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Everything posted by zapatos

  1. I've got to say the chessboard you built really struck a chord with me. I have a chessboard my dad made for me and it is one of my most prized possessions. Like you he chose not to try to carve the pieces. He picked up a set in Mexico on a vacation one year.
  2. I assume I'm included in this group. Can you point out why you believe I'm included here? Types of things I've said? I'm genuinely curious.
  3. Sorry, not me. I've never polished a finish I put on wood. Is that for your chess board? I was also meaning to ask you, what are you doing for the chess pieces?
  4. No need to get in a twist about it. The way it works here is anyone can comment on any post they want. I'm sure you've done it yourself. In fact, earlier in this thread you jumped in on a conversation I was having with Phi. Take a look at the comment I made that you are so unhappy about. If it's true, take it to heart. If not, you can assume I am a dope and don't know what I'm talking about. No hard feelings. I've been mistaken before.
  5. What you highlighted was an observation I made of your approach to the topic of racism which I believe to be factual. It certainly was not a personal attack. Because I was commenting on a post from MigL about Clinton's use of the word "deplorable". It had nothing to do with bigotry against rural Americans. If you don't want to know, don't ask.
  6. I didn't say it, but the reason I think it with you is because it seems every time someone brings up an issue with racism, sexism, etc., your knee-jerk reaction seems to be to minimize it. It reminds me of Trump saying 'there are good people on both sides'. It doesn't seem possible with you to ever just condemn the racism and move on. You have to condemn the other side first, which has the effect of minimizing the racism. It's 'whataboutism'. The issue of 'agenda driven intolerance' is a nice stand-alone issue and deserves its own thread. But if you open a thread on that topic I'm betting that you won't like it if every time a comment is made regarding the effect on society of intolerant, thin-skinned people, that someone else responds with 'yeah, that's bad, but there really ARE racists out there!'. Because OF COURSE there are real racists out there; it's just not germane.
  7. This format here is lame because I have to deal with hecklers like you.
  8. So you went from empirical evidence to anecdotal evidence because reading is just too darn hard. Good move.
  9. You have an interesting view of racist behavior. Other than that I don't think I'll take the bait. I agree with the rest of your post. My opinion has always been that Democrats were as much at fault as Republicans for Trump's victory. Whatever it was that prompted so many people to vote for Trump was something that the Democratic party missed or ignored. One of the reasons I'm not as disillusioned with the electoral college as many people are is because it forces politicians to address the needs of more voters than just their core constituency. This was one of the reasons the electoral college was created in the first place. In 2016 Democrats focused on the needs of urban voters more than rural voters and it bit them in the ass. As I recall Bill expressed his concerns to Hillary about that risk and she didn't take his advice. They can only blame themselves for that one.
  10. Haha, thanks! I appreciate the kind words. 😀 The floors are 3/4" birch plywood framed by 2x2 select pine. I put it together with glue and used a pocket hole jig which was the first time for me. Not as nice as other joinery but I wanted to try it out and see what all the fuss was about. Pocket holes worked well. The pink roof (I looked for the most outrageous pink I could find!) is made from 1/4" poplar. I just laid out the pattern by using a lid from a jar on my workbench, cut it with a saber saw, and painted it. I hope they like it. At two years old you never know, but if not now I'm sure they grow to like it later. And it is rock solid; four kids could climb on that and it would hold up fine.
  11. I have two grand-daughters, both around the age of two. Made them doll houses for Christmas. Still going to make some furniture but will buy them some to get them started.
  12. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basket_of_deplorables People are the way they act. Maybe not based on a single event (such as an out-of-character heat-of-the-moment slur), but if a person exhibits racist behavior for years, they are racist. No need to sugar coat it. We are not talking about children for whom we are trying to develop into good adults. These people ARE the way they act.
  13. The people she called deplorable ARE deplorable. Remember, she did not call Republicans or Trump supporters deplorable, she referred to the Trump supporters who were racist, sexist, homophobic, and xenophobic. Her description was IMO spot on, although she didn't do herself any favors by giving them another talking point.
  14. Just because a sentence "makes sense" does not make it true. And if you can recognize which sentences are true, then you must have already known it to be true. So you've discovered nothing new.
  15. Do you prefer I call it 'arguing in bad faith'? How about 'violating the rules of the forum that you agreed to'. How can you possibly "persuade" when you refuse to back up your claims or even explain what your words mean, then simply insist people believe you because 'you said so'. You've been exposed to Trump for too long. This is right out of his playbook, and it is pathetic to suggest this argument is based on "faith". Give me a break.
  16. Quit trolling. Every time I ask you a question about your claim you refuse to answer. That's not acceptable around here.
  17. What is a "status quo" American?
  18. You shouldn't make claims that are a lie and then try to bash that company based upon your false assertion.
  19. Citation please? As far as I can tell, Walmart controls about 10% of the American retail market (roughly $500B of a $5T market).
  20. Do you know what the word "evidence" means? You are just pulling a story out of your lower orifice and presenting it as if there is some reason we should believe it is true.
  21. Which part of the above is the evidence I requested?
  22. Was someone mean to you in school? Made fun of you because of how you dressed? Refuse to go to prom with you? Whatever it is, please get over it. You sound like such a whiney child.
  23. Let's try another tack. Please provide evidence that the conscious visual experience is embedded in front of your face as an actual screen of some sort. Simply saying the visual experience has nothing to do with neurology isn't going to get you very far.
  24. Says there person who is not even trying to understand wavelength and saturation. You get peeved that we are not giving weight to your floating screen theory yet dismiss our comments about neurological function. Pretty funny.
  25. So Conscious Experience = The Redness of Red is not vague? Give me a break. All you do is repeat the same things and refuse to engage in any meaningful way. This is really the definition of trolling.
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