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Everything posted by zapatos

  1. Unless you keep them exclusively indoors, they are difficult to control. I can't understand how people can keep any animal always confined. Do the cats hurt you and your garden, or is it their impact on local wildlife you are concerned about? Or maybe something different? Just curious as most cats that wander my neighborhood don't impact me in any way. They mostly just skulk around in the shadows.
  2. If we used "undergo change" (definition used by Merriam-Webster) instead of "become" would you say the object 'changes' as it is accelerated? I've been thinking of it more in terms of the conditions under which we make the measurement are changing, rather than that the object is changing.
  3. I don't think it "becomes" shorter though. Its measurement is simply different depending on the FOR. It is not as if an object is constantly changing size depending on who is looking at it. It is more akin to describing an object's color as gray when viewed under fluorescent light but brown when viewed under incandescent light. Both descriptions are accurate depending on the circumstances when you measure it. I'm happy to hear rebuttals if I did not accurately describe the situation.
  4. Not my field, but I understand there are many clues in the nuclear material as to where it originated. That won't tell you who built the bomb, but it's a good start.
  5. My cat never kills anything it brings in the house. It just brings them in for playmates. I've found lizards, mice and chipmunks running around inside the house. If she brings in a snake I'm getting rid of her.
  6. I think it is extremely likely that a nation could have smuggled a nuclear bomb into a major city. I also think it is extremely unlikely that a nation has done so. Smuggling a nuclear bomb into a population center would likely be considered an act of war similar to the attack on Pearl Harbor. The downside of being caught would be extreme. I think it's unlikely a nation would sneak in a weapon 'just in case'.
  7. Not all actions confer evolutionary advantage. Watching old Abbot and Costello movies on Netflix for example...
  8. SeQUential Igor data RetRiEvaL -- SQUIRREL San Francisco, CA, October 7, 2014 – Prepare to defend your tree while battling your enemies – the other squirrels. IGORLABS today announced that SquirrelWarz is now available for iPad for $1.99.
  9. Is it true that Itero's envelope could have contained the head OR the tails? Meaning, he opens it and it was heads, but if he had waited five minutes he might have actually have had the tails?
  10. We often let our chickens out of the coop to roam our fenced in yard. In the evening they go back in the coop to roost. Except for one. Goldie always waits for my wife or me to come out and close up the coop, runs over to us to get picked up and petted, any only then will go in and roost for the night. Chickens have interesting personalities. One of our ducks, both females, likes to hump the other when they go swimming. When my cat wants to go outside it comes over to the couch and touches me on the shoulder, so that I can follow it to the door and let it out. First time it did that I about died laughing.
  11. zapatos

    Male rape

    Yes, if you don't suffer then it's not really a crime. Same with women who are drugged. It's not like they suffered much.
  12. zapatos

    Male rape

    I remember a local case quite a while back of a taxi driver claiming rape by two women he picked up. One kept up a constant physical threat to him if he didn't comply to sex with the other. Seems like a clear case of rape by physical force.
  13. Just curious, but am I the sidekick, or is that someone else?
  14. I hardly find Medicare for All to be either 'fantasy world' or 'perfect', although I understand your concern about losing focus. But Medicare for All is a long term goal. I'm hopeful it won't distract too much from current work as there are no artificial deadlines or really any hope at all at making that sort of change in the near future. We'll always have short term goals. If we don't go after the long term problems simultaneously because we can only concentrate on short term goals and nothing else, we'll never get any big ticket items done. In addition, if we don't have the conversation until the Democrats are back in control, they possibly won't have enough time to discuss it, win broad support, and enact legislation before the Republicans regain power. I'll be disappointed if we cannot have a conversation while at the same time passing ACA related legislation.
  15. I agree that each thread needs to be considered individually. And of course trying to diagnose someone online is a fool's errand. Personally, I have chronic back issues and I've found a lot of help by talking online to people in similar situations.
  16. I was listening to NPR on the way to work this morning and one of the Senate Democrats stated that they are under no illusion that Sander's proposal has any chance of passing. Instead what they are trying to do is begin a national conversation around healthcare in the hopes that eventually the country will be knowledgeable enough to move toward a better system. An ancillary benefit is that they get to compare this open, all-inclusive approach, to that of the Republicans' recent approach to the health care debate.
  17. Since I don't seem to have made myself clear to this point, I will try one last time. My concern is with people being discouraged from using the internet to gather medical information. The internet contains a cornucopia of sites dedicated to health issues, even for those who are sadly not 'trained to correctly interpret and evaluate the information they find there'. From sites hosted by major medical institutions such as Mayo, to forums dedicated to participants who are trying to deal with back pain or breastfeeding issues, there are sites dedicated to nearly every human condition which can help improve the lives of those who participate. In opposition to Area54's self-imposed banishment from online medical information, and the discouragement of the use of the internet to seek medical information by others, I would like to join with the millions of people who have found valuable health information online and encourage everyone to reach out and tap the plethora of data and the experiences of others that is available to the unwashed masses. The internet has brought the experience of millions and untold volumes of information from around the world together in one place. Don't let this resource available to help you improve your health pass you by. Thank you Area54 for allowing me the last word.
  18. Ditto that.
  19. So what? Medical questions are not verboten. Who cares if I ask my workmate whether or not an over the counter anti-fungal helped his jock itch? He's not asking whether or not to continue his chemotherapy. As I said, perspective is important.
  20. It was a question about the side effects of antacids.
  21. "Not considered a good idea" by whom? Is there any member of this forum who doesn't use the internet to look for answers when they have health questions? Even doctors use Google and internet forums when seeking answers to medical questions. There is a big difference between asking questions about side effects of antacids, and which treatment an individual. should follow to treat their Crohn's disease. We should remember to keep things in perspective.
  22. I loved this quote from the movie 'Bulworth' about 'racial deconstruction', but it would probably also be helpful in eliminating cultural issues.
  23. Glad you joined us jab116! We have some real experts in those areas and there are always interesting discussions going on.
  24. Thanks Outrider, I may indeed have misunderstood.
  25. Disappointing.
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