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Everything posted by zapatos

  1. But abiogenesis doesn't tell us how life arose, does it? Isn't abiogenesis more of a hypothesis, or a framework for investigating how life began? Saying abiogenesis is the "answer to how life arose" seems similar to saying Dark Energy is the answer to the acceleration of the expansion of the universe. It may be technically true, but it doesn't really clear up many questions.
  2. You must have made this argument a couple of dozen times by now. A shitty world is not proof there is no God. Please move on to something else.
  3. The entire table was made of clear pine and we only used 1 inch nominal thickness boards with various widths. Where we needed thicker boards we would just glue up two boards. And to make the overall job easier, we kept the width of all pieces at the width of boards we could buy at Home Depot. That way we didn't have to rip any boards. Because pine tends to look splotchy when you stain it, we used a pre-stain wood conditioner, a brush on stain, and applied several coats of polyurethane. In between coats we rubbed it down with 0000 steel wool. Part of the reason for framing all four sides of the top was to add rigidity, and also to give the illusion of a thicker top than we actually built.
  4. This past summer my son decided he wanted a farmhouse table for his dining room. We made this with hardware that allows him to easily take it apart for transport.
  5. IMO, in order to build a table that you will be happy with you first must have patience, attention to detail, and recognition of when those attributes are slipping (due to fatigue, being in a hurry, etc.), so that you can step away before you screw something up. If you do each individual step to the best of your ability, your overall project will be the best you are capable of with your current experience, and will generally be something you are happy with. Assuming the above is true the next thing you need is a plan. Not just the look and dimensions of the table, but an idea of how you are going to accomplish cuts, glue up, joinery, finishing, etc. That will come from either a plan you are following, someone to guide you, or your own knowledge. If you've got the two items above covered, go for it! It really doesn't matter if you've done the techniques before because if you have the right approach (paragraph 1) and know what you have to accomplish (paragraph 2) then you will be successful. May not be perfect, but it will at least be good enough, and no one will likely notice any imperfections except for you. The average person will not look that closely. When I build things I often do a lot of the tasks twice. Once for practice or to see how it will go, and once for real. I'll cut a rabbet on a piece of scrap before I do it for real. I'll dry assemble before actual glue-up to make sure I have enough clamps and time to get it glued before things start drying. I'll sand/stain/apply polyurethane on a sample to see how it looks. That way when I do it on the piece I'm making it comes out the way I want it to. When you get down to it, all you are really doing is cutting wood into smaller pieces, then putting the pieces together in the shape you are after. Since you are still fairly new to this game, you may want to consider making it out of, say, pine rather than something like oak. Much cheaper and easier to work. I vote you make it.
  6. What is the virus you are referring to? Do you have a link? Thanks.
  7. I'm embarassed that I can never seem to remember how to spell embarrassed.
  8. You are right, with respect to rangerx anyway. His behavior has been appalling. I almost called him out in the other thread but held my tongue.
  9. Perhaps someone can tell me why my specific suggestions (five post back) are not the types of suggestions we should be focusing on as that may help me understand the position of those who are in disagreement with me. In addition, a summary of what suggestions have been made that don't involve requests that women must/should take some particular action would be helpful.
  10. For the record, Oprah is not a pop singer. But to address the question, I guess I'd vote for her over Donald but that is not saying much. I think we've shown that people unqualified are not a good choice, whether we agree with their thoughts or not. No, I will not vote for Oprah.
  11. I did present some suggestions earlier. Here is some of what I said: "Many people, young ones in particular, and not educated on how to deal with these complex situations that lead to assault. Look at the the US women's gymnastics team for example. A doctor molested dozens of young women, who by their own admission did not understand or know how to respond to the situation. Educating young people like this who are removed from the protection of their parents to recognize and avoid situations where that can occur is likely to have a positive impact. A more complex situation is the mixed signals sent out by some celebrities. Telling women to not allow themselves to be treated like sex objects, might be followed the next day by going out in public without underwear and flashing your hoohah. How do men react to that? How do young women react to that? Is that unknowingly putting young ladies at risk who might be tempted to do the same?" "Young girls should not have to decide whether or not a doctor's 'treatment' is appropriate; maybe something more concrete, like requiring a woman appropriately trained to be there for all treatments. You shouldn't have to count on someone with a vested interest in the alleged perpetrator decide how to deal with a sexual harassment claim. " I addressed this earlier too. Here is some of what I said: "Personally I wish everyone would get away from the "dress modestly" theme as I find it to be a waste of time as well as a misrepresentation of what I've suggested. Putting mechanisms in place to educate young gymnasts and other women in similar circumstances, clear and effective ways to report abuse, understanding who is most vulnerable, support for those who choose to speak out, a public debate on sexual messaging in the media, etc. will in my mind address areas of weakness and deliver concrete results." So if I say "murderers are going to kill" do you feel that also is acceptance? Stating that a behavior occurs is not the same as accepting that behavior.
