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Everything posted by zapatos

  1. The salt water system could be a closed loop. You would only need to pump the salt water into the system once, plus whatever it takes to top it off once in a while. Once the waste water has been cleaned up, instead of dumping it back into the ocean or rivers, you keep it in the system for reuse. This would of course require duplicate infrastructure so cost/benefits would have to be weighed.
  2. zapatos

    Yay, GUNS!

    No one who insists on their right to have a gun will accept electronic government tracking of their movements. I'd accept limits on guns before I'd accept someone tracking my movements. Maybe something as simple as a combination lock built into the gun would help. It would at least cut out those who steal the guns.
  3. zapatos

    Gun Powder

  4. zapatos

    Yay, GUNS!

    Yes I do, but I'm struggling a bit to come up with a connection. It's not an authority thing; people who are bowing down to the authority of God are certainly not bowing down to the authority of the government. I guess it could be a violence thing but I don't really think so. There may be a lot of violence in the bible, but religious leaders are generally advocates of peace. So why is there so much overlap between religion and gun rights? Perhaps it is more of a rural/urban, more education/less education thing. I suppose if you are in a rural area where hunting is more common, you may see the gun problem as a city problem, not really your problem. And if Missouri is representative of the rest of the country, the rural areas are certainly more religious.
  5. zapatos

    Yay, GUNS!

    The only way I see to limit the frequency of these types of incidents is to limit the number of guns, and to raise the bar for what it takes to be allowed to purchase a gun. Given the strength of the gun lobby and the attitudes of US citizens this is not something that can be done quickly. Perhaps it is time to take a lesson from the Right to Life folks and start chipping away slowly at the laws in place. City by city, state by state, law by law, make it more and more difficult to purchase a gun. Make potential buyers look at pictures of people who have been shot, make them get their parent's approval. Maybe we can even make them first be examined by a doctor first. If we can get gun purchases designated a sin, there will be a lot of support. (This post is only somewhat tongue-in-cheek.)
  6. Rest Ice Compression Elevation Otherwise known as RICE, is how you should care for a sprain for roughly the first 24-48 hours (unless they changed the rules on me again). Ice, compression and elevation (and to some extent rest) are all aimed at reducing swelling and the potential resultant additional damage to the area sprained.
  7. I've been clicking the 'toggle' icon which then allows me to move the cursor past the [ /quote].
  8. Are you talking about the 'cancel' button? If so, if you choose 'More Reply Options' you will see it there.
  9. Ah, thank you. So presumably the gradient exists on earth as well, but the gradient is so small here that we couldn't possibly physically detect it?
  10. I guess I was trying to say that sensing resistance via nerves in our feet and sensing photons via nerves in our eyes seemed equivalent. I never suggested the equivalence principle was meaningless. That was your interpretation of what I said. J.C.MacSwell is the one who made what sounded like a physics statement (as opposed to a philosophical statement) that you cannot feel gravity on earth. Not me. I would just like to know why. If that is something you don't wish to discuss, please don't respond any more.
  11. I don't mean to appear dense, but what is the useful theoretical implication of saying that "You feel the force of your resistance to gravity, but that is your resistance not gravity"? How has the equivalence principle been compromised by my suggesting that feeling the pressure on your feet is indeed a gravitational experience? Does the equivalence principle make a distinction between sensing gravity via spahgettification and falling on my butt?
  12. But why aren't they the same? If I'm in a box with no windows I cannot tell if I'm free falling or floating. That is, I cannot tell if gravity is acting on me or not. If I cannot see anything, I cannot tell if my vision is blocked, or if there actually is no light. That is, I cannot tell if light is acting on me or not. Why is my butt finally hitting the ground NOT an experience of gravity, but suddenly seeing a neon sign in front of me IS an experience of light?
  13. I understand the point, but that sounds to me to be splitting hairs. Sort of, 'in the absence of a sense to feel gravity, you will not feel gravity'. Or, 'in the absence of eyes, you will not see light'. I mean, I don't actually see light, I experience nerve cell stimulation to light. It may be true, but is it meaningful?
  14. So you claim juanrga's views are "extremely, incredibly, unbelievably farfetched." But you present your view as reality. I suppose then that your view does not warrant respect either, under your own definition.
  15. So when I get stabbed, I don't actually feel the knife entering my body, but the resistance of my body to the knife?
  16. No textbox should appear, but if you hit the 'quote' icon to reply to someone, then clicking on the toggle icon will toggle between seeing their quote in a box, or seeing their quote surrounded by [ quote] [ /quote]. If you paste someone's text into your post, you can put the [ quote] [ /quote] around their text. Then when you Preview or Post the text will be inside the box. Or am I still misunderstanding your question?
  17. I am not exactly sure what you are trying to do, but you can still hit the quote icon (looks like a baloon) then paste inside. You can also hit the toggle on the upper left to toggle between a) using all the format icons or b) seeing the [ quote] [ /quote] and other format code to do it manually.
  18. Can you tell me what is such obvious bullshit with relativity?
  19. I mostly agree with your argument, but the neg or pos rep means more than just Right/Wrong. It can also mean: Positive Rep 1. That was funny 2. I feel the same way but there is really no reason for me to duplicate what you just said 3. You answered the quiz question correctly 4. Thank you for taking the time to explain 5. etc. Negative Rep 1. I've already explained three times why you were wrong to say Einstein and Shakespeare were the same person, and I don't intend to do it again. 2. Calling people names is not acceptable behavior on this forum 3. Dodging the question over and over again is getting old 4. No, you are not just like Newton 5. I think Phi for All has beady eyes also, but you need substantiation to say it 6. etc.
  20. Not too easy, I think we just have similar taste in music. I grew up listening to The Ozark Mountain Daredevils, Nitty Gritty Dirt Band, New Riders of the Purple Sage, John Prine, Allman Brothers, etc. I imagine most people did not have a clue about who this was. How about this: This band is originally from your neck of the woods. They played American southern rock as well as a mix of genres. The band is named for a law officer, and the name of the lead vocalist makes one think of children. One of my favorite songs is about a quest for a meteorological phenomenon. Name the band, lead singer, and song.
  21. Cleared out the cache and all is right in the world again. Once I almost had a dryer completely taken apart before I realized the settings were incorrect. When will I learn to try the easiest things first, whether they seem likely or not. Thanks all!
  22. Heh heh. Keeps getting better. I don't have a little toggle thingy. I just created a .jpg out of a print screen that I was going to attach for you to see. But while I can do a browse to find the .jpg, I no longer have an option to attach it or insert it into this post. I seem to be driving the tricycle version of the editor while you are all on Harley's.
  23. Ok, thanks. I seem to have a bigger problem though as I no longer have that top row of the post editor window.
  24. Thanks, but what I meant was that if I look at the posts under Topic Summary while I am working on this, the first post I see is the page one post from dave saying "You will probably have noticed that following a couple of hours upgrading, we have successfully upgraded to the latest version of our forum software". Before the upgrade, if I had looked at the posts under Topic Summary the first one I would have seen would have been yours, saying "It may not be obvious (took me a bit to figure it out) but if you want to respond...".
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