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Everything posted by zapatos

  1. We might be able to do that if we could agree on whose morals to uphold. The ones who want the baby/fetus to live at the expense of the mother or the ones who want the mother to live at the expense of the baby/fetus.
  2. There will be no western money and there will be no Russia. It is a complete restart.
  3. Do you think that is likely? An all out conventional attack on Russia seems incredibly dangerous, especially if they've already shown they are willing to use nuclear weapons. I am at a loss for what the West would do, but the Russians using nuclear weapons in Ukraine would be the first time in my life that I'd actually believe in the possibility that I might die in a nuclear attack.
  4. Did they use a large, bolded font when they did so?
  5. I'm doubtful that any nuclear power would call in a nuclear strike on Russia if Putin calls in a tactical nuclear strike on Ukraine. THAT would be suicidal.
  6. Clearly you are confusing the concepts of time and space. When you return to the starting point you have gone back in SPACE. Moving from room to room is not necessary for you to move forward in time. Sitting in a comfy chair immobile is also an example of moving forward in time. When your boss asks you to show up at 8:00am for work, do you manage to do so? If you wish to watch America's Got Talent on the television at 9:00pm, can you do so? I don't mean to make light of your beliefs, but how can you doubt time while simultaneously using it every day? I believe you are over thinking the concept of time. It is a measurement, just as length, width and height are measurements.
  7. Manchin is from a coal producing state and takes in more money from the fossil fuel industry than any other member of the Senate. It is no real surprise that he just torpedoed the Democrats' climate strategy to increase solar, get more electric cars on the road, etc.
  8. Thank you! 😁
  9. The direction I am going is trying to understand the meaning of a term you introduced. Pretty sure it wasn't. Thank you. That wasn't so hard, now was it? 😁
  10. Say please...
  11. What is a "combined being"?
  12. George Orwell's 'doublespeak' alive and well. https://news.yahoo.com/abortion-not-abortion-10-old-180432501.html
  13. When your little "what if" fantasy comes true I'll get back to you with an answer.
  14. Okay, thanks. Very helpful info.
  15. Ah yes, I get it. That last pic really helped. When I looked at your original pic it took me a bit to get past the illusion so I could concentrate on what was really there. Thanks! Also, do you ever use biscuits or some other joinery besides glue when putting together cutting boards? I'm just wondering if it is worth the extra effort of if glue alone has seemed sufficient to you. Edit: One other thing. Do you a surface planer to use prior to sanding or do you have to do sanding alone?
  16. That is the coolest cutting board I've ever seen! You've got some real talent. 😁 I'd really like to try something like that. Did you work off a plan you found somewhere? If so would you be willing to share where you got it? I'm trying to picture the process of gluing up what looks like roughly five individual pieces per square. Did you glue up entire rows at a time?
  17. I'm not sure how a cartridge will be traceable to you unless you left a fingerprint on it. And if you are planning to escape you can just take it with you and throw it in the ocean.
  18. Can you please tell me what a few of them are? I truly am curious.
  19. No reason he couldn't be both.
  20. Citation? (Did I use that word correctly?) On another note, why does a lack of education make you wince? Does it apply to children? Those for whom education is not an option? People wincing at the lack of education of other people is what makes me wince.
  21. Some do. https://www.businessinsider.com/spelling-american-vs-british-noah-webster-2018-3
  22. Are you going to answer my questions? You've had three years to work on it.
  23. https://www.amazon.com/Cooling-Fishing-Cycling-Gardening-Motorcycle/dp/B07VCSQ1WM/ref=asc_df_B07VCSQ1WM/?tag=&linkCode=df0&hvadid=366383361518&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=8751821207326756512&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9022843&hvtargid=pla-810697685940&ref=&adgrpid=81879716568&th=1
  24. zapatos

    Political Humor

    Some of the justices seem to be looking to God for guidance rather than the Constitution.
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