I think you would win more converts to your position if you argued like you did in this post instead of presenting yourself as uncaring and unsympathethic to the suffering of others.
I somehow don't think we'd hear you talking about how insignificant the death was, and how honoring the dead person minimized the death of others, if that person was your murdered child, who died so someone else could make a political statement. Whether the person dies by the hand of a terrorist or in a flood, whether alone or in a large group, it is still significant to someone. To dismiss their pain and suffering because they are only one (or a few) and weren't lucky enough to die in a manner you find worthy of honoring, seems heartless.
Please don't translate my empathy for others to a lack of concern about invasion of countries, limits to freedom, censorship, and invasion of privacy.
I made no demands that this terrorist event be "remembered forever", but I feel confident that 60 seconds of silence during a 17 day event will have zero impact on my freedoms and privacy.