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Everything posted by zapatos

  1. Actually my wife and I have discussed this. Fortunately for us we can add some distance if only one of us is infected. Our plan is: - The sick person stays in the lower level of our home which has its own bedroom, bathroom, kitchen sink, microwave, television, and door to the outside. - Well person stays upstairs and takes care of all animals and supplies cooked food. - Ill person does their own dishes. - Luckily for us I found a handful of N95 masks in my workshop. - Hope like hell that sick person doesn't need care, otherwise entire plan might go to hell in a handcart (which is an appropriate phrase as its origin comes from hauling the dead off the streets of London in handcarts to protect horses during the plague.)
  2. Wow. Not sure how to respond to that. Surely there is at least one woman who would be better for this country than Trump. I feel sorry for women and other minorities who are held out of positions of power and responsibility due to the fact that they've never held positions of power and responsibility. As always it is the people in charge who don't want to share what they've got. Whites hold back blacks, rich hold back the poor, and men hold back women.
  3. I used to share that same sentiment but my view has changed over time. People often say you need to choose the best candidate/CEO/judge/etc. based on experience, education, etc., and then end with: "but not just because she is a woman (or other under represented minority)" (not that you are doing that exactly). It seems to me that sentiment is essentially saying there is no particular value in 'just being a woman', and by extension, that there is no value in 'just being a man'. My view is that there IS value in just being a woman, and the fewer the number of women in a particular role, the more value the woman brings to the table. The women of SCOTUS may not have had better resumes than all the men they beat out for the job, but they brought a perspective and experience that was sorely missing and made SCOTUS better for it. Similarly, as long as the candidate is "good enough" in other important aspects, I believe the 'woman card' should rightfully trump other potential candidates who happen to be men. And in all honesty, VP is not a critical job. The value of having a woman in that role will IMO far outweigh the benefits of having a man in that role who happens to excel at more traditional attributes valued in that choice (like what state they are from). I applaud Joe for making the commitment to a woman VP.
  4. Science doesn't typically "panic/overreact". While everyone about them is losing their heads, the physicians and scientists just keep moving ahead.
  5. Get back to me when whatever you've ingested wears off.
  6. I have my first known (possible) link to COVID-19. My wife works with a woman who was in the office today. The woman has been at home with her college age daughter all weekend. The daughter's college roommate, who she was with all last week, was just tested for COVID-19. No results I've heard yet, but she fell into the category of those who should be tested. Anyone know how often those tested come up negative? Just wondering if the right symptoms and other risk factors are a reliable indicator of infection by the coronavirus, or if the symptoms are too close to the seasonal flu.
  7. I think SJ would like to know who you believe is "implying otherwise".
  8. You are ASSUMING free will exists. Your example does nothing to PROVE it. You can make the same argument without the parasite even being present by simply saying that by running away from the cat, the rat exhibits free will. The parasite example is an example of the lack of free will, not the other way around. Proof of activity "X" does not simultaneously prove the opposite of activity "X".
  9. So if I make you give me your money at the point of a gun, that is an example of free will? Wouldn't you refusing to give me your money at the risk of being shot, be a better example?
  10. A parasite making the rat do something is not an example of free will on the part of the rat. It's that simple.
  11. I was thinking the same thing as I read the post. At least if the cat had run away while infected with the parasite, or if the cat had stayed while free of the parasite, it would have been an example that might indicate a free will.
  12. You forgot to mention the fake moon landings and fluoride in the water supply.
  13. I don't find it terrorizing that I may get COVID-19 from a terrorist when I can just as easily get it from anyone in the grocery store. That is akin to trying to scare soldiers by trying to shoot the soldiers who are already on the battlefield. Maybe if they started infecting people with ebola...
  14. Don't feel bad. I just got four downvotes in 1 minute. Gotta be a record. Guess someone doesn't like me.
  15. My posts are the ones with the Bugs Bunny avatar. Oh for God's sake grow up.
  16. LOL! I was the first one to engage with you in conversation. You then proceeded to ignore my last comment regarding the OP. You are being a bit over sensitive if you quit posting here because of "the arrogance and disinclination to reason" by those who contributed. I re-read the thread and you received nothing but thoughtful and well reasoned responses. What were you expecting? A pat on the head and a "you poor thing"?
  17. So you'd like me to show you a little more empathy?
  18. I am under no obligation to explain myself when I give someone a negative or positive rep. However... Negative rep for his attitude that someone spending their time at night chillin' or on entertainment due to high stress levels at work is not acceptable. That it is instead probably a "personal" problem, and that if they "can't handle the heat they should stay out of the kitchen". It is my experience that trying to induce such an individual through reason to adopt some level of empathy for those who are having difficulties and are not as well balanced as him is a waste of time. Thus I'm more inclined to show my displeasure with such a person simply by clicking on that little down arrow and moving on.
  19. Can you tell me where you ultimately end up with this theory/speculation? Is this simply another way to look at the universe, or maybe just time? Do we get any additional insight into how the universe functions? I get lost in all the detail and just wonder how things will be different if/when you are able to convince others that your theory is valid.
  20. In my previous job I had two years of low stress followed by one year of extremely high stress. Job didn't change but outside factors did. Things could change drastically for you in short order. All it takes is a new boss, a change in the marketplace, a restructuring or a merger.
  21. I think any job in any field can be stressful. I imagine there are plenty of nuclear engineers who are stressed.
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