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Everything posted by zapatos

  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tempest_in_a_teapot
  2. You really want to go this route? You are not talking to adolescents here. Your little psychological ploy to get us to do some introspection to address our prejudices and fears and thus listen to this video you are so enamored with, assumes we have prejudices and fears to begin with. If you want to talk science, fine. If you want to manipulate us into buying into creationism you are barking up the wrong tree.
  3. I thought that a mobile phone connected to a tower, which then routed the call over copper and/or fiber, and ultimately to the recipient. Is that not necessarily the case? Might calls simply travel from tower to tower wirelessly from caller to receiver?
  4. It's unlikely that many people are going to spend over an hour on a video unless they've shared your eight year quest for answers. I know it is too much to ask of me. You will have more luck generating discussion if you share with us some of his thoughts and go from there. People come here to talk, not to get Youtube recommendations.
  5. So you do have an agenda. Good to know I didn't misread your intentions.
  6. Because you said it with such confidence ("It happened exactly because they are trying to be politically correct. They figured..."); because of your 'single oppression' vs 'double oppression' analysis; and because your default position for a science-based, cutting edge organization, is to assume they suddenly changed their mission configuration because their anti-racist choice of a black woman could be made double-dog-dare-anti-racist by swapping her out for an Hispanic woman. All without offering a shred of evidence that supports this claim.
  7. I have no evidence for this claim, but I think anyone who could come to a conclusion like you just did has either an agenda or a chip on his shoulder.
  8. You said: "I have no real opinion about the story because I have no idea at what level these types of decisions are made at NASA but I see no reason for doubt to be the default position." I was just seeking clarification on what you were referring to when you said "I see no reason for doubt to be the default position". Both NASA and the brother of the astronaut made statements. Did you mean 'I see no reason for doubt of NASA to be the default position', or possibly 'I see no reason for doubt of the brother to be the default position'?
  9. You didn't answer my question.
  10. Congratulations on 3000 posts! Just for clarification, when you said "no reason for doubt to be the default position", were you saying 'no reason to doubt NASA's integrity as the default position', 'no reason to doubt it was racism", or what?
  11. We also don't have enough knowledge to say it was or wasn't due to her choice in automobiles, but we aren't speculating on that.
  12. If NASA is racist it seems they just became that way given that the linked article states that "Fourteen African American astronauts have flown in space, and several have visited the space station."
  13. So there is no tidal locking occurring between the sun and the earth?
  14. Do you mean like Olympic divers do?
  15. I don't think I've ever come across anyone expressing that perspective before.
  16. Say what?
  17. Can you expand on that thought a bit?
  18. The favorite bridge near me is th Eads Bridge, financed by Andrew Carnegie. It opened in 1874 and is still in use today. It was the first all steel bridge, the first to exclusively use cantilever supports, and still has some of the deepest caissons ever sunk. Fifteen people died from "the bends" during its construction. To prove that the structure was safe they walked an elephant across it, because as everyone knew at the time, an elephant would not walk onto an unsafe structure. Science at its best! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eads_Bridge
  19. There is nothing I like better than to offer an answer to a question, then to be called a bastard because the answer didn't meet the standards expected.
  20. It's a very pleasant feeling to have the right tool for the job at hand, but it is surprising what you can accomplish with some imagination. Using ropes for clamps is a new one, but I have used 2x4s and boxes of rocks.
  21. Okay, I get it. So any guesses? Are we likely to ever know how life began on earth? Or will we likely only know how life could have began on earth? I realize this is speculation, but I'm wondering if the clues to our origin are likely to be found in our chemical makeup.
  22. But that's the point I'm getting at. Saying it was chemical is the same as saying Dark Energy fuels the acceleration of the expansion of the universe. It is such a broad term that it means almost nothing. That is why I questioned beecee when he said "Abiogenesis appears to be really the only scientific answer as to how life arose." Abiogenesis is NOT the answer, it is a field of study LOOKING for the answer. Which is my understanding...
  23. And at this point we have no data which allows us to say "we think life began this specific way", right?
  24. My understanding is that 'conduction' is a term that describes material objects. Since space is not a material object, it cannot "conduct".
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