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Everything posted by zapatos

  1. Not at all. Infinity isn't all that complex of a concept.
  2. "limitless or endless in space, extent, or size;" To whom? To you I guess it doesn't matter at all.
  3. I am telling you to quit guessing about things if you want a meaningful discussion. Not true. We can seek to understand how life works on Earth, understand the chemistry, physics, biology. Then look beyond Earth, seeking to understand what we see elsewhere, and if we see similarities to what we have on Earth. At that point it is more than just a "guess", it is a reasoned discussion of the evidence.
  4. That is an odd use of the word "aware". Is a crystal 'aware' or 'intelligent'?
  5. So you believe that, say, a sweet potato is "intelligent (conscious)"?
  6. Let's take care of some basics first. To claim "There must be..." you would need some evidence. If you have no evidence then you are really just guessing or perhaps expressing what you hope the universe is like.
  7. "Unidentified" indicates it could be extraterrestrial or something whose origin is local. But if you are in Kentucky and hear hoofbeats, there is a good chance it is from horses and not zebras.
  8. So you ask and answer your own questions, and don't want to hear the answers of others? Interesting approach on a discussion site.
  9. For most of my life I voted as an independent; best person for the job. And there was a good chance that person would vote his conscience over party, or at least work with the other party for the best possible outcome. Over the past few election cycles I have voted straight party ticket (Democratic - with blinders on I guess you'd say). The reason I do so is because so many moronic (my view of course) ideas by Republicans make it to the forefront, then the Republicans vote along party lines. That means the person I thought was the most reasonable may end up voting for a moronic idea because their party demands it. I know it's quite possible I could get some Democratic moron with a moronic idea, but I'll take a stupid Democrat over a stupid Republican every day of the week. When politicians again work across the aisle, I'll again vote independent.
  10. Perhaps the part of your food that was not an insect was the cause of your high.
  11. Oh for God's sake give it a rest.
  12. No. It's when you act like an arse you come across like an arse. You manage to do that under any number of situations. Surely you are aware of your confrontational approach.
  13. You have a tendency to come across like an arse.
  14. No, I wouldn't. So I'd be careful about making the claim without evidence. I can think of plenty of liberals and conservatives who are rich, and also plenty who are poor. I would have guessed it's a fairly even split based on the anecdotal evidence I've seen, but you two seemed to be pretty confident it leaned one way or the other. Seems silly to debate the point if no one has evidence to support their position.
  15. So that's a "NO" then.
  16. Do either of you have citations? Not saying you are wrong but I've not seen evidence one way or the other.
  17. The first is a blaspheme, the second a vulgarism. Both are curse words; that is, offensive words uttered in anger or annoyance. At least I believe that to be the commonly accepted definition of cursing.
  18. Sorry to take this off topic but I'm really curious. If 'fuck' is not a curse in your mind, what is?
  19. I'm delusional? You think your thoughts on the nature of a supernatural being are rational, but mine are delusional? Give me a break.
  20. Actually people would have twice as many hardships as they have now. God is caring but can only do so much.
  21. No, someone robbed Peter to pay Paul... No, wait, I think Peter paid the piper...
  22. You are of course correct. Thank you. I suspect in the case of the tree pictured above, which seems to be deciduous, that there is a good chance it will have dormant buds.
  23. Trees lay down dormant buds along the trunk and branches as it grows. When a tree is pruned, hormones activate the dormant buds. Often times a tree can even survive if it is cut down to ground level.
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