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Everything posted by zapatos

  1. I think you are reading it too narrowly. From your source... AA was not just about equality and increasing diversity. Discrimination didn't just mean that blacks might be discriminated against in college admissions, it meant that blacks were often unqualified for college admissions due all the additional barriers blacks faced when trying qualify for college admission in the first place. As my first link and now your link point out, AA addresses past discrimination.
  2. Not as I've always understood it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Affirmative_action
  3. Many already believe it is time to end Affirmative Action as it is unfair to those who have never wronged anyone, and gives an advantage to those who have not been wronged. And to clarify that point, when I say "have not been wronged", I am speaking to the specific correction made by AA. For example, if a black person is applying to University for the first time, they have not been wronged by the application process. So it can be reasonably argued that giving someone preferential treatment in college admissions is as unfair to whites as Jim Crow was unfair to blacks. Instead you should just make the admissions process fair for all. I personally support making up for past mistakes, such as by the use of Affirmative Action, but I tend to be hopelessly pragmatic. In my mind, giving blacks something of value not given to whites (money, admission preference, etc.) is too big a bite at this time in our history and is doomed to failure. I therefore think we have a much better chance of meaningful change if our goal is equality for all.
  4. Agreed that is the main point. If our goal is to ensure equality moving forward as opposed to some sort of reimbursement for past wrongs, we are much more likely to be successful.
  5. "Remediation" clearly can mean many things. I believe that point 4 (or maybe 4a) should include the fact that most people won't object to remediation that ensures equality going forward, but may object to remediation that makes up for past wrongs. For example, I don't think that generally anyone minds if admissions to universities are color blind, but might object if blacks receive preferential admission treatment.
  6. There are plenty of real nails to use. No need to exaggerate or generalize in order to manufacture larger nails. You only hurt your own credibility.
  7. So much for reasoned debate. Or Forum rules for that matter.
  8. Your statement was much too broad and smacks of 'religion bashing'. Just one example is that the Catholic Church now accepts both Evolution and the Big Bang Theory. Surely that is an exception to your rule that "A church teaches what we know to be NOT true and sticks to its doctrine even when found to be utterly wrong..."
  9. And which God is that? How do you know they would battle as opposed to, say, starting a coffee klatch? Where did you get this specific bit of information about them battling if there are more than one?
  10. Don't keep us in suspense. What is the evidence?
  11. I wasn't attempting to justify anything. So does the church.
  12. A common misconception. The Pope is only infallible when speaking ex cathedra. The last time that happened was in 1950. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Papal_infallibility
  13. Then I guess it is safe to say that not only is forward time travel possible, but that it happens every day for anyone at low elevations vs those at high elevations?
  14. zapatos

    Shamima Begum

    Responding to you is like drinking too much. Afterwards I'm always saying to myself "you should know better by now, it's always the same hangover".
  15. zapatos

    Shamima Begum

    How many times do you want me to answer that question: met·a·phor /ˈmedəˌfôr,ˈmedəˌfər/ noun a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable. Yes, but I was afraid if I said that about you I'd get suspended.
  16. zapatos

    Shamima Begum

    You always talk to people like you are chastising children. Bet you are a lot of fun to work with. They also said stuff like
  17. zapatos

    Shamima Begum

    No one used those words, no.
  18. zapatos

    Shamima Begum

    Being under a certain age is not the "get out of jail free" card you seem to think it is. We hold youths accountable all the time, either under rules for minors, or as adults if the situation warrants.
  19. I wouldn't let gbg bother you too much. As he has not posted here in nearly a decade he may no longer be a part of this world.
  20. If a nuclear bomb is detonated in your ship you will not have to worry about any of the other details.
  21. Google is your friend. I assumed you understood it already as you stated you have a problem with it. Perhaps you can tell me what part is a problem for you and we can start there.
  22. I think it is safe to say that no one believes "in evolution as spelled out by Darwin's origin of the species, nothing more nothing less."
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