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Everything posted by zapatos

  1. A frog in a blender.
  2. I understand what you are saying but I think you should be careful in interpreting the comments of people as being representative of the site. They only represent themselves when they are participating in a thread. I find this place to be full of individuals who are fairly representative of society. Most seem happy to discuss ideas at a very high level or to bring it down to the level of someone who is a neophyte in their area of expertise (usually me). I also occassionally run into people who seem annoyed that someone with my level of understanding would dare to step into their conversation, although this happens very rarely. And of course every other type of personality in between. Just like in any bar I happen to spend time in. Most people also seem ready to be very direct when questioning someone's comments. I don't think they mean anything personal by it, and I don't take it that way. It's one of the reasons I like this site. And if it ever does get personal, it is typically forgotten by all by the next day. So if I seem to annoy someone, I just stay away from them. But I'm certainly not going to let them interfere with my enjoyment of this site. I get too much out of it. On a personal note, I've been around long enough now to know what people I like to gravitate toward when they are involved in a thread. You are one of those people. I've never found you to be anything other than a thoughtful participant.
  3. One of the guidelines I've always tried to live by is "Don't make people uncomfortable". And this guideline is even more important when I am a host. What that translates into for me is to allow my guests as much flexibility with regard to my rules as I can. For example, in my house you cannot sit on the kitchen table. But if I had a guest over and he sat on the kitchen table I wouldn't say a thing, since I can live with that. On the other hand in my house you cannot smoke. If someone lit up a cigarette in my house I would ask them to put it out or go outside because that rule is more important to me than my guest's comfort. So, if a host asked me to take my shoes off I would. If a guest was uncomfortable with the idea of taking their shoes off, I would let them keep them on.
  4. As I recall parts of the North American continent have been 'rebounding' since the retreat of glaciers from the last ice age. As sea levels rise can we expect the ocean floor to sink due to the additional pressure caused by so much more water over it? If so would the sinking ocean floor in any meaningful way mitigate the risks due to rising sea levels? If the sea floor sinks would that result in any kind of corresponding lift of land not covered by ocean?
  5. Citation?
  6. People used to say 'Merry Christmas' and have Christmas parties at work every year. Then it became politically incorrect to say 'Merry Christmas' and Christmas parties became 'holiday parties' due to the fact that some non-Christians might be offended. I think the people who get in a tizzy over 'happy holidays' object that such an important celebration in their religion is something that should be hidden or is somehow offensive to others. It is not the non-Christians saying 'happy holidays' that is so objectionable to Christians, it is the Christians who say 'happy holidays' due to political correctness, instead of openly acknowledging the holiday that celebrates the birth of Christ.
  7. I don't know why it would be unfair for people to give money to any grouping they wish. It probably even falls under freedom of speech. Here are some good ones: "The only scholarship for left-handed students is the Frederick and Mary F. Beckley Scholarship of up to $1,000. This scholarship is awarded to left-handed students who will be attending Juniata College. Tall Clubs International (TCI) offers a $1,000 scholarship for tall people. The Zolp Scholarship is restricted to students at Loyola University in Chicago who are Catholic and whose last name is Zolp. The Patrick Kerr Skateboard Scholarship awards one $5,000 and three $1,000 scholarships to skateboarders who are high school seniors with a GPA of 2.5 or higher on a 4.0 scale. The Western Golf Association sponsors the Charles "Chick" Evans Jr. Scholarship for golf caddies. The Icy Frost Bridge Scholarship at DePauw University is restricted to female music students who can sing or play the national anthem with sincerity. The Coven of the Sacred Waters offers two scholarships for Pagan and Wicca students." http://www.finaid.org/scholarships/unusual.phtml
  8. As far as I could tell, this is a motivational video extolling the impact of positive thought and how it adds its spider web of positivity to the dense vibrating matrix that is reality. Includes a mixture of pictures of Einstein and the movie The Matrix. I didn't see anything about quantum physicists but it was making me dizzy. I need an aspirin...
  9. In what scientific way does extreme belief in a mind-based event affect the likelihood of it occurring in reality?
  10. Could you have: 100 meconds (martian seconds) per minute (martian minute) 100 minutes per mour (martian hour) 10 mours per sol I would think that would keep your clock in synch with the rotation of Mars.
  11. zapatos


    Is this true from everyone's (A, B, and you) perspective?
  12. If you know the length of a day and a year on Mars and want to base your time keeping on that, why don't you just use the actual values rather than intentionally use incorrect values and constantly have to correct your built in error?
