a two-week vacation in Italy this summer. I'm not sure. What is your goal once you have the information? Are you looking to call out liars? Hold people financially accountable to the citizens?
  7. I don't have enough information to say either way. Do you?
  8. Those are your only two options? That's your only evidence? Clearly you've come to a conclusion absent reason or evidence.
  9. You are as slippery as an eel. I give up.
  10. To the best of my knowledge the relatively large quantity is a result of Operation Warp Speed. https://www.gao.gov/products/gao-21-319 Basically the US spread a lot of money around covering multiple strategies without knowing what would be successful. This increased the likelihood of at least some wins. In addition, the public/private partnership has seen activities such as the Army Corps of Engineers overseeing construction projects to increase manufacturing capacity.
  11. https://www.cnbc.com/2021/03/12/us-tops-100-million-covid-vaccine-doses-administered-13percent-of-adults-now-fully-vaccinated.html Why would you be surprised? Do these companies have a history of lying?
  12. Is this some new initiative that was announced or are you just suggesting it would be a good idea?
  13. Received my first Moderna vaccination tonight. The pharmacy had a handful leftover they needed to stick in someone by the end of the night. 😁

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. zapatos


      Not only that but I worked out with a dumbbell yesterday. I feel vigorous! 🤣

    3. MigL


      Finally got a booking for my first dose of Pfizer/Moderna on May 3;
      had to book it in a different city ( Hamilton ) about 45 min away, as they were all accounted for in the Niagara Region.
      May also get the Astra-Zeneca which is available at a local pharmacy.

    4. zapatos


      That's great MigL! I was really surprised how much better I feel knowing I've got my first dose. I know I can still get sick but knowing it won't kill me makes me less nervous around those many people who don't wear a mask around here.

      I have my second dose scheduled for Saturday.

  14. WHY does the short development cycle make it less acceptable for political decisions surrounding the use of the Astrazeneca vaccine?
  15. How does knowing how long it took to develop this vaccine vs others tell us if politics is involved in the pause in the rollout? If this vaccine development cycle is longer than past development cycles, does that mean political decisions on vaccines are more acceptable, or less acceptable?
  16. Tells us what things???>>??__>%%^^
  17. Is it hard to believe because you are expecting hard chunks in your smoothie? I'm no chemist, but if ground fine enough it would be difficult to discern. In addition, calcium carbonate does dissolve in water, although various factors affect how well.
  18. I can imagine myself lifting a rhino. Or seeing my son being born again. How can that be possible to do in reality?
  19. No, they aren't. You are making it up. The only way "real high school students" will be able to react is if they see it in a movie, not in real life. And since it is such a ridiculous scenario they will likely quit watching.
  20. Because it's a ridiculous low-grade movie and there are better things on television.
  21. They'll roll their eye and change the channel.
  22. Apparently you are wrong as it does make a big difference.
  23. What did you wish to discuss?
  24. Yeah, this is never going to fly on a science site. Ever. You have to give in on this one or you'll never succeed here. Yeah, this is going to be another issue for you. The BB is one of the best supported Theories in science. Ever. This in itself will not harm your ideas but people are going to take everything you say with a grain of salt. Why are you here with these people you think so little of?
  25. The problem seems to me to be that you want everyone to change to your way of doing things. Wouldn't it be easier for you to accept the way this site works? If someone has a criticism of you idea, instead of getting angry, just respond to the criticism until it is resolved. Then move on to the next part of your idea. Rinse. Repeat. You are wasting time complaining about how this site works. Spend your time giving people what they ask for so you can move on with your idea. If you cannot do that (like everyone else does) you will never succeed.
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