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Everything posted by zapatos

  1. I agree. I saw Star Wars late in the game. By the time I saw it the hype was so great that nothing could meet the expectations.
  2. Like most things, quality seems to be in the eye of the beholder. I loved Moby Dick and all things Hemingway. I twice tried to battle my way through Crime and Punishment. Mostly felt like punishment to me. I would sooner chew tin foil while shaving my head with a cheese grater than read Oliver Twist again. For the life of me I cannot understand the fervor around Harry Potter.
  3. Yes, I know. Let me know when you hit half a million. Citation?
  4. Given that there are believed to be eight or nine million species on earth, you've got a long way to go before you can show our comparatively large size is not a major asset when defending ourselves.
  5. You remind me of a guy I used to work with. Years back I was a tech rep for a software company. We were doing an installation at a company and had a problem that we couldn't figure out. Eventually the decision was made to bring the developer on site to resolve the issue. It was well known within the company that because of his ability, he was able to pretty much do as he pleased. So on the day he shows up, we are all wearing suits as was the norm back then. This guy shows up in flip flops and a dead head t-shirt. I looked at the customer with a look of chagrin on my face, but he smiles and says "if you let this guy get away with showing up at a client site looking like that, then I know you brought in the right guy."
  6. The second body did not become the moon. The debris blasted into orbit, consisting of material from the first and second body, become the moon after it coalesces in orbit.
  7. Those are not three examples of "capture". "Capture" has a specific meaning in astronomy.
  8. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giant-impact_hypothesis
  9. What a great story! You deserved a sign for that.
  10. How is the government legally required to respect who I want to be?
  11. Not at all. Affirmative Action protects members of groups that have previously suffered from discrimination. If I have not suffered from being a member of a group that has suffered discrimination, then I should not receive the benefits of Affirmative Action. If I claim to be black in the US but grew up with all the privilege of a white middle class upbringing, then I should not get any special treatment, regardless of the hue of my skin.
  12. I claim to be 'white' when asked, even though I doubt that is a completely accurate assessment of my background. I choose 'white' because in the culture I grew up in the people with similar colored skin called themselves white. I think it is reasonable for people to pick their own way to identify themselves, especially with respect to race.
  13. I suspect most of us are trans-race.
  14. My last name is an alternate spelling of Zapato. My wife has a tattoo of Marvin the Martian so I stayed with the Looney Tunes theme.
  15. We are also comparatively large. When you step out your door, how many species are out there who can kill and eat you?
  16. That link was hilarious!
  17. All of the stars in the galaxy were moving away from us at the same time, whether they were in the front or the back. Therefore the whole galaxy appears to be moving away from us. Doesn't matter when the light from individual stars was emitted if they were all moving away.
  18. The only thing springing from nothing is your argument. You can repeat "it had to have a beginning" as often as you like. It doesn't make it true.
  19. No one is claiming we can. Who said it just sprang out of nothing? When they said it did they provide an explanation? If so, then perhaps it is logical, but you just don't accept it. Of course it does. (At the very least my assertion is as valid as yours.)
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