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Everything posted by zapatos

  1. This is not about girls playing on boys teams, it is about trans kids playing. Because I feel the opposite.
  2. In grammar school, trans girls should compete with cis girls, and trans boys should compete with cis boys. While I suppose there will be exceptions, this should be the general rule. In secondary school this general rule will continue except at the varsity level. Varsity level is where winning or losing could potentially have a significant impact on a person's life, such as being drafted in some sports, winning scholarships, etc. At the varsity level there should be additional rules such as handicapping, rules regarding level of transition attained, particular sports it applies to, etc. I am purposely not adding detail here because it is not my area of expertise and therefore would not be meaningful. The two general guidelines I am following are: 1. Transgendered students must have reasonable opportunities just as cisgendered students do. 2. Not everyone gets to do everything. Just like Title IX doesn't guarantee women will have the exact same sporting opportunities the men have, it does ensure a reasonable amount/type of opportunities. I am no expert and this is likely not my final thoughts on the matter. It does however seem like a reasonable possibility and a reasonable place to start.
  3. I noticed changes with the last upgrade. Seems to depend on whether or not I've already read the last post, and also depends on whether I access the topic from the recent "Topics" on the top right, or if I access the topic from the "Forum" section that makes up most of the home page. Where I end up when clicking on a topic also seems to depend on whether or not I've posted in the thread.
  4. I wonder which tariff plan the heavy people will choose... You sure you want to go down this path?
  5. If you require people to get on scales to buy tickets I can assure you the airlines will have to deal with reduced ticket sales. Even some doctor offices are doing away with "weigh in". https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2022/02/20/weight-cards/
  6. California is following Texas' model on abortion control to control guns. https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2021-12-16/skelton-newsom-california-texas-abortion-law-guns
  7. I don't either. But for the uninformed, when they see someone use the word "illegal" or "banned", they are now not only going to be uninformed, but also misinformed. Better to not let the sloppy (or misinformed) use of words pass.
  8. Honest response. Thanks.
  9. Well, it is more regulated than a handgun. Certainly not illegal.
  10. Sounds like you are throwing in the towel. Are you just giving up or do you have any suggestions?
  11. My son wrestled competitively in high school. He would occasionally match up against a young woman, and while I never saw a girl win a tournament they certainly had their share of wins. Just like most of the guys. But it wasn't just girls wrestling. Anyone who wanted to could wrestle. Some of the toughest opponents were the wrestlers who were amputees (legs). Since you wrestle based on weight class, the wrestler with no legs had the upper body strength to wrestle several weight classes higher. Once he got a hold of you it was a very tough battle.
  12. https://news.yahoo.com/guns-killed-more-youngsters-cars-214020838.html https://news.yahoo.com/texas-gov-greg-abbott-tweeted-075023711.html
  13. No one. J.C. asked if I was sure this was not a threat to women who complete at the elite level, and I answered that I was not. Try to pay attention. "Talent and ability" are neither unfair at the elite level, nor do American women have a clear advantage due to talent and ability. I have no idea what you are talking about. Um, are you following any of the conversations at all?
  14. I'm not sure, but I also don't believe competition is 'fair' at the elite level anyway. For example, the US has a lot more money to train its women athletes in many other countries which gives them a clear advantage. The Dutch are the tallest women in the world. Some countries have better medical than others. I don't find the fact that a few trans women who compete at the elite level, competing under regulations specific to them, are a major threat to women's sports at the elite level. If I'm wrong, then this will be an experiment that fails eventually. But at least we will have tried, which I think is important.
  15. And the dance continues. Where is the quote showing my "extreme PC" that I'm "forcing" down your throat? Either put up or shut up.
  16. And the dance begins. Where is the quote showing my "extreme PC"?
  17. I'm sure I'll be accused of "oneupmanship" and playing games, but can you provide a single quote from me that displays "extreme PC"? I anxiously await your tap dancing and misdirection as you do your best to not be held accountable for yet another baseless claim.
  18. Then yes. The slightly built females and slightly built males will both get tossed about. I played the wing. I was fast but the larger players pounded me. It took me 4-5 days to recover from a game.
  19. They don't exist. You are making up stories because it fits your world view and allows you to pontificate from on high. Are you suggesting a slightly built female is likely to make the National Rugby Team?
  20. It's called holding you accountable for what you say, not "oneupmanship". Don't play the victim just because you are asked to support your claims on a discussion forum.
  21. You made claim that seems dubious to me. I'm just curious if you actually know anyone who did that or not. People who refuse to support their claims are generally dismissed as trolls. Why is it that YOU won't tell us even one person who has done this?
  22. Do you know anyone who is doing that? Can you give me a name?
  23. bud, cut tub, dub, put, nut, pet, net, cede, ten, but, deeds
  24. Who exactly are you talking about?
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