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Everything posted by zapatos

  1. Back when sailors were exploring the oceans they would often leave pigs, goats and other animals on islands knowing that they or other future explorers would be able to stop by for a quick pulled pork sandwich. I'm unsure of how they handled the chip conundrum.
  2. I think you've confused this place with your personal blog. I've known some little girls who for some reason get focused on one thing (usually horses or unicorns) and that is all they ever think about, talk about, draw, collect, etc. It's an interesting phenomenon.
  3. The question was not meant to be an attack and you don't have to answer. It was just a topic for conversation. You are free to stay away from this thread.
  4. I didn't say the state is discarding me. I was following your assertion that I have a duty to protect the state's resources. What better way to do that than by killing myself?
  5. It is right. By killing yourself you are saving the state resources so that they don't have to invest them in you in a nursing home after your productivity is gone. You have a duty to kill yourself to protect the investment the state put into you.
  6. Haha. I guess I misunderstood your previous post. When you mentioned the 'looming crisis' I thought you were referring to the luddites with a play on words and was laughing at that. Oops!
  7. No. Not even close.
  8. Lighten up. Don't ask if you don't want an answer.
  9. Still waiting... You are wrong. I am one of those people who thinks we still have more to learn, while being confident that consciousness can be explained by science without the need for woo.
  10. You're right! You'll be free of all criticism, reasonable or not! 😃 I think this approach goes hand-in-hand with the question of morality as the laws on this subject tend to follow morals.
  11. Wait. Double negative alert!!! The answer is 'It is sometimes OK to take a life.'
  12. A sound mind is how we define it. As I said it needs to be worked out, but it won't be determined by comparing what your family says vs what everyone else says. We need to come up with a well thought out, generally agreed up, measurable definition. I'm pretty sure this already exists in places, I just don't know the details. Assuming you meet the criteria, then yes, you should be able to kill yourself with a clear conscience and free from unreasonable criticism.
  13. Yes. With the stipulation that the person is of 'sound' mind. Whatever that means. I've not thought through the details.
  14. Are you ever going to tell us how you think your non-physical solution works? So the whole purpose of this thread is what?
  15. Why would I think a prediction is like a conspiracy theory? They are in no way related.
  16. You missed my point. I'm not talking about whey protein, I'm talking about the words 'never' and 'rarely', hence the reason those words are all in caps. People in bodybuilding say 'never' and 'rarely' just like they do in science. The distinction between the two is more important in science.
  17. Kids like competition. When I coached youth soccer it was near impossible to get the kids to run hard when the only reason to do so was to improve their running ability. But if I had two of them run at the same time and called a winner, they gave it their all. It's the competition that gets kids playing, not the teamwork.
  18. Why are you skeptical of an infinite universe? If it were not infinitely big what would the end of it look like?
  19. If you are talking about body building it really doesn't matter much if you don't make the distinction between "they NEVER drink whey protein", and "they RARELY drink whey protein". In science however, the distinction between 'never' and 'rarely' is enormous. In science accuracy is critical. If you come to a science forum you need to be accurate or you will be corrected.
  20. 6CO2 + 6H2O → C6H12O6 + 6O2 Grade school science.
  21. I get the impression he is so overwhelmed by what our brain is doing that he has ascribed something supernatural to it. I admit to some degree of chain yanking
  22. Sure it can. You just don't like the answers and have made up your own. Unfortunately you seem afraid to share with us what it is other than something non-physical that is embedded in your face.
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