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Everything posted by zapatos

  1. You whine more than a little kid in the back seat of a car on a long trip.
  2. I don't like almonds. But I do like some monds.
  3. I hate that I have to pick up the pot roast I dropped on the floor in less than three seconds so that it can still be served to my guests without fear of passing on any dirt or germs. Makes me wonder just how useful these "rules" are. Ten seconds would be a lot easier.
  4. To me the obvious engineering solution involves the movement of people from areas of too little water to areas where there is plenty of water. We don't build massive engineering projects to move air underwater or move heat to the Arctic. Instead we limit the number of people who live under water or in the Arctic. Now that people in the Western US have overused their water resources, it is probably time to move their golf courses and pecan trees to an area that has plenty of water.
  5. Definitely displays incel behaviors. I feel like I'm watching a bad sitcom.
  6. I believe that is 70-80,000 casualties. Maybe 20,000 or so dead.
  7. I don't know if this is correct, but I've read that all mathematics are fundamentally different versions of counting.
  8. Well that was pretty misleading. The discrepancy in funding you cite wrt breast cancer has nothing at all to do with our system of government. From the link you conveniently failed to provide us: https://www.cancerhealth.com/article/cancers-better-funded-others
  9. Can you please provide a link to the source of your quote?
  10. Exactly. That is why everyone is a great painter after taking an art class and watching a bunch of Youtube videos.
  11. https://www.nfid.org/infectious-diseases/monkeypox/ https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/monkeypox
  12. They aren't. Can you please go into some detail of the physics involved that indicate to you this would not happen naturally?
  13. Yes, thank you. 😃
  14. Hmm. Can you expound on that a bit?
  15. I have really enjoyed the learning experience (for me) in this thread and thank everyone for their patient and well thought out replies to the OP. This kind of thread is exactly why I came to this site; you've presented very difficult subjects in a manageable manner for a lay person like me. Gracias!! 😁
  16. Yep. You can also pre-cut the line with a razor knife, or make two passes with the saw, first one at a depth of about 1/16". Took me a while to figure this one out, but if you have a 'good' side to the wood you are cutting you should have 'good' side up on a table saw, and 'good' side down when using a circular saw. That way the teeth enter the good side on their way to the inside of the piece. Similar to the way a nail will punch a neat hole on its way in but may cause splintering as it exits.
  17. Also depends on what you mean by "down to size". If the door is already up and simply sticking or not quite fitting right, you can fix the problem with a plane. If the door has a wood veneer on it you also run the risk of splintering the edges when you cut it. If that is the case there are some suggestion I can make on avoiding that issue.
  18. Yes, that is why they were first to develop the atomic bomb.
  19. You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
  20. Quite a few people post here for whom English is not their first language and thus don't always do well with spelling and grammar. As long as we can figure out what people mean that is what counts. Welcome!
  21. You didn't answer my question.
  22. You seem to be living in a fantasy world of your own making.
  23. What is it that you are trying to accomplish here? You don't really discuss anything as your posts are mostly cheerleading for Russia. Do you wish to discuss anything? Are you trying to influence us? Please tell me what your role is.
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