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Everything posted by zapatos

  1. zapatos

    Human Rights

    I certainly think so. If one body (say, the UN) grants more rights to the prisoners at Guantanamo than another body (say, the US) then the UN could certainly make a legitimate argument about the treatment of those POWs. But the problem the UN has is guaranteeing those rights. They can use political influence, economic influence, moral outrage, and even force. But as you pointed out, the group with the most power, usually the captor, can enforce his view. I'm sure many people think that the citizens of North Korea should have more rights than they do, but unless someone can enforce those rights, from a practical standpoint they will continue to have only those rights granted by the North Korean government.
  2. zapatos

    Human Rights

    I belive that 'rights' is a concept developed by man, and can only be given by man. I don't think there are any 'self evident' rights. And the 'right' is only as good as the body that is ensuring your use of it.
  3. Yes, this piece is at a strange angle. Imagine it anywhere in the pan at any angle. Does not matter. Thanks for you best solution! I hope you don't know my wife!! And your non-jail solution is almost there but you still only need one cut.
  4. My wife made brownies in an 11x13 in. rectangular pan. Not knowing that she had to deliver exactly half the pan of brownies to each of two different bake sales, I cut out a 1" x 3" rectangular brownie for myself, not along any edge of the pan, but sort of near the corner of the pan, and the edges of my cut were not parallel to the edges of the pan. I don't wish to suffer my wife's anger. How can she make one cut to divide the brownies exactly in half? (two possible answers (that I know of)).
  5. Seems as if there is no point taking the survey if you don't own a dog or cat.
  6. Pretty funny. After reading through this thread it looks like that is just about what happens.
  7. While dark energy is thought to be felt throughout the universe (even between atoms in your body), it is only at a scale larger than superclusters that its effect is measured. Distance between superclusters increases. An individual supercluster will not fall apart and will remain gravitationally bound. I would imagine that even if our galaxy was falling apart due to expansion, that would also be irrelevant to us.
  8. Hope it's ok to ask in this thread... If we were traveling at 1/2 c, following a beam of light, the light would appear to be traveling away from us at c. If there was a neutrino beam traveling next to the beam of light at near light speed, slowly falling behind the light beam, would it appear to us that the neutrino beam was traveling at just under 1/2 c? If by chance the neutrino beam was also traveling at c, would it appear to be traveling away from us at c or 1/2 c?
  9. I thought this thread demonstrated the timeliness of the thread in Physics on ridicule.
  10. Don't know if this is what you heard, but I did find the following: http://www.gizmag.com/nasa-charters-spaceshiptwo/20174/ Also... http://www.virgingalactic.com/news/item/nasa-selects-virgin-galactic-for-suborbital-flights/ I believe the Flight Opportunities Program is already conducting flights.
  11. Presumably since we are talking about racing cars we have to also consider stability when the car is in motion. Some vehicles with a high cener of gravity have been known to roll during emergency maneuvers.
  12. I learned the most because of lemur and catalysts like him. They know enough to ask a lot of questions and speculate, but are frequently off the mark and therefore generate a lot of discussion (often entertaining, always educational) and nuanced explanations by the experts.
  13. Unless you want to start using the energy.
  14. Ok, I'm almost convinced. The thing that would have sealed it for me would have been if the government official who organized this would have made sure he was on the plane that hit the tower. That way he'd be above suspicion and wouldn't have to worry about being questioned.
  15. Ok, then I'm back to my question in post # 13. What would have been the purpose of crashing a plane into the tower AND having a controlled demolition of the same building? If you could drop the tower with controlled demolition then crashing the plane into the tower was an unnecessary effort. Why not drop the tower with controlled demolition and use the plane for another target? And while placing explosives on each and every floor might be easy if you were allowed to do so, I would imagine that someone trying to do so surreptitiously on so many floors and not get caught would be exceedingly difficult. While most anything is possible, I just don't see these as credible scenarios.
  16. The question I asked was not simply how to place explosives (which I imagine would be difficult in itself), but how to place them at the location of impact. If it was simply coincidence that the plane hit near where the explosives were placed I guess that is possible. But if the explosives were somehow to be used in tandem with the plane impact to complete the demolition of the tower (which I think Dave might have implying in post #8 with his picture), I'm curious as to how the parties involved could have managed to have the plane hit in such close proximity to the explosives.
  17. Just trying to understand what you are contemplating could have happened here... What would have been the purpose of crashing a plane into the tower AND having a controlled demolition of the same building? If you could drop the tower with controlled demolition then crashing the plane into the tower was an unnecessary effort. Why not drop the tower with controlled demolition and use the plane for another target? As an aside, can you fly a commercial jetliner by remote control? Not something I've heard of before.
  18. Can you describe a credible scenario that explains how the charges were placed at the location of the impact?
  19. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/10%25_of_brain_myth http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=people-only-use-10-percent-of-brain http://www.sciencemaster.com/columns/wesson/wesson_part_05.php
  20. It's probably not too hard to explain any human begavior in terms of evolution. On the other hand, maybe we do some things because our parents taught us to do so. Tipping is not a world wide behavior. If no one told me it was expected I imagine I would only pay the amount on my food tab and nothing more. If it is due to evolution, why don't we tip the guy at the hardware store? I believe studies have shown that the vast majority, if not all, of the human brain is used on a regular basis.
  21. Based on the visual evidence a plane struck the WTC and roughly an hour later the tower collapsed beginning at about the level of the plane impact. For the thermite detonations to be set prior to the impact there would have had to be accurate information regarding at what floor the impact would occur, the charges would have to have been set at that location, and the charges would have had to remain intact for an hour after the plane struck very near to where they were placed. For the thermite detonations to be set after the impact would have required moving them to the proper location after the collission, then carefully placing and detonating them, all within an hour. I would suggest the visual evidence is not consistent with a carefully engineered, controlled demolition using staged thermite detonations.
  22. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_matter http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_energy
  23. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Technicolor
  24. What are you talking about? Traumatized? Were you traumatized? If so, you are the only person I've ever conversed with who has been traumatized because of 'societal preferential treatment of girls'. You mean he had the audacity to make a decision for himself? Well then of course you should abandon him in his time of need. And he should be shopping for new friends. I love when people who have no experience on a topic (in this case the quality of your life with and without offspring and with or without sexual relations with women) give me advice.
  25. So what they need is some solution that will allow the use of large scale systems, limiting unwanted plants, to increase their profit. This is exactly what herbicide resistant canola has done for canola farmers. Of course there is a downside in that some plants have become herbicide resistant, but the cost of the problems this plant has introduced seems, at least for now, to be minimal compared to the positive impact of this GM plant. From my perspective keeping the benefits of the GM plants and doing risk mitigation on the detriments seems a good approach. I also wonder if there would be an outcry if someone had managed to genetically modify plants to resist herbicides using traditional breeding methods, which has been going on for centuries. Is the modification worse because it was done in a lab instead of a field?
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