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Everything posted by zapatos

  1. Probably just my ignorance but I've never heard that before. Can you provide a citation or give some examples I can look up?
  2. No. Although you are not going to safely fire packages out of vehicles either. If we are going with something plausible then both of us need a new idea.
  3. Fire the packages out of artillery pieces. They easily have a range of 20 miles. That way you don't need any vehicles driving around.
  4. It most certainly is a reflection of the public's own culpability. That doesn't absolve the companies though. Not at all. Many ordinary voters don't know any better. Overall I feel you post makes it seem like there is one right way of looking at things; good or bad, voters or companies or politicians. Certainly every category has its own good and bad players, educated and not, concerned or not.
  5. Reminds me of "who is the most fluent in Italian?"
  6. Citation please.
  7. Citation please.
  8. What is it that makes her worthy?
  9. "Cancel" culture by those "woke" politicians!
  10. That is not an accurate depiction of Zerbo's relative's situation.
  11. I have no idea what you are talking about. Not yours, that's for sure.
  12. Then you should probably put your follow-up posts in the topic you were in instead of here. They would probably make more sense there.
  13. Obviously. But it also represents a concept. What do you mean by that? Are you saying nothing else matters? Why?
  14. Right, but there is more of it between the Earth and the Moon, and yet the distance between the Earth and the Moon doesn't increase. I know that I can think of it in several different ways, but how does science model it? Is there a model for it? Or does science go no further than just recognizing that superclusters are further apart over time?
  15. This part always confuses me and perhaps there is not yet any good explanation, but... Assuming ALL of space is expanding and we are not taken along for the ride away from, say, the moon, then this seems to imply that the expanding space between us and the moon is flowing past us. But as space is not a 'thing', how could it 'flow'?
  16. Sure. And you also wouldn't know friendship, dating, leadership, bullying, or any other thing that has a social component. And while we are at it, if you were left without access to seafood you wouldn't know what a tuna fish sandwich tasted like. IOW I don't think your statement brings us any new insights.
  17. What is an electric particle?
  18. What is an atom with an abnormal electric particle speed?
  19. What is an electrically abnormal virus?
  20. zapatos

    Political Humor

    My favorite was "while getting gay married". 😄 It reminds me of my grandmother. While I never saw her be anything but nice to the many black people she worked with, when telling a story about this person or that, you always knew the race of the person. "Some guy at the gas station" meant they were white. Otherwise she would have said "Some black guy at the gas station".
  21. This is where you and I differ. Obsessing over whether I am going to die of this or that is generally a waste of life. You only go around once so enjoy it while you can.
  22. zapatos

    Political Humor

    Americans are not only unilingual, they can't even pronounce names that aren't "American". Easier to say "AOC".
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