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Everything posted by zapatos

  1. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/unity-ticket-2024-presidential-race-democrats-objecting-3rd/story?id=99773854
  2. Who? Please be specific. Sounds like a big, fat straw man to me. So Jews have evidence but blacks don't? I can't fucking stand this shit.
  3. Sorry, but I'm having a hard time getting past this statement. It is hard for me to believe that you cannot see that the lack of education and wealth building done by previous generations has an impact on the current generation. Most wealthy people aren't wealthy because they pulled themselves up by their bootstraps. They are wealthy because their families have accumulated wealth and power over generations. Without previous generations, would King Charles be wealthy? Would Trump be wealthy? Would Kennedy have been President of the United States?
  4. Is it fair to assume you are against Jews recovering family possessions and funds that were taken due to the Nazis? The victims of Naziism are after all dead... kaput. Is it also true that their experience cannot be felt by people alive today?
  5. I believe John the Baptist was preparing people for the coming Messiah. Current day Baptism is an immersion into the new life offered by Jesus. While the versions practiced by Jews, John the Baptist, and Christians are similar, they are three different rituals.
  6. Well said. I know not everyone thinks like me, but I'm still surprised and dumbfounded when I see pushback against what seems to be such a reasonable proposition.
  7. "It's not having what you want It's wanting what you've got" - Sheryl Crow
  8. That is what Phi is asking YOU to decide. "Damage" is in the eye of the beholder. If you were planning to use your plastic container again then you might consider it damaged. If you were planning on tossing it in the trash then it may be performing as designed.
  9. Generally speaking, plastics come from crude oil, and crude oil came from plants, algae and bacteria.
  10. A month later and you are still being offensive. Your god must be quite the douche bag.
  11. I don't know why you've taken this attitude with me. I don't care to continue.
  12. I'm not declining to accept your list of data. I am asking if the list covers redlining done before the Fair Housing Act of 1968. Prior to 1968 redlining was legal, and the government is responsible, not the companies that legally redlined during that time. Companies should (and are) being sued for redlining after 1968. The government should (and is not) taking responsibility for compensating the people they harmed through redlining prior to 1968. I'm tired of the attitude around here. It's getting old.
  13. Because the US gov said they will not insure your loans if you make them to anyone in the redlined area. Therefore the lends did not make loans to people in the redlined areas. It is a direct connection. You did not provide a link to your list so I cannot check, so this is only a guess, but I suspect that you are referring to cases of redlining after the Fair Housing Act of 1968. At that point the government went from saying "redlining is legal" to saying "redlining is illegal", so anyone redlining after 1968 was no longer doing so under the protection of the US government. Take responsibility for redlining practices prior to the Fair Housing Act of 1968 and make whole the people they financially harmed. Please stop. This is unnecessary.
  14. Seventh paragraph...
  15. I'm not going to interact with you as long as the personal attacks continue. It's not pleasant.
  16. I hate to repeat myself, but will you please leave me the fuck alone?
  17. I think that one has been adjudicated. The government gets to do what must be done.
  18. I'm posting this just because of its timing in relation to this discussion. For the third time in seven years Ohio lawmakers are making an attempt to eliminate the clause in their constitution that allows for slavery in some cases. This is the first time the Republicans are on board. Here is the clause in question: https://www.cnn.com/2023/06/08/us/ohio-constitution-slavery-punishment-reaj/index.html
  19. Why must you always make these discussions personal?
  20. I will be shocked if they don't. For one thing this is probably going to be their best chance. The West is supporting them now and will until they take Crimea, assuming they go that route. If they wait and try to negotiate for it, Russia will never give it to them and I don't believe the West will support Ukraine to initiate hostilities for a future military takeover after hostilities have ceased. In other words, it is now or never. Secondly, Ukraine will never be safe with Russia at their doorstep, controlling the Black Sea and thus any shipping routes Ukraine needs for trade. The West also benefits from kicking Russia out of Crimea for the same reasons. As a side note, I believe the Kerch Strait Bridge will remain standing for now as Ukraine wants Russia to have a route to retreat once Ukraine has cut the land bridge. Without the land bridge Russia will not be able to sufficiently supply the peninsula for a war.
  21. That's right. It's all our fault. You were right all along and I just wanted to convert everyone to my ideology, while you and others were simply trying to discuss the topic. I'm so ashamed.
  22. Yeah, victims really piss me off. On another note... https://www.wrdw.com/2022/10/19/record-high-early-voting-numbers-among-black-voters-georgia/ What racial group is targeted for discrimination to compensate another? I've never heard of that happening or even being proposed. But no compensation?
  23. Tell that to the black woman in Georgia today who is forced to stand in a long line to vote, and whose children can spend a year in jail if they bring her a glass of water to quench her thirst. Today's laws evolved from yesterday's laws. You cannot fix a problem if you have no idea how deep the rot goes.
  24. You didn't even realize that blacks were not granted immunity from discrimination in 1830 by owning slaves. You may have a different view than I have but your understanding (based on this and comments related to redlining and sovereign immunity) seems superficial. I'm not sure you are in a position to make informed recommendations.
  25. If I could have it done with a Genie then that might be a good solution. From a practical standpoint I'm unsure that is a reasonable or timely solution. I am not in a position to describe exactly what a solution would look like, but I do feel I understand enough of the problem to know that the problem should be acknowledged and addressed in a just manner. That also feels to me to be the correct next step; simply deciding to admit culpability and establish steps to make amends. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Codes_(United_States)#:~:text=The legislature also created a,homestead%2C or attend public schools. This is one sample. A full acounting covers entire books and courses of study. Slavery was but one piece of our system wide racist actions. I think you do not have a good understanding of the extent to which racial discrimination has permeated the United States. It is or has been everywhere. Laws, attitudes, financial, educational, whether or not you can be in a town when the sun goes down, whether or not your home or entire neighborhood can be demolished (WITH the consent of the government), how dangerous chemical plants are located next to your home, pay scales, job opportunities, access to health care, level of health care even when you get it, etc. etc. etc. To this very day, in black families there comes a time when the parents must give "The Talk" to their children. And it has nothing to do with sex. It has to do with staying alive when dealing with the police during your normal day of going to work, school, or the park. It makes me sick to my stomach. We have been building a racist society for over 400 years. It is baked in everywhere. I don't think you can find one single black person in this country who has not been impacted either directly or indirectly by either the Federal or State governments.
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