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Everything posted by zapatos

  1. I imagine a major reason is that when non-Muslims hear about Muslims it is most often in the context of Muslims killing people in the name of their religion. If you don't know or work with Muslims, your primary knowledge of them will come from the news and stories of terrorism, ISIS, the Taliban, honor killings, women not being allowed to drive, morality police, stonings, etc. It seems inevitable that eventually people will start to associate Muslims with violence, oppression and subjugation, and hence have a negative opinion of them.
  2. When you open threads and ask questions, you would benefit greatly by reading the responses you receive.
  3. I suspect you started with the conclusion, and your search was for a way to justify it in your mind.
  4. Perhaps you can start things off by telling us why you believe scientists believe in science? Come on, you know you want to tell us.
  5. No, it's not. It is the definition of 'nothing' that you are creating. In the context of what is in my pocket, 'nothing' allows for air and lint.
  6. LOL!
  7. If you didn't want me to answer the question about the nature of 'nothing', then why is the title of your post "what is nothing", and why is the first sentence of your post "what is nothing"? If you've already defined it to your liking and don't wish to hear alternative ideas, then I don't think this thread is going anywhere.
  8. "Nothing" is context dependent. There is no 'real or actual' nothing. If I say I have nothing in my pocket, I am not wrong just because there is air and lint there. If I am seeking a treasure and find a chest containing old socks, it is still accurate to tell my investors that the chest contained nothing. If you want to discuss 'nothing', it is your responsibility to define it.
  9. Thanks DrP. Yes, I am another one of those pesky atheists who learned from personal experience that religion has many positive impacts on individuals and society. Like in most organizations, including those dedicated to atheism, it is the people on the extremes who are the problem. The people in the middle tend to focus on the positive aspects and go about their merry way.
  10. Ooh, scary!
  11. I doubt we have that many cruise missiles, and certainly not enough launchers to accomplish the task in minutes. NK has something like 13,000 artillery pieces. http://www.businessinsider.com/why-no-one-in-korea-wants-war-2013-4
  12. No one knows. Except for me, and I'm not saying.
  13. As it happens my father in law passed away two weeks ago and we had a celebration this past weekend in his honor. I bring this up because I was so impressed by the way he came to terms with his own end of life. He was 91 and recently diagnosed with a cancer that would end his life within months. His response was to ponder it for a moment, state that he didn't want to pursue any treatment, and then asked what time the baseball game was on. In order to make sure he looked his best he went out and got a haircut. He planned his memorial mass, a luncheon (including the menu, venue, and guest list), and paid up front for the party which included an open bar. About 150 people showed up. He scheduled the festivities for two weeks after his death so as to not cause anyone to have to make sudden travel plans. He also declined to have a funeral procession to the cemetery as he thought they were disruptive to traffic. The eulogy he wrote for himself was short and sweet because he said he knew if could be difficult for the person who has to read it. He went out with a smile and treated his last day no differently than he treated any other. I don't know how he did it, but his example of how to approach death is what I now aspire to.
  14. zapatos


    I suspect your definition of what constitutes an 'illegal order' differs from that of most people.
  15. zapatos


    So pretty much any bomb dropped, from the time bombs were first dropped, is the result of an illegal order? More innocents die in war than combatants. While you can try to minimize it, loss of civilian life is unavoidable.
  16. zapatos


    I think the point was that the vast majority of orders are legal, making that the assumption. If the reporter was interested in whether or not an illegal order would be followed, I think he would have used that qualifier.
  17. zapatos


    And where is this book on 'best practices'? I suspect it is what you believe the best practice to be. As I said before, I wouldn't be surprised to learn this was a planned response meant to confirm Trump's authority in a chaotic administration.
  18. zapatos


    Or not. It's not like there is a rule book on what you should and shouldn't say.
  19. zapatos


    People like stability. I imagine it would make the world more risky to know that Trump's military subordinates may not follow orders. Is Putin more likely or less likely to do something outrageous if he knows Trump's orders may be questioned? Generals have been fired for questioning the President. Edit: I suppose I wouldn't be surprised if this was a planned response to send a message, given the current turmoil surrounding Trump
  20. zapatos


    I'm unsure what he did other than confirm US policy. I didn't need to hear that from Swift. It is common knowledge. The shock would have been if he had said he would NOT execute an attack ordered by his commander.
  21. If I say yes to any of those questions, will you move the goalposts again?
  22. It's not.
  23. So far it seems a lot like the old site. Upgrades are a fact of life and overall generally lead to a better experience (Windows excepted). I also imagine that any kinks that show up early will be worked out in the near future. I vote "Yes", I like it.
  24. None. I just can't get excited knowing ahead of time that it is not real.
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