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Everything posted by zapatos

  1. Family. Sunday Night Football. Pickled onions. Hiking in the woods. Van Morrison. Marx Brothers movies. Novels. Watching a stiff breeze in the Fall cause a couple thousand leaves to start tumbling toward the ground. Vanilla ice cream with fresh picked strawberries. Watching my granddaughter figure something new out for the first time. I could do this all day. In fact, the more things I list, the happier I am to be alive. Thanks for reminding me to always look on the bright side of life. 😁
  2. I think one of the major downsides for Russia in this war is the risk at which they put Crimea. Clearly taking Crimea in 2014 was a major win for Russia, and it was unlikely that Ukraine was ever going to control it again. What was Ukraine going to do? Start a war with the world's second greatest military and a nuclear power to boot? But now Russia has started the war and Ukraine is in it through no fault of their own. From Ukraine's perspective as they fight to gain back territory lost since February, there is really no additional risk to continue the fight to take back territory lost since 2014. And if they can win back recently lost territory, there is no reason they cannot win back less recently lost territory. There are not many more ways in which this war can be shown to be a disaster for Russia. Russia has gone from being the second best military in the world, to being the second best military in Ukraine.
  3. Which means absolute rot. As long as you been here on this SCIENCE site you'd think that by now you'd catch on that you cannot make claims without evidence. You've been doing this type of crap for ages. Please knock it off. All of your bullshit links have to do with territory, not racism.
  4. Seems like you are begging the question. Citation please.
  5. It's called a "typo".
  6. My god you are dense. It was about the selection of king and queen. To the best of my knowledge Boris Johnson was not PM due to birthright. Gee, nothing gets past you, does it? Yeah, we'll see. Absolutely. Probably 100 other considerations also. It seems the monarchy already went through at least two major revisions with the adoption of the Magna Carta and the changeover to a Constitutional Monarchy.
  7. Helped me, Thanks!
  8. FFS I am not "having at" anyone! I insulted no one! Would you please move on?!?!
  9. Hmm, let's think about that. We have some old coal-fired electrical generation plants that have been working for many decades. They are old but reliable, providing a needed product on-schedule, and as budgeted. I have my grandfather's old table saw. Works great. Of course there is not a single safety feature on it. I can't say I'm terribly enamored with the outhouse we have at our cabin. And it has been working flawlessly for nearly 100 years. Keeping something around as-is just because it's always been there is not something most people think of as a good idea.
  10. Sorry for the misunderstanding. None of this was about insulting anyone, which is a complete mischaracterization of what I said. I spoke of the system used to choose a ruler. I DID insult that system. If you don't mind, can we bring this back to the Queen, and not about your desire to have everyone else follow your particular set of Rules of Etiquette? You are making this about YOU.
  11. The thing I most often hear from people is that they think she was a woman with tremendous character who always tried to do the right thing.
  12. Sorry I hurt your feelings. I didn't know you were such an emotional person. Glad I didn't actually say anything about the person who died. Your head would have exploded if you had read the comment by professor Uju Anya of Carnegie Mellon University. I just couldn't get myself to write the type flowery bullshit you spit out with this gem: The only thing missing was a tears emoji.
  13. To me a democracy is a system of government that attempts to ensure that the people get to keep trying to ultimately get something that is at least in the ballpark of what they choose. That doesn't mean it is necessarily a 'good' system, or that the people will get what they want or need or deserve. It also doesn't matter how the system is implemented. It does mean that they are allowed to keep trying no matter how poorly things have turned out in the past.
  14. That's an interesting role. I'm not sure how it could play out but if it can then it is certainly worth having. That makes sense, and is certainly the way it appears to me. While these days you don't see many peoples choosing to give an automatic "leadership" role based on nothing more than the order in which a child was spawned by a specific individual, the monarchy has hundreds of years of inertia and I'm sure some fond memories for many.
  15. What exactly was her job? What would change in how the government of England works if that role was removed? I'm American so this could just be my ignorance speaking, but it looks like her job was no more than being kind of a grandma to everyone. I don't have much of an opinion of her one way or the other as I've never really seen her do much. I know she was much loved and thus feel for those who suffer her loss.
  16. Try this, it might be more your speed. http://www.biology4kids.com
  17. Unless CharonY is on your payroll, I think you are totally out of line. Methinks you have lived a privileged life. Perhaps your short time here will provide you will some valuable real-life experience.
  18. You are free to make up any analogy you wish to help you understand gravity. Keep in mind though that an analogy is not the thing it is being compared to and will by definition be lacking. For that matter, General Relativity also is not a description of what gravity "really is", but is simply a model describing how gravity works. Your description of the BB as a diffusion of particles however is inaccurate in the early moments of the BB. 'Time' being described as a 'reverse emulsifier' seems problematic. Time might be better thought of as a measurement, just as length is a measurement.
  19. They were not found scattered about. The picture was not taken for public viewing but as a standard method of documenting what was found by spreading them out so a clear picture could be taken. Doesn't help to take a picture of a box when you cannot see what is in it. It was only released because it dispels Donald's narrative. Donald is just too dumb to know what the picture was. Next he'll be telling us that the FBI is using human clones because he saw a pic of an FBI agent in Mar-a-Lago and then LATER SAW A PIC OF THE SAME MAN IN WASHINGTON D.C.!!! TRUTH!!! COVFEFE!
  20. I think you misuse "IQ" just like you misuse "AI". AI is not the answer to every problem, and a person with a higher IQ is not automatically more qualified than a person with a lower IQ.
  21. In my youth I attended concerts regularly. Hearing certain songs gives me warm memories of those times. While I was fortunate enough to see many great performers, high up on the list was a concert by the Allman Brothers with Elvin Bishop as the opening act. They played together at the end of the Allman Brothers' set. Still remember that show...
  22. As far as 'all instrumental' goes, this has always been a favorite of mine.
  23. I also don't listen to a lot of jazz, however, there is not a musical genre that doesn't include some of my favorite music. (Which makes it very disconcerting for anyone who is listening to my music collection!) That was an excellent version of Take Five! +1
  24. Wow! That was outstanding!! I'm just sitting here grinning like a fool. 😎
  25. I don't see how my logic leads to everyone moving to Antarctica and Greenland. Using that line of reasoning, we could say that your proposal means that we are going to distribute water equally throughout all the world's deserts, which I'm sure is not what you were suggesting. My proposal was simply a counter to your proposal that engineering is the way we should be addressing areas of the world where there is not enough water to sustain human activity. It is a lot easier to create zoning codes to disallow fountains, farms, and golf courses in the desert than it is to engineer shipping a finite water supply across the desert just because it is asked for.
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