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Everything posted by zapatos

  1. Trolling will get you banned...
  2. For Christ's sake, don't you read the responses to your posts? I'm not going to re-post the entire thread here so you can continue to deny, obfuscate and dance the two-step.
  3. Is what you said. It was proven wrong. Rather than concede the point you moved the goalposts to say... Of course that was shown to be wrong too so now you have settled on...
  4. Same thing can be said about digging your heels in when you are proven wrong.
  5. Yes, that's Carmine Splendor okra. It was probably the prettiest plant in the garden. It grew to maybe 7' tall and the flowers were big and beautiful. I think we had four plants and we could harvest from them about every other day. The stem at the base got real thick and woody. Took me about five minutes with a shovel to dig each one up.
  6. We grew two varieties of eggplant this year. Monster blackberries this year too!
  7. I drank some this year just out of curiosity. Definitely noticed the slightly sweet flavor. It was good. Does that mean you think living things don't evolve? The earth was populated with the things you see now? From God I guess?
  8. Haha. My wife bitched about how hard it was to get black walnuts for years. Now she has a method she's very happy with! Let the green walnut outer husk dry. Then stomp on them, drive over them with a car, or anything similar.That part comes off reasonably well. Throw a fair amount of hard walnuts into a five gallon bucket, fill with water, then use a large paint stirrer on a power drill to get off a lot of the crap on the shell. Let dry. Following is a Youtube video of the process she uses. Pretty much exactly the same way. I've also included a link for the tool she uses. Good luck! https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000TDDP6E/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o09_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 You're welcome! I love this stuff!
  9. We have a large garden and can all summer. In the winter we make syrup from the sap of our black walnut, black maple, and silver maple trees. We make apple butter with the extended family every other year in a copper kettle that has been in the family and in use for about 100 years. It was bought used back then. My wife picks up the walnuts and hickory nuts from our trees and spends many evenings cracking them by the fire that is burning wood from our trees. We found wild grapes on some trees and made our own jelly but I prefer the strawberry jelly we make. We grow blackberries, wild plum, blueberries, cherries, apples, peaches and raspberries. We planted a couple of pecan trees but we may not be around by the time they are producing. We also just got our first figs this year. I haven't developed a taste for our paw paws, but I've grown to like the morels when we can find them. Our compost pile is a beauty with the straw from our chicken and duck coops, and the best of all from the manure from our alpacas. You don't even have to let it compost; it can go right from their butts to the garden. We shear the alpacas and our daughter in law uses the wool for her crocheting. We use all the leaves from our oak trees for compost and mulch. We eat all the fowl eggs but we don't eat the birds; once you name them and figure out their personalities it just doesn't seem right. At this moment my wife is out in the dog kennel doing physical therapy on Wilma (our black star chicken named after Wilma Rudolph). Something is wrong with her leg. We have three bee hives but one of the hives swarmed this summer and we couldn't successfully split one of the other two. We'll probably buy a bee nuc in the spring. I love being able get so much from the land.
  10. Then you are indeed in the wrong place. Bye.
  11. Thanks! For both vaccines there is a 'minimum' time recommended between the first and second dose. Does anyone know if there is any advantage (or disadvantage) to waiting longer than the minimum suggested time before receiving the second dose? It was not clear to me from the linked document.
  12. Thanks. Unfortunately you had to go through the same. It's not something I'd wish on anyone. For people who are depressed, in dire financial straits, etc., I agree. Seems we just need to get them over the hump so to speak. For some though it's not much of a choice. If death is fast approaching and guaranteed to be unpleasant I think suicide should be a viable option, and not one where someone else has to go through the trauma of 'finding' you.
  13. Correct. Of course not. The issue is that all evidence points to the conscious experience being a result of brain activity. You are suggesting consciousness is embedded in your face with no evidence other than 'I don't see any other explanation I like so it must be this'. Why doesn't it float above my head? Or exist in the "Consciousness Cloud"? Or better yet, why isn't it a function of neural activity?
  14. Like I said, throwing shit on the wall proves nothing.
  15. Hmm. I'd have to ask why you think that I think war and torture are moral. I don't think I said or implied that. So is it safe to say that suicide in itself isn't immoral, it is the fact a person has done something that profoundly hurt others that makes it immoral? (My brother-in-law contracted AIDS back when it was a death sentence. He killed himself in a bathroom in his parent's home.)
  16. Your use of caps is confusing me. Is the "Conscious Experience of the Standard A Tone" a case study or some other commonly known reference, or are you talking about the way humans experience the audio A tone? Why are you capitalizing the word "brain"?
  17. Not really. If you throw enough shit on the wall some of it is bound to stick. You don't then get to claim your "Theory of Poop Adhesiveness via Magnetism to Wood" is "strong".
  18. No, that is not a fact. It's not even a good analogy. You need to come up with something scientific if you want to discuss it on a science site.
  19. You should look into why the 'shift' key on your keyboard randomly capitalizes words. Your argument is reminiscent of religion's "goddidit". By hammering away at a single aspect of brain activity that cannot yet be clearly described you hope to get us to make the leap that it must be magic, or god, or whatever it is you are getting at but refusing to actually articulate. Just because you cannot get a satisfactory scientific description does not mean "The Visual Light Experience simply hovers and is embedded in the front of our faces." That type of explanation is never going to fly on this site.
  20. If that was your point, you should have said something like that before now. As it is your 'point' looks like a moving target.
  21. Can you please give an example?
  22. Just a few examples: 1. You have information on where your WWII agents are in France. The Nazis are about to catch you and if they do, they will extract the location of your compatriots from you in a gruesome manner and kill them, right after they kill you. You've been supplied with a cyanide pill. 2. You have an incurable painful disease that you've been suffering with for two years. It will be another six months before you finally succumb. 3. You are elderly, family history of Alzheimer's disease, it is getting bad for you and you know it is only a matter of time. You don't wish to impose the financial or emotional burden on your family, not to mention having to live your final months having your diaper changed by a stranger making minimum wage. If you don't think suicide in any of these situations can be morally justified, can you tell me why? Is your moral objection only for you, or do you feel it cannot be morally justified for anyone?
  23. You haven't really stated with clarity whether or not you think suicide can be moral. Do you think it is ever moral to take your own life?
  24. I don't think anyone has accused it of tasting like chicken. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mud_cookie
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