Because I was left speechless by the speed and distance you were able to move the goalposts from one post to the next, while failing to provide any support or meaningful arguments.
You started with:
"I don't think a world without religion would be possible... A world without religion would be a world without life..."
After being trivially proved wrong you completely changed direction and claimed that the earliest life had certain properties that evolved into religion:
"...but there was never life without the properties that evolved into religion..."
Finally, after being asked to provide a list of those properties in bacteria you moved onto a complete dodge and another utterly meaningless claim:
"I have no idea.
Evolution works via cause and effect and is a continuous process so there must have been properties which enabled the evolution/development of that what we call 'religion'."
You may as well have claimed that at approximately 1,000,000 years after the Big Bang the universe contained properties that enabled Chopin to one day compose The Minute Waltz while scratching his ass with his left hand. It may be true but it tells us absolutely nothing and has nothing to do with whether or not life is possible without religion.