  12. Jeez, am I really going to get into this again?!?! Apologies ahead of time... Some of us keep talking about it because women are still getting hurt, and we think it can help. That's all. It doesn't feel like wasting time. To me it feels as helpful as talking about how to stop men from committing the crimes.
  13. It does. No one I've seen is saying that having a tendency to do something makes it acceptable. Did someone say otherwise?
  14. What do you mean?
  15. Well that wasn't so hard!
  16. While nurture may keep you from acting on tendencies that are a result of genetics, I don't think it will keep you from having those tendencies in the first place. Which is basically the point mistermack is making. Nurture can keep you from eating the food off my plate but it will not stop you from getting hungry.
  17. A lot of mills will sell wood designated S2S, or S3S. That is, Surfaced 2 Sides, or Surfaced 3 Sides. That way you have lumber that has been run through a surface planer. That will let you get closer to the source but still address the difficulty you are currently experiencing with that aspect of wood prep. You may have tried this already, but some woods such pine (which it looks to me what we may be seeing in this picture) have a pore structure that almost guarantees a blotchy finish. If you apply a pre-stain wood conditioner it will go a long way toward giving you a nice even finish.
  18. Unfortunately, until we debate the merits of a statement rather than just dismissing it we will never get there.
  19. Here we go again.
  20. Over the years my shop has become very well equipped. Table saw, band saw, radial arm saw, miter saw, jointer, planer, router table, drill press, assembly table, couple of work benches, and other assorted goodies. My band saw is relatively new and I'm still learning it. If you are interested in a magazine that gives solid tips and step by step project plans you might like Woodsmith. http://www.woodsmith.com/magazine/
  21. I've been doing woodworking since college. My dad was an extremely talented cabinet maker and my first major project was to design a waterbed which he and I built together. One of my fondest memories with him. We drove to southern Missouri to buy white oak and black walnut directly from the sawmill. The past couple of years I've spent a lot more time building things for outdoor use. We have a cabin on the Black River and I've been building foot bridges, benches, tables, an outdoor shower, and other items. I find wood working extremely rewarding. I've also taught my kids and wife and they can all build things. Here is a picture of waterbed we've been sleeping in for over 30 years.
  22. I think we can all agree to that.
  23. Well, I realize this probably isn't what they meant exactly, but between John and iNow, it was pretty close: The latter quote was in response to me saying " whenever there is a suggestion that the overall situation is more nuanced than simply predator/prey, there seems to be a tendency to ignore the practical in favor of the ideal. A woman who ignores risk because it's "not fair" is not the same as a seal who has no choice but to swim in the same waters as sharks."
  24. Personally I think they are too weak or too dependent on people who have an interest in keeping things quiet. Young girls should not have to decide whether or not a doctor's 'treatment' is appropriate; maybe something more concrete, like requiring a woman appropriately trained to be there for all treatments. You shouldn't have to count on someone with a vested interest in the alleged perpetrator decide how to deal with a sexual harassment claim. Or more than tolerance, such as actively supporting the prick. Yeah, that's a pretty accurate assessment. I blame it on my Boy Scout training. I agree that taking the offense is a good thing, but I feel the offense will be most effective if done by the potential victims. There are laws on the books and plenty of us offering support from the sidelines, but if the woman doesn't feel empowered and confident in taking action the moment it occurs I don't have much confidence of success. Someone has to call out the crime, loud and clear, and know that help will be on the way.
  25. Clearly there is no point in continuing this conversation.
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