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Everything posted by zapatos

  1. Something tells me you are being a bit optimistic in believing that Saudi Arabia will be free of religion in 2-3 generations.
  2. Catholicism for one fully embraces evolutionary biology, mathematics, and physics. So I guess you are wrong about them.
  3. You pretty consistently argue that religion must not be true because there is suffering on Earth, yet no religion I know of has ever said they can eliminate suffering on Earth. That is like saying the FIFA doesn't work because players sometimes get sprained ankles.
  4. I'm not so sure that is true. Even when I leave my windows open the inside of the car is much hotter than it is outside. I think it would take quite a fan to cool down everything inside the car that is heating up by being in the sun.
  5. Try looking into sling packs. The strap goes over your head but you can easily move the storage compartment from the back of your body, where carrying is easy, to the front of your body, where access is easy.
  6. No, the assertion you made was not about religion. It was about the Law. And yes, I did Google it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creation_and_evolution_in_public_education_in_the_United_States Perhaps you too should Google it before you make assertions like "Creationism is taught as scientific fact by law, in a huge percentage of the states." The anecdote supports the anecdote? Well, you got me there.
  7. Your first link is a complete contradiction of your first assertion. I have no idea why you think this was a good link to post in support of what you said. Your second and third links simply tell us what creationism is, and that people believe in in. Again, I have no idea why you think this supports your assertion. And hitting for the cycle, your amusing anecdote does nothing to support your final assertion.
  8. I'm afraid I'm going to require a citation on that one. And while you're at it...
  9. Religious texts may be written in stone, but the way a given religion functions and what it believes can change over time. In addition, there are tens of thousands of Christian denominations, all based on the same religious text. Not to mention that members within a denomination often have different views from each other. I think people, both supporters are opponents of religion, are barking up the wrong tree when make their arguments based solely on a religious text. There are simply too many interpretations.
  10. Because it tastes good.
  11. If you mean that you dislike when religion gets credit for being the source of morals, charity, etc., I agree with you. I am trying to credit the good work done in the name of religion as so many people here overlook that when condemning the bad they do and even suggest religion should be eliminated. I would do the same for the Red Cross and Salvation Army but no one condemns them for borrowing the innate human qualities of charity and empathy.
  12. Neither was anyone here arguing that religion does not borrow things for leverage. Hence it was a bit unclear to me at least why you felt the need to point out that religion does borrow and use things for leverage. I imagine nearly every institution or endeavor does.
  13. I don't think it is an atheist position that 'religion exists to maintain a privileged group in a position of power'. Identifying that one negative behavior of specific individuals and suggesting it is the 'purpose of religion' tells me the views of others in religion have NOT been considered (just like many/most religious fundies). It is ludicrous to suggest that the purpose of religion for missionaries who take a vow of poverty and care for the sick and aged, is to maintain a position of power for a selected few.
  14. No they are not, but they generally believe they know the objective truth and are unwilling to consider that the views of others may have any validity. Why do you bring this up?
  15. No thanks. I'm tired of your insults and trolling. Be rude to someone else.
  16. You have a real knack for coming across as an ass.
  17. The point I was making went right over your head.
  18. Opposite end of the spectrum, but you are no different than the religious fundamentalists.
  19. I found phenolic resin lab benches for sale. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phenol_formaldehyde_resin
  20. As I said, the side of the fence you reside on impacts how you view the world. Do you really think that everyone who is liberal will concede absolutely nothing negative about what it supports, and that they believe their position is absolutely, completely, and totally perfect in any way? I believe confirmation bias affects everyone to some extent.
  21. To describe religion as mythology is equivalent to saying that science is test tubes and bunsen burners. Both are oversimplified and misleading, while completely ignoring their objectives.
  22. Interestingly enough I often feel that way about the Right. Just look at how many people continue to find no fault with Trump. Guess it depends on which side of the fence you reside how you view the world.
  23. That is also true of what happened in the spot your television resides during the eight hours you were at work.
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