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Everything posted by zapatos

  1. So it is okay to put plastic over the ground but not over leaves? Got it.
  2. Seal a plastic bag over some leaves on a tree.
  3. I suspect you either misunderstood or are exaggerating.
  4. Yes, you are probably right. Alternatively, it might be good to ditch the 'checklist for ensuring wedded bliss by eliminating those whose genetic compatibility index fails to meet your standards', and instead choose a mate based on love, respect, compatibility, and friendship. Nah, that's just crazy talk!
  5. The percentage of Americans needing a bone marrow transplant each year is about 0.00006. If you are going to take that into consideration because you are 'responsible', then before popping the question you should probably also insist on measuring any potential spouse's daily fluid intake. Too little water leads to more viscous blood which can eventually lead to coronary artery disease. Personally, I would also insist on collecting a fecal sample and have a gut biome analysis done. Nothing wrong with being cautious. That's what any responsible person does!
  6. https://www.newscientist.com/article/2077783-ligos-black-holes-may-have-lived-and-died-inside-a-huge-star/
  7. I see your change now. I think there was just a delay in refreshing. Thanks.
  8. No problem! What was your correction? I'm not sure I'm seeing it.
  9. A black hole that can wipe out the human race from a few hundred parsecs away would be one big SOB.
  10. My current opinion is likely to be modified as I've not discussed this much, but generally speaking I support gene modification to support a 'better' outcome. If I could have chosen strength, intelligence, etc. for my children I would have. We currently try to adjust for these things after the birth, so doing so before birth seems a reasonable future approach. In addition, we are effectively doing so now with embryo screening.
  11. I think the problem is that the BBT seems to only apply to what was a very small space 13.8 bya, and that therefore 13.8 billion years does not seem like enough time for that very small space to grow into something 14 trillion light years in diameter.
  12. When you get close to making a decision please let us know.
  13. Maybe this is America's biggest problem. People on two sides of the political spectrum who see things in black and white with no subtlety or nuance, refusing to see things from the other's perspective.
  14. You are cherry picking the worst attitude of those who call themselves conservatives and trying to pass it off as representative of "the GOP concept of healthcare in this country". I won't even bother to debate it.
  15. I guess we disagree. I just feel if you are going to say the "GOP concept is that not all Americans deserve to have access to healthcare", then you'd better have at least some of the GOP leadership either saying those words, or agreeing those words represent their concept when it comes to healthcare. If they haven't or won't, then you are building a straw man. Edit: Would it be misleading to say the Democratic concept is that not all Americans deserve to keep the money they earn?
  16. No, I am suggesting that I don't use roads, but I pay taxes. Therefore you are being subsidized. If I didn't help subsidize you would have to pay more for those roads.
  17. I am also being forced under penalty of law to subsidize your use of roads. So I guess we are even.
  18. I agree that the GOP position is in large part due to tax cuts, but also politics. Not repealing the ACA after claiming to do so for seven years is a very risky move. And again I agree with your assessment that the GOP position is not about "deserve", which was the point I was trying to make. That may be the view of some Republicans, but I think their policy goals have much more to do with ideology surrounding the role of government. I dislike the word 'deserve' here. In my view, the GOP is of the opinion that not all Americans are 'entitled' to healthcare at the expense of others. It is not so much a value judgement of their fellow Americans, but an ideology about the role of government. That is why I feel Phi for All's portrayal of the GOP position was misleading. I agree that it should be based on whether or not it is good policy. And generally speaking I think that is what the GOP is doing; they think it is bad policy (fiscally and philosophically) to guarantee access to health care for all. From their view, budget perspective trumps health perspective.
  19. I'll give it a shot. There are some people out there who squander all opportunities and generally lower the quality of life for those around them. They can buy healthcare if they can get the funds together, but they do not 'deserve' healthcare any more than they 'deserve' friendship or respect. I think framing the GOP position as 'Not all Americans deserve healthcare' is disingenuous and prejudicial. Have you actually heard anyone in the GOP use those words?
  20. Length contraction is viewed to happen, and does happen, from the perspective of the proper frame. And by contrast, at the very same time you are seeing length contraction, there is another frame in which length contraction does not happen for that very same object.
  21. Yes, time dilation is physically real. Make sure you don't think of things within your frame as being 'real' but then questioning whether or not something in another frame is also real. They are all equally real. I think the difficulty arises because of the language around whether or not the object 'contracts'; that is, whether or not an object goes through some sort of metamorphosis simply because someone happens to be viewing it from a new frame.
  22. Agreed that cats have a big impact on wildlife. I once heard that cats are one of the biggest threats to various bird species. I can't find that article but below is an excerpt from a paper about how bad they are in the US. Here we have laws against people letting their pets run wild. While I rarely see a dog running wild I see it all the time with cats. I assume it has to do with the generally non-threatening nature of cats and the fact that people feel confident their cats will return. https://www.nature.com/articles/ncomms2380
  23. You can do it! One craving at a time! Don't think about long term. Good luck!
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