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Everything posted by zapatos

  1. As I said, I agree. And the reason is because there is something wrong with those who hold such views.
  2. Agreed. It is because there is something wrong with those who hold such views.
  3. I imagine it spreads as fast as the water flows.
  4. Generally you will get good results if you lift to failure (that is, you likely couldn't do another rep) after 8 reps or so. Allow enough time after working a set of muscles for healing before working those muscles again. Change the exercises you do for a particular set of muscles every couple of weeks or so. Ensure you are eating a good diet. There are many ways to work muscles for strength and size, this is one of them.
  5. Depends in large part on what your goal is. Strength? Toning? Definition? Preparing for work? Sports? Rehab?
  6. Can you expand on that? I also don't see how more brain volume is necessary just because organs are larger.
  7. Sounds like you are on the right track for success Bucky. Now that you are here you'll have to give us updates once in a while on how you are doing!
  8. He could have a peanut allergy too, and yet I went ahead and suggested eating small amounts of nuts. Just the other day someone asked me for directions, and for all I knew they could have been looking for a rival in order to kill them. I've seen people insult others here without knowing if that person was 'this close' to suicide. This wasn't a question about how to treat his high blood pressure or whether or not to have liposuction. These were questions that would have resulted in direct answers from any search engine. Our conversations on this site are going to be terribly limited if we can't assume some basic level of intelligence by those we speak too, and accept some minimal amount of risk that comes with day-to-day interactions with people. If you don't feel comfortable giving advice to others then you shouldn't, but I have no qualms about suggesting fruits, vegetables, walking, and a fitbit to someone who wants to lose weight. Absolutely. No doubt about it. That would also be true if he had a cough or cold and was considering taking some Robitussin, as there could be some underlying issue. But there are some things we feel comfortable doing without the oversight of a physician. If you wanted to lose weight, would you trust yourself enough to know if you should go to the doctor first before starting a diet, or if you could just do some research on your own on how to approach it?
  9. Often times discussing the nuances of an issue can bring enlightenment. Digging in one's heels because "that's the way it is and nothing more need be said" has been known to limit growth.
  10. People regulate their exercise and food intake every day without talking to a doctor. Thousands of diet books are a mouse click away without the need to first see a doctor. There is little risk involved in eating a better diet and walking more.
  11. Generally speaking, you will burn the same number of calories each mile/kilometer traveled, whether you walk or run. I agree with the others that walking at this point is a better option than running.
  12. Bacteria clings to everything. Soap helps remove the bacteria that clings to your skin, although washing your hands with water only works well if you use good technique. Anti-Bacterial soap actually kills bacteria so it is the most effective. On the other hand, soap can also be contaminated with bacteria and washing your hands with contaminated soap can result in having more bacteria on your hands after you wash than before you wash.
  13. https://www.hopkinsallchildrens.org/ACH-News/General-News/The-Dangers-of-Vaping-and-E-Cigarettes
  14. Don't plan on losing more than a couple of pounds per week. Don't drink calories. Don't have poor food choices in your house such as chips, candy, ice cream, soda. Don't stop your diet even if you do something like eat things that are not part of your diet. Some helpful tricks include not eating anything before noon. Anytime you are ready to eat wait for a short time first. Eat every thing off a small plate. Never eat out of the container the food came in; make sure you put it in a bowl or on a plate. Eat only fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats, whole grains, low fat dairy, small amounts of nuts. Exercise is important, but eating less is more important. Join a group such as Weight Watchers. Be patient. You'll be successful! People lose weight all the time. Good luck!!
  15. 11/15 In all sincerity, thanks to everyone here for getting me to the point where I could score that well!
  16. Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. I'm sure it also has to do with how tired I am, if I'm in a good mood, if this particular person has been doing this repeatedly... I didn't feel there was anything to agree with in mistermack's last post. It was just his opinion of what he thought of the use of the neg rep, pointing out that people who use it are sad & slow, while people like him are insightful and gifted. Now that I think about it I may go back and neg rep it after all. Of course. I don't see how anyone might think it is NOT smart ass, regardless of whether or not you held a similar opinion.
  17. Agreed that it is not vitriolic. But I get tired of smart ass responses. I don't feel like arguing about why I think something is smart ass, I just prefer to show my exasperation by giving a neg rep and moving on.
  18. Yes, this is exactly the type of post that might get me to give a neg rep. Thanks for the example.
  19. I don't give neg reps for any ideas. I may give a neg rep though for the way ideas are expressed. While other posters may have expressed the same ideas as you, they don't necessarily say it the same way you do. If someone were to say 'I find it hard to believe that so-and-so can't remember the details', I would never give a neg rep. If on the other hand someone were to say 'no way do they not remember the details, they obviously are lying to support their agenda', I might give a neg rep.
  20. What exactly was my inconsistency?
  21. I fail to see how giving a neg rep to someone who calls someone else a liar is an inherently bad thing, even if you read that neg rep as meaning "you are an idiot". As you said, we should not attack people here, and calling someone a "liar" is attacking people.
  22. It was a clarification of your misconception about what "victim shaming" is. When you said "So that's it then. With a wave of your hand, it's decided. She's a victim. Meaning that he's guilty.", you were showing your misunderstand of what victim shaming is. "Victim shaming" does not say anything at all about the guilt or innocence of the alleged perpetrator. "Victim shaming" instead speaks to the treatment of the person who is bringing forth the allegations.
  23. Just so I'm clear, you are saying my statement ( Attacking the person who claims to be the victim of a crime is considered 'victim blaming'),was false?
  24. Hmm. I thought I was talking about "Negative Rep", split from the Kavanaugh thread, and why it was being given out. Not to mention that I was just responding to the two posts which were already talking about that.
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