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Everything posted by zapatos

  1. I think you are conflating "big bang" and "universe". They are not the same thing.
  2. Probably best that you move to the shallow end of the pool.
  3. Can you describe how a potato is "self aware"?
  4. We really need to set an age limit on this site.
  5. Did it? I didn't know that was known.
  6. You shouldn't confuse "views" with "accolades". There is a Youtube compilation of Stupid People Fails that has 1.3 million views. People aren't viewing that video because they admire the actions of the people involved, and people aren't viewing this thread because they realize they are witnessing a major breakthrough in science.
  7. What do you base this belief on?
  8. Where I come from everyone drives on the right side of the road. You can still go wherever you wish but by following the norm you avoid misunderstandings and all sorts of problems. People who insist on driving on the left side of the road don't usually feel welcome either.
  9. Welcome to the culture of a science forum.
  10. What do you base this belief on? All evidence to the contrary.
  11. The question was not "what is the purpose of zapatos", the question was "what is the purpose of life".
  12. Sorry, I misunderstood the part about matter.. When you say all points of space are expanding, what are they expanding in relation to? Are you suggesting space is composed of something? If not, and it does not take matter along with it, how would you test your hypothesis? Since points of space closer to matter move slower than those points further away, what is in between the two points of space as the distance between them increases?
  13. Relative to what? To all other points? My computer does not seem to be moving away from me at the moment.
  14. Unless you can describe exactly what the waves are there is no way to predetermine what might likely block it.
  15. That's part of the experiment. Try different thicknesses. Start with aluminum as that is the easiest to start with and manipulate.
  16. "Purpose" implies a reason for being. There is no more 'reason' or 'purpose' to life then there is a 'reason' or 'purpose' for a rock. They are both just different manifestations of matter that are a possible configuration given our laws of physics. For something to have a purpose there must be some thought or motivation preceding it. Unless of course God exists, then I'll change my vote.
  17. I'm not sure I understand why our current lack of understanding about the exact method of abiogenesis that resulted in us implies there is "something more". There are lots of things we don't yet know. Do all of them infer there is 'something more', or only this particular mystery? If we do figure out exactly how abiogenesis happened on earth, does that prove there is NOT 'something more'?
  18. There is no purpose of life.
  19. Can you explain what you mean by "intuitive"? Because the definition I found says "using or based on what one feels to be true even without conscious reasoning; instinctive". If that is what you have in mind, then I would say "no", we should not convert our understanding into a more intuitive system.
  20. I assume you are using Heartmath as the same "scientific" source for this claim as you used for your claim regarding the ability to download information from the EM field created by the heart.
  21. Does it matter?!?! You are arguing that people should be tolerant, but you have no idea what it means to be tolerant. I may as well spend my time debating with a begonia. Jesus freaking Christ.
  22. I gave you my definition 30 post ago. Do you actually read my posts? If you say "I don't know" it would certainly explain a lot.
  23. Can you please tell me what your definition of "intolerance" is? If you 'tolerate' something it means you: "allow the existence, occurrence, or practice of (something that one does not necessarily like or agree with) without interference." Rosa Parks most certainly did NOT tolerate the rule that said she had to sit in the back of the bus.
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