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Everything posted by zapatos

  1. I feel he probably abused rights when he had a US citizen killed without due process. Will you please expand a bit on his other abuses of citizen rights?
  2. Like most presidents I feel he is a mix of good and bad. I believe his biggest problem is lack of leadership. It is hard to blame it all on him during times of hyper-partisanship, but he was not able to get any of his ideas past the Republicans. Even when he had both houses he could not get the Democrats to come together as a team. In areas where he is able to act alone I feel he has done quite well. This includes foreign policy and his balanced use of the military. I'm not sure if I'll feel the same way in 10 years. I despised Bill Clinton the whole time he was in office but would vote for him in a second if he could run again. Overall I'd say he has been a good president.
  3. But if the galaxy clusters are moving away from each other at escape velocity or greater, wouldn't they just continue to drift apart?
  4. If you are travelling near the speed of light and turn your headlights on, you will see the light from the headlights moving away from you at c.
  5. Because you asked 'why'. Physics does well with 'how' and 'what', but not so well with 'why'. Philosophy on the other hand generally tries to address 'why'.
  6. Proving that Claire McCaskill, Todd Akin's Democratic opponent, is no dummy, her campaign spent roughly $2 million to help Akin win the Republican nomination. http://thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/08/19/candidates-comments-on-rape-draw-criticism/
  7. I would have to concur. In hindsight, choosing a science site as ground zero for your plan to impact culture may have been a poor choice. In addition, railing against teaching science and technology to people who have dedicated much of their lives to learning science and technology may also have been overestimating your powers of persuasion.
  8. Hee hee. Reminded me of the MP boys.
  9. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cannibalism
  10. Would it be better to pretend your misunderstandings are instead statements of fact? What is to be gained if we start with false premises?
  11. Day and night cycles are not an illusion.
  12. I don't believe this is an example of the slingshot effect.
  13. Is there any data to support the idea that photons entering the eye after bouncing off a piece of paper leads to more damage to the eye than photons entering the eye after bouncing off trees and bushes?
  14. I call bull. Since people with a modicum of education are able to comprehend the difference between the federal government and private enterprise, there is no causal connection.
  15. Then by all means don't! But if you think your personal incredulity is going to sway those who have studied the evidence and understood the math, you are wasting your time. On the other hand, if at some point you do wish to understand it, you can start by trying to understand how what people are telling you can be true, rather than by assuming it must be false and looking for problems. Once you really understand the theory and its implications, it will be much easier for you to take pot shots at it if you are still so inclined.
  16. zapatos

    Why God

    Maybe you should try German instead of English.
  17. I agree that the penalties are there to keep you from using the money for other purposes, but how do they keep you from avoiding taxes? Or rather, how could you avoid paying the taxes whether the penalties are in place or not? And since the money you take out of the 401k is taxed based on your current income, I imagine you pay more taxes by taking it out while you have a job, rather than when you are in retirement.
  18. I don't think I would necessarily be skeptical about your friend experiencing things, but I would be skeptical about his assignment of the cause without evidence. He hears something upstairs then claims it is footsteps, rather than saying it 'sounds' like footsteps. There are many things that can be heard in a house. A towel hits him on the butt and he then claims the towel 'flew'. Did he see it fly? A chandelier swings and since opening door is not the probable cause, it must be paranormal. Just because he doesn't know what caused these events is no reason to assume they are paranormal activities.
  19. The $6000 in penalties will be in additon to paying all the taxes due. It is true that the penalties are in place to deter a run around the rules, but in this case the rules insist he spend the 401k money on retirement in 20 years rather on housing now. I'm not sure the government should be making the call about that one, and in fact, with a Roth you could cash out without penalty to buy a first home. Also, I believe that if ParanoiA uses the proceeds from the sale of the house to purchase another primary residence, then he will not have to pay capital gains (yet). If he does does not roll the proceeds into another primary residence then he can at least reduce the capital gain by the amount he spent upgrading the house.
  20. Excellent posts in "Taxes, are we ready for these new ones?". You very clearly present a side to this debate that I don't often see.

  21. Ok, this is why some of us find this amusing. When I ask for evidence, you say: Yet you admonished us to not speak in opposition unless we had evidence: Do you get it now? (Edit - Spelling)
  22. If you can undeniably prove the spiritual side of things that will be quite a feat. Best of luck to you. I believe in the Big Bang theory. However, the BBT makes no attempt to explain the 'creation of existence'. No one is avoiding the question. They are avoiding giving an answer when they do not have one. Anyone who answers what occurred prior to the Big Bang is, like you, speculating.
  23. You seem to be in the same boat as everyone else. You can speculate but you don't know.
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