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Everything posted by zapatos

  1. Can you restate that? I have no idea what point you are trying to make.
  2. https://www.scienceforums.net/topic/85759-was-jesus-a-real-person/?tab=comments#comment-828061 Search function works great.
  3. I have no idea what you are prattling on about. Is this really how you wish to begin your time here?
  4. I suspect the answer to your question is "no". I'm afraid it may be time for you to recognize that the conversations on this site are simply above your comprehension level.
  5. Don't be confused. Just because it is printed on the money does not mean we are required to believe it. It has zero impact on me and I assume most others. It is. No, that is not correct. In fact, in many ways it is specifically banned from being part of government action. An official motto is meaningless except in a symbolic way. It does not carry the weight of law.
  6. Difficult in what way? It is. Still waiting on an answer to this one.
  7. So you opened a discussion thread but refuse to discuss it. That's usually the point at which threads get closed.
  8. You connected them in analogy. Where did you connect them in reality?
  9. I would be shocked if having the flu while fighting COVID-19 did not affect the outcome.
  10. What part did I get wrong? 1. Begging the question - You assume in your 'quote' that science and religion are connected. As science does not address the Supernatural, then by definition I am correct. 2. Cannot be connected in reality - See #1 above. 3. Cute - I'll give you this one. That is indeed something that possibly only I 'think'.
  11. Cute. Unfortunately it is guilty of begging the question. You can connect them in analogy but in in reality.
  12. I think what happened was that people rejected the fantasy premise you concocted out of whole cloth.
  13. No disrespect intended but you are missing out on the opportunity to learn something from Eise. You are in over your head and don't recognize it. This is similar to arguing with a doctor who wants to adjust a patient's oxygen level, when to you it is obvious that the patient's blue lips indicate their lips are broken.
  14. https://www.yahoo.com/huffpost/donald-trump-stake-company-hydroxychloroquine-112913777.html As we now see this potential issue being reported in the media, it seemed worth bringing back into the conversation.
  15. My understanding is that military training teaches exactly that. They know that bullets flying over your head and loud explosions nearby cause fear, but through training they teach you how to choose your response, rather than simply jumping up and running.
  16. I have 3M N95 masks with a one-way valve. I tried to upload a picture if it but it would not let me. It looks like the other 3M N95 masks but right in the center of the mask is an approximately one inch square, 1/3 inch depth, plastic piece with a plastic flap inside functioning as the one way valve. I suspect it is no more likely to spread disease than the N95 without the valve, since the valve piece is attached to the mask material on the outside. Meaning your breath still passes through filter material prior to moving through the valve. My mistake. I took a closer look and what I thought was filter material was NOT FILTER MATERIAL. It does indeed look like the valve allows my breath to freely escape the mask without passing through filter material.
  17. Yep, that would do it for me too! 🐍
  18. Of course it helps! Does it help you to understand what words mean when you read something?!?! Geez. Give me a fucking break.
  19. Are "novel coronavirus" and "Covid-19" two names for the virus, or is "novel coronavirus" the virus, and "Covid-19" the disease caused by the virus. I've seen a lot of articles that seem to be implying one is the virus while the other is the disease. I even saw one article that seemed to imply Covid-19 was the lower respiratory disease, and not the illness that might manifest itself in a mild case. Often times though they seem to be used interchangeably. I've tried to find a clear answer but have been unable to do so.
  20. https://www.bbc.com/news/health-52087002?fbclid=IwAR0TXvbAbyw93xU0qHjJ_ERHmczhzIgClrVAqr3ZHRnvztF5QtIg_nqmQkA
  21. Whose politics were you referring to when you mentioned Donald Trump? (apologies if I'm being dense) No shit. None of this little journey makes your original statement any more accurate.
  22. What annoys me is how everything remotely political gets turned around to be about the liberal media, Obama, Pelosi, socialism, etc. 😀 I guess we all have our own set of filters through which we view the world. Yes, the important part.
  23. Not everyone in first world countries are rich and not everyone in third world countries are poor. Your statement remains inaccurate.
  24. That's exactly why we avoided buying one. Things get lost in my regular freezer. When you haven't seen that pork roast in the freezer for six months you forget it is there and just buy a new one when you get the craving.
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