  13. Well within the parameters set forth in the OP.
  14. And those of us in the cheap seats enjoyed it too!!
  15. I would certainly think so, although I don't believe that will stop them from doing it. It's too easy to make a good argument to support your position. In the case of the nurses trying to take over some work of the doctor: Doctor -- "If you let the nurses do this the patient will have a less qualified person caring for them, thefore I should keep the job." Nurse -- "If you let the nurse do this the doctors can concentrate on the truly difficult work, therefore I should do the job." I guess we need those pesky administrators to decide which is better, given all the factors involved.
  16. Your lights and computer add heat to your room and I think you therefore have a hot spot in the house. If that heat has not been evenly distributed around the house as Mr Skeptic pointed out, and affected the thermostat, the furnace could run to keep the location of the thermostat at the right temperature, and make your room even hotter. I assume in an evenly insulated house it would not make a difference, but how is the heat loss in your room compared to the rest of the house? Do you have the same window space (relatively low R factor) per square footage of floor space as the rest of the house? If you have more windows I suppose you could be wasting heat.
  17. I don't think we need less qualified doctors, but instead a better distribution of the workload. If someone less qualified than a physician can take over less difficult tasks currently performed by doctors, then doctors can spend more time on difficult tasks. My wife works at a hospital and several years ago the nurses were pushing hard to take on more challenging work for themselves, work then only done by doctors, which they felt they could readily handle. The Doctors felt the risk to the patient would be too great. Interestingly, several years later healthcare workers a step below nurses were pusing hard to take on more challenging work for themselves which they felt they could readily handle. The Nurses felt the risk to the patient would be too great. As in any field, people tend to defend their turf.
  18. It is trying, but due to the relative closeness of the stars in a galaxy, they are being held together by the even greater force of gravity.
  19. Can of hair spray and a Bic lighter.
  20. List of Possible Babysitters for Saturday Night: Cindy Grandma Mrs. Robinson Marat Johnny Mary
  21. Which is it? I cannot think of a single thing a poet has ever done to improve my life, but the procedures developed by 'glorified refrigerator repairmen' have drastically improved the lives of millions, including those in my family. I cannot figure you out.
  22. Please clarify for me the following. Is it your position that there is no proof that adults having sex with prepubescent boys is harmful? You don't take any of the following as proof? "The effects of child sexual abuse include depression,[5] post-traumatic stress disorder,[6] anxiety,[7] propensity to further victimization in adulthood,[8] and physical injury to the child, among other problems.[9] Sexual abuse by a family member is a form of incest, and can result in more serious and long-term psychological trauma, especially in the case of parental incest. Child sexual abuse can result in both short-term and long-term harm, including psychopathology in later life.[9][21] Psychological, emotional, physical, and social effects include depression,[5][22][23] post-traumatic stress disorder,[6][24] anxiety,[7] eating disorders, poor self-esteem, dissociative and anxiety disorders; general psychological distress and disorders such as somatization, neurosis, chronic pain,[23] sexualized behavior,[25] school/learning problems; and behavior problems including substance abuse,[26][27] self-destructive behaviour, animal cruelty,[28][29][30] crime in adulthood and suicide Depending on the age and size of the child, and the degree of force used, child sexual abuse may cause internal lacerations and bleeding. In severe cases, damage to internal organs may occur, which, in some cases, may cause death.[62] Herman-Giddens et al. found six certain and six probable cases of death due to child sexual abuse in North Carolina between 1985 and 1994. The victims ranged in age from 2 months to 10 years. Causes of death included trauma to the genitalia or rectum and sexual mutilation Child sexual abuse may cause infections and sexually transmitted diseases.[64] Depending on the age of the child, due to a lack of sufficient vaginal fluid, chances of infections are higher. Vaginitis has also been reported Research has shown that traumatic stress, including stress caused by sexual abuse, causes notable changes in brain functioning and development.[65][66] Various studies have suggested that severe child sexual abuse may have a deleterious effect on brain development." http://en.wikipedia....ld_sexual_abuse
  23. But a proton could be divided into thirds, correct? (two up quarks and one down quark?) Or are you saying that once a proton is broken down into quarks that the individual quarks don't contain any properties of a proton, and therefore it isn't meaningful to discuss them in terms of being a third of a proton? (Please pardon my ignorance of the subject.)
  24. If you do not know what (if any) substructure to quarks exists, what indicates that a quark cannot be divided in half?
  25. Given the time, expense, and effort required to become a physician, along with the amount of time required once practicing, I don't know if I would categorized $200,000 per year as 'inflated'. And if we cut the annual salary in half, I wonder what would happen to the quality of physicians over time, as very talented individuals choose other, more lucrative, fields.
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