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Everything posted by zapatos

  1. I on the other hand become more and more convinced that we will never do anything about it. It's a bit depressing.
  2. Wow. Really good video. Thanks for sharing.
  3. I'd have sent over a can of WD-40 had they asked...
  4. Ah, my mistake.
  5. Trees regrow because they lay down dormant buds along the branches and trunks as they are growing, and some of those dormant buds then sprout after you cut them down. Doesn't matter when you cut down the tree as the buds will sprout if you are in the growing season. That being said, there are a fixed number of dormant buds and the closer to the ground you cut, the fewer buds available for regrowth. If you cut them down to the ground, some buds will sprout, others will not. Run over the new growth with a lawnmower a few times and the tree will use up all its dormant buds and die.
  6. Ironically enough the company that started Snapple was Unadulterated Food Products, yet they managed to make a tea drink that contained aspartame and no antioxidants.
  7. I just reread the thread up to the point of your post and I didn't notice any posts that pushed back based on "tradition". Maybe I just missed it.
  8. I read somewhere that when making tea the problem Americans had was confusing "boiling water" with "water that had once been boiled".
  9. I considered posting this anonymously lest I bring down the wrath of the British Empire, but I guess I'll proudly show my American roots; I like my tea iced, with a bit of lemon juice. I only drink hot tea when I am cold or under the weather.
  10. Seems that for a Brit there is never a bad time to wear a bowler and carry an umbrella. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digby_Tatham-Warter
  11. After you leave here you should visit an architectural forum and shout to everyone that the axiom "form follows function" never did make sense and should be discarded before it is too late.
  12. By now it should be pretty clear to you that the type of behavior you exhibit is not appreciated here and will result in pushback. Either change your behavior or accept the response you get. If we have to put up with what you post then you have to put up with how we respond. Whining about it in a separate thread is waste of time.
  13. If evolution of flowers can in part be attributed to the behavior of certain organisms (such as bees) it would seem that the change of flowers (or other living things) by humans (via CRISPR) could also be called Evolution. Certainly humans are every bit as natural as bees are.
  14. Har!
  15. 🤣 No, you are not. The only thing you cut and pasted was a definition of "explode".
  16. No one claimed everything just popped into existence. The conversation was about the expansion of the universe, not the origin of the universe. Seriously, you should either try to learn what people are telling you, or go learn some science on your own and THEN come here to discuss it. As it is you are simply a train wreck.
  17. Before joining a science forum and making claims you should at least do a simple Google search. Even my grandkids know that gravity is an attractive force.
  18. Gravity is not causing expansion or increasing speed of expansion. It is not speculation. It is based on observation.
  19. Well, maybe none of the meanings you've explored... https://hum.byu.edu/difference-between-faith-and-belief
  20. Why are you here? You already have all the beliefs you want and already know that any contradiction to what you believe is wrong. So other than annoying the people here what could you possibly hope to achieve?
  21. It was your suggestion that the earth orbits around a black hole that threw me. ("Black holes contain mass and energy, the Earth is in orbit around one") https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth's_orbit Sorry but I really thought that this was common knowledge.
  22. Well, that's what you say now. It isn't what you said that prompted iNow's request for more information. Wouldn't it have been easier to say "Upon further consideration I'm modifying my position on how to apply litter penalties" instead of hoping no one would notice when you moved the goalposts?
  23. Sorry I missed it, but what is the "Universal enigma" you are talking about?
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