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Everything posted by zapatos

  1. Have your DNA compared to your dad's DNA.
  2. EARTH is self sufficient. Mars can be too. Just don't introduce political jurisdictions that fight against each other.
  3. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=emf
  4. I have a theory that EMF waves are generated by the poster and influence the person assigning the rep points, thus ensuring an accurate reputation. Knowing this is true will greatly help those who visit the site so they can trust what they read. Perhaps someone here can run some experiments to verify the accuracy of my theory. I'd be happy to share authorship of the subsequent paper if you also agree to write it up.
  5. Citation that it was known by the people who went to her for help?
  6. No, but you do require knowledge, ability, and the recognition of where those things are lacking. I don't want to discourage your enthusiasm but you are acting like a ten year old who thinks he is ready to start practicing medicine because he watched an episode of Doogie Howser, M.D.
  7. What if we discover a new energy sources? For instance, how much energy is required to move in time 10 years?
  8. No. What I am saying is that you can plan a colony on Mars without taking International Trade into consideration.
  9. I comprehend infinity. I don't know why people think it is such a hard concept. And I'm only rarely accused of being insane.
  10. If they were really contacting souls in the afterlife, why wouldn't the accurate results be 100%?
  11. NASA developed the office of Planetary Protection to meet NASA and international requirements to protect against microbes setting up shop elsewhere. I suspect that purposely launching microbes to other worlds will not happen.
  12. We only trade between countries because we have countries. If we had one world government we would not need trade between countries. Don't confuse politics with economics.
  13. Let me help you out with that one so you can quit wondering. Using all the money to combat ACC that was actually spent changing literature and exhibits at GNP, spent on the report, and spent by CBS News on their presentation of the report, would have made just about zero difference. No telling how far they'll go to accomplish what exactly?
  14. AFAIK the military in the US does not use IQ testing at all. I'd be surprised if any military did although it's not something I have any first hand knowledge of.
  15. If a trash can of nuclear waste is motionless relative to the sun, it would be simple to push it toward the sun. The same would be true of a trash can motionless relative to a black hole. But any trash can on earth is not motionless relative to the sun; it is orbiting the sun at 67,000 mph. Imagine you were at the end of a rope and I was swinging you around at 67,000 mph. Think of how hard it would be to climb up that rope to me. In order for the trash can to become motionless relative to the sun, we would have to launch it in the opposite direction of the earth's orbit at 67,000 mph. It is this amount of energy needed that people refer to when they say it is not worth sending the waste to the sun. On a related topic, this same principle is one of the reasons we tend to launch missions to planets further from the sun than us (Mars, Jupiter, etc.) rather than those closer to the sun than us (Mercury, Venus)
  16. You have chosen the worst possible person to troll about their efforts and ability when it comes to doing research. You are way out of line and digging the hole deeper with each post.
  17. Agreed. The evidence also leads me to believe that using of the term "hysterical" to describe scientists' best estimate, or describing the Park Service as "hiding" the signs when data now suggests a change of timelines, is purposely ignoring the data and casting doubt on science in general. To provide an overview of the situation paraphrased as "meh, glaciers come and go, nothing to see here", is either being willfully ignorant or is indicative of an agenda such as FUD regarding ACC.
  18. Your childish antics are fooling no one and they are taking away from the debate. We all know the meaning of what you've said and you trying to obfuscate their meaning with your hand-wavy tactics are just making you look foolish. It would have been much simpler to simply say "yes, that may not have been quite accurate" and move on.
  19. Not many people are foolish enough to claim that no glaciers have disappeared due to climate change.
  20. An objective view would tell you that glaciers will not always continue to be glaciers. Sometimes they turn into water and drain away. In 1850, Glacier National Park had 150 glaciers. Today there are 25 active glaciers. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_glaciers_in_Glacier_National_Park_(U.S.)
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